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Nov. 13th, 2014


Quest 3 Group 1: Don Your Mask, Enter The Game

Who: Emil Asmundr, Einarr Gulbrand, Declan Gallagher, Kore Asena, Caius Dukas, Ingrid Kief, Rhone Marrok, Black Matthew, Eligia Milagros, Ariadne Notaras, Lucressia Peron, Janeya Rahim, Lillie Tharelle, Ser Urban, Eileen Wyland, Various NPCs
Where: Val Royeaux, Orlesian Empire
When: Starting 20 Parvulis, 9:45
Summary: The Wardens need answers, so they have sent people of their own to find them. Those in the Chantry outside of Orlais also have concerns, but seek more information before making the next move. To both these ends, a group has been sent to Val Royeaux from Amaranthine. The Wardens and Templars are tasked with their own missions while their companions are out to seek additional information. And hopefully not start a war in the process.

val royeaux, the shining capital of orlais )

Nov. 5th, 2014


Thread: A Different Kind of Rescue

Who: Declan Gallagher, Black Matthew, Seda Utheriel, TBA
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: 23 Matrinalis, 9:45
Summary: Declan is worried about Az and Lalin and their absence from the Keep. Seda knows where they are. Now he just needs a little more help to get them out of whatever trouble they've gotten into.

Do you have a moment? )

Oct. 23rd, 2014


You Lure More Flies With Honey

Who: Declan Gallagher, Caius Dukas
Where: The Keep
When: Shortly before leaving for missions
Rating: Probably T or M (for Caius mouth)
Summary: Declan tries to explain... diplomacy?

Do you even know how to be diplomatic? )

Jun. 24th, 2014


Thread: Drunken Antics

Who: Declan Gallagher, Einarr Gulbrand, Genikon Zealas
Where: Vigil's Keep
When: Past bedtime, 1 Parvulis 9:45
Rating: T
Summary: Two drunken Wardens bust into a sleeping Warden's room and antics ensue.

Sweet Dreams and Drunks )

May. 7th, 2014


The trick is to keep breathing

Who: Azabeth, Declan
When: Matrinalis
Where: Vigil's Keep
Summary: You can run, but you can't hide. Especially from yourself.
Rating: T+

She's not the kind of girl Who likes to tell the world About the way she feels about herself  )

Jan. 30th, 2014


Thread: A Night to Unwind

Who: Ser Urban, Declan Gallagher, Conlan Delaine, Open et. al.
When: 9:45, Matrinalis 26 ~ just after dusk
Where: The Crown and Lion
Rating: T
Summary: Everyone either almost died, or lost a lot of friends - alcohol is an acceptable response to deal with that sort of stress.

Someone said something about alcohol; that seems like a pretty solid plan. )

Nov. 4th, 2013


Thread: The Not-So Quiet Walk Home

Who: Declan Gallagher, Brennan Wulfe, Open to others
When: 16 Matrinalis
Where: On the road back to Vigil's Keep
Summary: After the fallout of their quest, what sort of things do the group members do to distract themselves?
Rating: T

Journeying On )

Jan. 10th, 2013


Thread: Assets and Liabilities

Who: Caius Dukas, Declan Gallagher (and tangentially Azabeth...well, at least her dairybombs)
Where: On the road with G1
When: 8th of Matrinalis, 9:45
Rating: M for Caius’ mouth, brain, get the idea.

Just two men, a fire, and some inflammatory comments... )

Nov. 12th, 2012


Thread: Companion's Camp

Who: Declan Gallagher, Open to Group 1
When: Evening, 10 Matrinalis
Where: A Camp on the side of the Road
Rating: E
Summary: The group makes camp one of the many nights on the way to the ruins. Do they take this chance to get to know one another, or is it a night lost in silence?

One camp is like another )

Aug. 30th, 2012


Quest 2 Group 1: Legendary or merely epic?

Who: Lalin Adain, Emil Asmundr, Conlan Delaine, Declan Gallagher, Sabine Archambault, Caius Dukas, Falon Laughley, Azabeth Kordura, Black Matthew, Eligia Milagros, Lucressia Peron, Lillie Tharelle, Elsa Zerbino Vargas, Brennan Wulfe, Lee Wyland
Where: The eastern edge of Lake Calenhad
When: 12 Matrinalis
Summary: A group of Grey Wardens and their companions are in search of a legendary artefact. But is there more than meets the eye to this intrepid quest, and will the fantasies they hunt turn real?
Rating: T

All in all a pleasant time of year to be out hunting fantasies. )

Aug. 15th, 2012


Thread: A certain kind of sadness

Who: Declan Gallagher and Emil Asmundr
Where: Vigil's Keep armoury
When: Morning, 5 Matrinalis
Rating: T
Summary: While it might seem as if Emil Asmundr is all alone in the armoury - a ripe target for anyone wanting advice or conversation - the armoury is actually full of memories...

Jul. 10th, 2012


Thread: Let It Burn

Who: Alistair Theirin, Bethany Hawke, OPEN
When: Funalis
Where: Vigil's Keep, Courtyard
Rating: T
Summary: The Wardens have seen many fall through the year, it is time to pay them proper respects. The somber festival of All Souls Day.

Alistair had never been a fan of somber )

Jul. 3rd, 2012


Thread: When in Ferelden (Open to all)

Who: Sabine Archambault
When: 5 Matrinalis, 9:45
Where: Stables and Keep courtyard
Rating: E
Summary: Resigned to her new circumstances, Sabine begins to familiarize herself with her new home.

A land of mud and dogs... )

Apr. 5th, 2012


Gone to See About a Girl

Who: Declan Gallagher, Conlan Delaine
Where: The Amaranthine Tavern
When: 22 Solis, early evening
Summary: Declan simultaneously picks the best and worst time to ask Conlan about his love life.
Rating: Rated PG for Pints Guzzled

Should Old Acquaintance be forgot... )

Apr. 1st, 2012


Thread: Old, Unhappy Memories

Who: Declan Gallagher, Lalin Adain
Where: Vigil's Keep, Courtyard
When: 21 Solis, Afternoon
Summary: If you have questions about someone, who better to offer insight than their best friend?
Rating: E? Should be fine

Looking for an ally )

Mar. 15th, 2012


Thread: Lifting a Burden

Who: Kallian Endris, Declan Gallagher
When: Night of 15 Solis
Where: In camp
Rating: E for Everyone, and probably also A for Awkward
Summary: After not being turned over to the templars, Kallian feels the need to own up to both her guilt and gratitude.

She's a girl with the best intentions... )

Mar. 1st, 2012


When I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself

Who: Azabeth Kordura, Declan Gallagher
When: Evening, 17 Solis
Where: A tavern in Amaranthine
Rating: T? Az's filthy mouth and Andraste's lacey panties give you fair warning.
Summary: Az needs a drink, badly.... but winds up getting a little more than she bargained for.

There wasn't enough hard drink in Amaranthine. )

Feb. 26th, 2012


Thread: Just Another Night Watch

Who: Declan Gallagher, Jill Sorrel
Where: At Camp
When: 10 Solis, Night Time
Rating: E
Summary: On watch together one night, Declan and Jill get to talking, and knowing Jill, probably about strange things.

Most nights on watch were uneventful )

Jan. 21st, 2012


Who: Declan Gallagher and Noah Durand.
Where: A tavern, Amaranthine, night-time.
Rating: E? Possibly higher.
Summary: Two men sittin' in a bar, talkin'.

Jan. 6th, 2012


Thread: Fancy the Ferelden Countryside?

Who: Declan Gallagher, Ariadne Notaras
When: 9 Solis, Last Afternoon
Where: On the Road in the Bannorn
Rating: PG
Summary: A Warden and a Magister strike up a conversation. But what could they possibly have to talk about?

The shadows grew longer along the road. )

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