Posts Tagged: 'stephen+strange'

Apr. 23rd, 2019




Friday, May 3rd
Charity Banquet at the Wakandan Consulate
Tickets Begin at $350
All proceeds to be donated to communities impacted by the disappearances

The losses to Wakanda during this difficult time were great. But we believe that now more than ever it is important for the world to come together as one community with one shared goal. We must all help each other, above all else.

[Thor Odinson, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Shuri, Nick Fury, Shang-Chi, Hope Pym]
Captain Rogers has requested a meeting.

As I have already mentioned, the rate at which people are passing through from the quantum realm is inadequate. Dr. Pym has informed me that she and Dr. Strange are already discussing possibilities on that front -- But this week a new complication has arisen. Someone, and now several people, who once travelled through from the Quantum Realm have since disappeared.

While Shuri and Dr. Pym are working with Stark and Banner to adapt the Quantum Machine, other solutions must be discussed amongst all of us.

Apr. 4th, 2019


Shang Chi and Stephen Strange
Noon, the Sanctum Sanctorum, 177A Bleecker Street, NYC

Apr. 3rd, 2019



The Quantum Realm is beautiful. I really had no idea before I saw it.

Apr. 1st, 2019



I'd like to know more about Pym's machine and the mechanics of how it works.

Mar. 30th, 2019



[Thor Odinson, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, King T'Challa]

A Modest Proposal

The gracious King T'Challa is right: it may be thousands of years before everyone from earth who was lost makes it back through the Quantum Realm. That says nothing for the others. There is an entire universe lost, and I can only imagine that before long, people will be passing through the gates onto earth's soil that are not only dangerous but displaced and otherworldly. We cannot wait this out. Something must be done to help the lost and protect ourselves.

I know that you may doubt my sincerity or my loyalty, but I gain nothing from letting the universe and all of her people slip away. The people of Asgard, my people must be saved and if this cannot be, then they must be avenged.

Our best chance at undoing what Thanos did, I think, begins where this all started: with the Infinity Stones. We need to understand what happened to them - or where they are - if we hope to accomplish anything.

Mar. 26th, 2019



Stephen Strange
Doctor Stephen Strange.

You've obviously had a lot happen to you since you disappeared off our radar after your crash.

Mar. 12th, 2019



Just so we’re clear.

Instead of letting me become the Supreme Ruler of Earth, which would have spared you from the wrath of Thanos, as per my arrangement with him — you chose this: destruction not only at the hands of an unstoppable Titan, but also through strange legislation that cripples the best and brightest among you - forcing them into lives they never asked for. Because make no mistake - the Sokovia Accords are nothing but a thick veneer of nobility concealing indentured servitude.

The blood of the Asgardian genocide is on your hands.

Mar. 9th, 2019



Hello, Quantum Network.

Feb. 28th, 2019



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