Posts Tagged: 'shang-chi'

Apr. 23rd, 2019




Friday, May 3rd
Charity Banquet at the Wakandan Consulate
Tickets Begin at $350
All proceeds to be donated to communities impacted by the disappearances

The losses to Wakanda during this difficult time were great. But we believe that now more than ever it is important for the world to come together as one community with one shared goal. We must all help each other, above all else.

[Thor Odinson, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Shuri, Nick Fury, Shang-Chi, Hope Pym]
Captain Rogers has requested a meeting.

As I have already mentioned, the rate at which people are passing through from the quantum realm is inadequate. Dr. Pym has informed me that she and Dr. Strange are already discussing possibilities on that front -- But this week a new complication has arisen. Someone, and now several people, who once travelled through from the Quantum Realm have since disappeared.

While Shuri and Dr. Pym are working with Stark and Banner to adapt the Quantum Machine, other solutions must be discussed amongst all of us.

Apr. 4th, 2019


Shang Chi and Stephen Strange
Noon, the Sanctum Sanctorum, 177A Bleecker Street, NYC


[text to number provided by Black Widow via burner phone]

- It has been called unwise to judge a book by its cover.
- Yet one can judge something of the owner by its cover.
- My Russian is not as good as it could be. Mr. Nabokov will help me to improve this.
- And the spider is an auspicious symbol. I will take this as a good omen.
- Thank you. I must return the gesture.

Apr. 3rd, 2019



[Left in Quik Park at 11:00pm, April 3rd.
For the person who is meant to find it.

Read more... )

Apr. 2nd, 2019


open to spies

[--dark web post. uses a pair of encryption protocols: one SHIELD, one Chinese MSS. both known in the intelligence community as outdated, no longer in use. a fairly common practice for back channel communiques--]

A great river flooded many villages.
Those who remain are confused and angry.
Who destroyed the dam? What happened to the guards?
A Pilgrim follows the river West.
He has three quests: to find answers; to seek justice; to prevent any future floods.
The Pilgrim seeks no quarrel, but will not be deterred. Where might he find others to help him on his quest?

Mar. 30th, 2019



What a quaint realm.

Mar. 28th, 2019


Shang Chi and Tony Stark
Dawn, the Stark Estate, Long Island

Mar. 26th, 2019





Mar. 25th, 2019


Tony Stark

—encrypted message incoming
//code: unidentified...
//point of origin: masked...
—encryption broken
//code: high end variant; chinese intelligence...
//point of origin: 43.4km off coast of beijing...

Toh-dai, you are alive. I am gladdened. Ater all, you have not completed your training.

Following your battle with the ring ship, you disappeared. In meditation I sensed the absence of your spirit. Absence, but not ascendance- so I held out hope. My attention was required elsewhere in the following days. And now there is intelligence you received treatment at a New York hospital.

My employers wish me to elictit answers from you. I appreciate their wishes, this terrible reaping has unbalanced the world. What was true yesterday is no longer today, what is true today will not be tomorrow. This frightens them. But I assure you, my motives are pure.

You are my toh-dai, I am your shifu. In this time of upheaval, if I can help in any way I will do so.

Be well.
- Shang Chi

Mar. 24th, 2019



With the return of loved ones and friends from the Quantum Realm, it is easy to be distracted by everything we have to be thankful for. But we must remember that 3,750,000,000 are still missing, and even if ten people come through the Quantum Realm a day, it would take almost three thousand years for everyone to come back. This, alone, cannot be our solution.

We must do more.

And we must do more to help those around us who are lost or in need, in our own communities and in others. People are stranded without resources or food outside the major cities. Money and the right to property have little meaning in the face of desperation. While we are blessed in our cities -- we must remember that our luck has not been distributed equally.

Feb. 28th, 2019



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