May 2019



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Apr. 23rd, 2019



Being invited into the Wakanda Embassy is a bit like being invited into a secret Masonic Temple, but more exciting.

I have received some information about a possible threat we need to take care of. You'd think the world being in a crisis would slow this kind of thing down, but nope.



Any individuals who have passed through the "Quantum Realm" and are still in New York are invited to attend the Wakandan Banquet as our guests. Stark Industries will purchase your ticket for you, simply let us know.

As for everyone else, if you are interested in attending the Banquet, please inquire with us. We'll be hosting a free lottery, and purchasing VIP tickets for fifty winners and their guests.




Friday, May 3rd
Charity Banquet at the Wakandan Consulate
Tickets Begin at $350
All proceeds to be donated to communities impacted by the disappearances

The losses to Wakanda during this difficult time were great. But we believe that now more than ever it is important for the world to come together as one community with one shared goal. We must all help each other, above all else.

[Thor Odinson, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Shuri, Nick Fury, Shang-Chi, Hope Pym]
Captain Rogers has requested a meeting.

As I have already mentioned, the rate at which people are passing through from the quantum realm is inadequate. Dr. Pym has informed me that she and Dr. Strange are already discussing possibilities on that front -- But this week a new complication has arisen. Someone, and now several people, who once travelled through from the Quantum Realm have since disappeared.

While Shuri and Dr. Pym are working with Stark and Banner to adapt the Quantum Machine, other solutions must be discussed amongst all of us.

Apr. 22nd, 2019



I have consumed the foodstuff named after your Terran hero. It was not bad.

Apr. 20th, 2019



[Clint Barton]
You've been quiet, lately.



I saw a rumor on Reddit today that I actually died in space, and I've been replaced with a near-identical body double. In case anyone was worried, I just wanted to let you all know that this is only about 30% true. I saw my doctor again, and he gave me the all clear. So I should be able to get back to doing what I do best come Monday. Real miraculous recovery.

[Filtered to Steve Rogers]
We need to talk.

[Filtered to Peter Parker]
Hey, kid. Are you busy?



[Tony Stark]
Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Stark.

Now that you have something to help you, perhaps we can discuss how you might help me?
[Thor Odinson]
I have a gift for you.
I know that much of your power is drawn from Asgard, and as a result of its destruction, you've been feeling slightly less like yourself.

I have something that might help.
[Stephen Strange]
You collect and protect rare artefacts, correct? Would you ever be willing to make a trade?



We have a problem.

Apr. 19th, 2019



Now that I know how to use Netflix, does anyone have any recommendations?

Peter Parker

Did you leave me the gift on my balcony? If so, thank you.



[Messages to Bernie Rosenthal*]
-- Shuri tells me you're looking for me. Gave me this number.
-- She says you're a lawyer or something?

* Sent via Signal app from unidentified +270 number

Apr. 16th, 2019




I'm terribly disorientated at the moment. And overwhelmed.

It it really the year 2019?



I know this is an... unlikely request, but does anyone know where I might be able to contact Bucky Barnes?




[Package carefully left on a chair on Peggy's balcony]

For you )

Apr. 15th, 2019



[Tony Stark]
Surely, you've had enough time to consider my offer

Apr. 14th, 2019



What are SHIELDs resources in terms of assisting with the global relief progress

Sitwell & Fury
He's not Houdini but he is adorable.

I'm thinking of getting him especially as I have no idea what happened to Houdini.

Apr. 13th, 2019



[Agent Carter Sr.]
How are you finding 2019? Is it weird? It's probably weird.

Apr. 11th, 2019



I get that a lot of people are worried about what happened, about why people are all gone and whether or not this machine that Stark Industries and Pepper Potts keep talking about will actually bring people back. All of that's important, and all of that's valid.

But people are still dying. The disappearances destabilised governments, farming communities, relief efforts. They took providers our of homes. Goods aren't being transported - we're in a crisis, you know? And it's something we can all do something about.

I know we're grieving, I know we're scared, but we can't just sit back, worry and watch the world keep burning. We have to help who we can.

Apr. 9th, 2019



Is it weird that I expected Netflix to not keep releasing new content in the aftermath of a global tragedy?

I'm not saying I won't watch the new season of the Santa Clarita Diet. And I realize they must have filmed it before roughly half of their cast disappeared. I'm just saying that I feel like it shouldn't exist.

Apr. 5th, 2019




--How are you?✨
--I hope you're feeling better 🧑🧑
--Even though I gave you a 🍩
--And I always feel worse after I eat a 🍩🍩
--It's psychosamatic
--I mean it's probably not
--That much fat and sugar doesn't make anyone feel G🍩🍩D
--But I think it's mostly guilt 😞😞😞
--like my aunt doesn't like it when I do it😞😞😞
--So it's guilt😞😞😞
--But also it's not healthy😀
--But hey
--Sometimes they're okay
--Like on occassion
--They're a good comfort food
--this is Peter btw πŸ˜…

Apr. 4th, 2019


Shang Chi and Stephen Strange
Noon, the Sanctum Sanctorum, 177A Bleecker Street, NYC