Nov. 13th, 2014


Quest 3 Group 2: Trial-by-Fire

Who: Lalin Adain, Conlan Delaine, Signy of Dagna, Genikon Zealas, Imenry Barras, Garrett Edgewalker, Kallian Endris, Azabeth Kordura, Erik Malivan, Cormac Murrough, Dar Prethan, Pavak Sethi, Jill Sorrel, Seda Utheriel, Elsa Vargas, Brennan Wulfe, Various NPCs
Where: Aeonar, Orlesian Empire
When: 3 Frumentum, 9:45
Summary: Aeonar is a dangerous place, to be sure, which houses more than mere prisoners within its walls. It is here that those Warden Mages turned over to the Chantry by Igraine have been sent. It is here that the group must travel and find a way to break into, and out of, the notorious prison in order to free them.

inevitably something will be drawn across the veil )

Oct. 9th, 2014


Threads: Interviewing the Mages

Who: Ser Ingrid Kief and any mages willing enough to talk to her
When: 9:45, a few days after the Templar meeting
Where: Vigil's Keep, assorted locations
What: Ingrid is interviewing mages! Circle Mages, known apostates, suspected apostates
Rating:: Probably no worse than PG

Just the facts, please )

Jul. 30th, 2014


Of Wolves And Wardrobes

Who: Garrett, Kallian
When: Matrinalis
Where: Vigil's Keep
Summary: So some other male is sniffing around Garrett's packsister, eh?
Rating: PG

a promise made between the tameless and the one with the tool )

Aug. 30th, 2012


Quest 2 Group 2: Magical Machinations

Who: Joran Backstrom, Signy of Dagna, Einarr Gulbrand, Genikon Zealas, Kore Asena, Imenry Barras, Noah Durand, Garrett Edgewalker, Kallian Endris, Cormac Murrough, Ariadne Notaras, Pavak Sethi, Jill Sorrel, Seda Utheriel
When: 15 Matrinalis
Where: Ostagar
Rating: M
Summary: The Warden-Commander has assembled the team that he wants to deal with the renegade bloodmage once and for all... before anyone else finds out.

There were not many who were willing to visit this blighted land. )

Jun. 11th, 2012


Thread: Come Take a Little Trip into the Future With Me

Who: Eligia Milagros, Garrett Edgewalker, Joran Backstrom, Dar Prethan, OPEN
When: Funalis 9:45 Dragon, beginning around mid-morning
Where: Inside Vigil's Keep
Rating: Probably E
Summary: It's Eligia's birthday, and a holiday, and so she's giving away free readings to celebrate!

It's a talent that I always have possessed... )

May. 11th, 2012


Thread: Of Beginnings, endings, and the in between (Open)

Who: Alistair, Joran Backstrom, Jill Sorrel, Garrett Edgewalker, Eligia Milagros
When: 23 Solis, late afternoon, 9:45 Dragon
Where: Vigil's Keep
Rating: E. If language gets strong, will edit
Summary: A Warden arrives from the Anderfels. He has no idea what he's getting into.

He still couldn't get over how green it all was. )

Mar. 23rd, 2012


Thread: Mother's Mages

Who: Alistair, Revered Mother, all mages at the Keep and any observers
When: 20th of Solis, 9:45 Dragon
Where: Vigil’s Keep, main yard
Rating: TBD; Starts at E
Summary: The Revered Mother turns up at a not-so-secret meeting

He had hoped the issue would go away or resolve itself. )

Sep. 29th, 2011


Backscene: The days of our youth are the days of our glory

Who: Garrett Edgewalker, Jill Sorrel
When: Autumn 9:42
Where: River Dane, the seat of Bann Luka Ledaal
Rating: T
Summary: Jill has delivered an urgent message to the bann of River Dane and all she is hoping for is a hot meal and some rest. Let's see how that goes...

Jul. 27th, 2011


Quest One: Green Peace

Who: Genikon Zealas, Brighton Dask, Sydni Tethviel, Lin Durgen, Noah Durand, Jaksa “Eilian” Loup-Roux, Cormac Murrough, Shartan, Dar Prethan, Elsa Vargas
When: 9 Solis, 9:45
Where: Dragon’s Peak
Rating: E
Summary: The Grey Wardens have been asked to mediate between a group of Dalish Elves and the Templars that are pursuing them.

They have a hard task before them. )