Posts Tagged: 't%27challa'

Apr. 28th, 2019



[Filtered to Steve Rogers]
You keeping yourself out of trouble?

[Filtered to T'Challa]
I'm guessing it'll suit you fine if I'm not back for the big gala, right? Otherwise I'm going to have to get a jacket without any blood on it.

Apr. 23rd, 2019




Friday, May 3rd
Charity Banquet at the Wakandan Consulate
Tickets Begin at $350
All proceeds to be donated to communities impacted by the disappearances

The losses to Wakanda during this difficult time were great. But we believe that now more than ever it is important for the world to come together as one community with one shared goal. We must all help each other, above all else.

[Thor Odinson, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Shuri, Nick Fury, Shang-Chi, Hope Pym]
Captain Rogers has requested a meeting.

As I have already mentioned, the rate at which people are passing through from the quantum realm is inadequate. Dr. Pym has informed me that she and Dr. Strange are already discussing possibilities on that front -- But this week a new complication has arisen. Someone, and now several people, who once travelled through from the Quantum Realm have since disappeared.

While Shuri and Dr. Pym are working with Stark and Banner to adapt the Quantum Machine, other solutions must be discussed amongst all of us.

Mar. 24th, 2019



With the return of loved ones and friends from the Quantum Realm, it is easy to be distracted by everything we have to be thankful for. But we must remember that 3,750,000,000 are still missing, and even if ten people come through the Quantum Realm a day, it would take almost three thousand years for everyone to come back. This, alone, cannot be our solution.

We must do more.

And we must do more to help those around us who are lost or in need, in our own communities and in others. People are stranded without resources or food outside the major cities. Money and the right to property have little meaning in the face of desperation. While we are blessed in our cities -- we must remember that our luck has not been distributed equally.

Mar. 18th, 2019



What do most people do for fun here?

Is it just eating different preparations of bagels and avocados? Because it does seem like it's mostly just eating different preparations of bagels and avocados. But I suppose it's just a Monday.

If anyone wants the rest of this rainbow sprinkle donut bagel - you're wrong, and you don't. But it's an understandable mistake. I made it myself once when I was young and foolish. That was nearly twenty minutes ago now.

Mar. 8th, 2019



I just received word from Shuri that Wakanda is picking up a hail from what may be a Titan ship.

She has not returned the message.

I will be going to Wakanda in an hour to attempt to make contact with the ship, I thought perhaps a few of you may like to join me.

Feb. 28th, 2019



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