March 18th, 2019



EMAIL: Daisy Johnson



OOC: Imagine that Avengers-relevant villains are included on the list. I didn't feel like typing it all out again.



I think I finally managed to dig up something. It's heavily redacted, and it looks like most of the files about this project have been either heavily encrypted or destroyed, but it looks like Richard Parker was the lead scientist on a SHIELD Science and Technology program called PROJECT VENOM. I don't know much about what it was supposed to be, but there does seem to be some kind of suit or exoskeleton component.

And Bucky -- I'm offering you a chance to back out of this right now. No questions asked. No judgement. You'll understand why when you look at the documents.


ooc: let's pretend I was actually on ball with posting this

Hey Pep! I've been talking to a Daisy Johnson of SHIELD (aka Quake) and she wants access to the Avengers database for their mission reports to put together a threat assessment.



What do most people do for fun here?

Is it just eating different preparations of bagels and avocados? Because it does seem like it's mostly just eating different preparations of bagels and avocados. But I suppose it's just a Monday.

If anyone wants the rest of this rainbow sprinkle donut bagel - you're wrong, and you don't. But it's an understandable mistake. I made it myself once when I was young and foolish. That was nearly twenty minutes ago now.