May 1st, 2019



Nothing quite like New York City in the late spring.

Shame I have to spend so much of it inside.




This morning, the Missing Sixes Triad contacted the Daily Bugle via email and tried to strong arm the newspaper into publishing their demands. From what I can gather from the emails, it looks like it's a Boston-based organisation, and we're not sure yet whether they can make good on their threats or not.

Allegedly, the group has developed some kind of hyper-aggressive morbillivirus which they plan on releasing in Williamsburg unless they're granted temporary unrestricted access to one of MIT's labs. They're saying they want to help restore the Vanished, and feel like to do this they need to create their own access to the Quantum Realm. Since apparently, the Pyms have largely ignored their requests, they've decided to use these threats to get our attention.

We have to decide what we want our response to be.