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Oct. 28th, 2014


Urban is at it again...

Who: Commander-of-the-Grey Alistair and Knight Lieutenant Ser Urban
When: Immediately following the First Templar Meeting
Where: Alistair's office, Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
Rating: Right there with a Procedural Drama
Summary: Ser Urban confronts Alistair about harboring a Blood Mage

This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded. )

Jul. 9th, 2014


Don't Do The Thing!

Who: Conlan Delaine and Alistair
Where: Alistair's office, Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: 5 Parvulis, 9:45
Summary: Conlan confronts the Warden Commander about growing concerns he has over the Wardens and their neutrality.

I mean, obviously we're going to do the thing, but let's take a moment to make an accounting of just how screwed we are first. )

Dec. 17th, 2012


Narrative: Of Things to Come

Who: Warden-Commander Alistair
When: 8 Matrinalis, 9;45
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
Summary: Alistair receives news from the First Warden.

These days seem to bring nothing but dark news )

Jul. 10th, 2012


Thread: Let It Burn

Who: Alistair Theirin, Bethany Hawke, OPEN
When: Funalis
Where: Vigil's Keep, Courtyard
Rating: T
Summary: The Wardens have seen many fall through the year, it is time to pay them proper respects. The somber festival of All Souls Day.

Alistair had never been a fan of somber )

Mar. 23rd, 2012


Thread: Mother's Mages

Who: Alistair, Revered Mother, all mages at the Keep and any observers
When: 20th of Solis, 9:45 Dragon
Where: Vigil’s Keep, main yard
Rating: TBD; Starts at E
Summary: The Revered Mother turns up at a not-so-secret meeting

He had hoped the issue would go away or resolve itself. )

Jul. 17th, 2011


Thread: The Long Goodbye

Who: Anyone.
When: Solis 6, over the course of the morning and afternoon
Where: All over the Arling.
Rating: E - M
Summary: A time to say goodbye.

Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye? )

Jul. 16th, 2011


Narrative: Playing with Fire

Who: Alistair Theirin (NPC), Revered Mother Helen (NPC)
Where: Vigil’s Keep, Amaranthine
When: 5 Solis, Just after the Joining
Summary: The Revered Mother is tired of excuses and takes matters into her own hands.
Rating: E

Do not think the Chantry will turn a blind eye to your activities )

Jul. 15th, 2011


Thread: Recruitment Drive

Who: Alistair and Declan Gallagher
When: Solis 4, 9:45
Where: The outer walls of the keep
Rating: K
Summary: Alistair promotes from among the guards of the Keep.

They had started watching Gallagher some time ago. )

Jul. 1st, 2011


Tournament: Glory and money, or nothing

Who: Alistair, Vashedan, Cormac Murrough, Brighton Dask, Fiona Mulrooney (NPC), Linn Flannghaile (NPC), open to all.
When: 4 Solis, 5 PM
Where: The tournament grounds.
Summary: For those who excelled on the field, it’s time for the rewards.
Rating: PG

Jun. 30th, 2011


Joining: Brothers and Sisters

Who: The Grey Wardens and Grey Warden Recruits
When: Solis 5th, 9:45 at 4 pm
Where: The Main Hall
Rating: M/R
Summary: The Joining of the newest batch of recruits

This is the source of our power. )

Jun. 19th, 2011


Tournament: Grey Warden Challenges

Who: Alistair, combatants, and spectators.
When: Solis 4, 9:45
Where: The Arena
Rating: T
Summary: Eager fighters test their mettle against the Wardens in the arena.

Fine guests! And...other people. )

Jun. 16th, 2011


Narrative: Portents and Shadows

Who: Alistair Theirin, Dougal Aldren
Where: Alistair’s Office, Vigil’s Keep
When: 4 Solis, 9:45
Summary: Someone in Amaranthine has concerns about just what is going on with Vigil’s Keep.
Rating: E

There was always someone wanting something )


Tournament: Combat final round

Who: Open to all, Imenry Barras, Vashedan, Alistair Theirin (NPC)
When: 4 Solis, 9:45
Where: Vigils Keep Arena
Summary: The combat finalists face off on the field.
Rating: T

With each day the crowd grew bigger... )

Jun. 1st, 2011


Tournament: Archery Contest, Round Three

Who: Hilda Aelricsdottr, Linn Flannghaile (NPC), Ser Bridget Pryce (NPC Knight), Arja Serik, Jill Sorrel, Sydni Tethviel and open to spectators
When: 3 Solis, 9 am
Where: Tournament grounds, Vigil’s Keep
Rating: PG
Summary: The final round of the archery competition is underway. On this day archers from all across Thedas will compete, with one being declared the winner.

even he knew how the strength and direction of the wind could influence a shot )

Please note that for this round the modifiers used to adjust dice rolls has changed as the difficulty of the competition has increased. Using the D20 die found here players will modify their result with a +7 if archery is not their primary weapon/skill and -3 if archery is. The closer to 0 the roll is, the closer to the bulls-eye, with 20 being a miss.


Tournament: Combat, Round Three

Who: Open to all, Combatants, Alistair Theirin (NPC)
When: 3 Solis, 9:45
Where: Vigils Keep Arena
Summary: The tournament continues
Rating: T

The excitement of the crowd was infectious )

May. 10th, 2011


Thread: Another Merry Feast

Who: Open to All, Alistair Theirin (NPC), Bethany Hawke (NPC)
Where: Vigil’s Keep
When: 2 Solis, 9:45 (Evening)
Summary: After the second day of activities and events, the competitors and crowds mingle for a boisterous celebration.
Rating: T/M (For language)

A-Feasting We Will Go )

May. 9th, 2011


Tournament: Combat, Round Two

Who: Everyone
When: 2 Solis, 9:45
Where: Vigil’s Keep Arena
Rating: PG-13 or lower
Summary: Day two of fighting.

This is the Warden’s tournament! )


Tournament: Archery Contest, Round Two

Who: Hilda Aelricsdottr, Linn Flannghaile (NPC), Ser Bridget Pryce (NPC Knight), Arja Serik, Jill Sorrel, Sydni Tethviel and open to spectators
When: 2 Solis, 9 am
Where: Tournament grounds, Vigil’s Keep
Rating: PG
Summary: The second round of the archery competition brings talented archers from all of Thedas to compete. After the first exciting and compelling round, all competitors will gather to aim at a further distance and challenge their skills.

today’s round has the targets at an impressive distance of seventy-five yards! )

Please note that for this round the modifiers used to adjust dice rolls has changed as the difficulty of the competition has increased. Using the D20 die found here players will modify their result with a +6 if archery is not their primary weapon/skill and -4 if archery is. The closer to 0 the roll is, the closer to the bulls-eye, with 20 being a miss.

Apr. 22nd, 2011


Thread: Feast for the Noble, Feast for the Peasant

Who: Open to All, Alistair Theirin (NPC), Bethany Hawke (NPC), Dougal Aldren (NPC)
Where: Vigil’s Keep
When: 1 Solis, 9:45 (Evening)
Summary: After the first day of activities and events, the competitors and crowds mingle for a boisterous celebration.
Rating: T

He wanted to be at the 'fun party' )

Note: The feast thread is open to everyone. However, All CURRENT Wardens should begin at the indoor formal event with Alistair, though may eventually leave to join the outdoor activities. Recruits and companions will be remaining outdoors only

Apr. 16th, 2011


Tournament: Archery Contest, Round One

Who: Hilda Aelricsdottr, Linn Flannghaile (NPC), Ser Bridget Pryce (NPC Knight), Arja Serik, Jill Sorrel, Sydni Tethviel and open to spectators
When: 1 Solis 11 am
Where: Tournament grounds, Vigil’s Keep
Rating: PG
Summary: The first round of the archery competition brings talented archers from all of Thedas to compete. The betters have played a lot of money on Ser Bridget, a knight to the queen, who is famed for her skills in archery. (Rules and information can be found here.)

The next event in this exciting tournament is the first round of archery! )

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