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Nov. 13th, 2014


Quest 3 Group 2: Trial-by-Fire

Who: Lalin Adain, Conlan Delaine, Signy of Dagna, Genikon Zealas, Imenry Barras, Garrett Edgewalker, Kallian Endris, Azabeth Kordura, Erik Malivan, Cormac Murrough, Dar Prethan, Pavak Sethi, Jill Sorrel, Seda Utheriel, Elsa Vargas, Brennan Wulfe, Various NPCs
Where: Aeonar, Orlesian Empire
When: 3 Frumentum, 9:45
Summary: Aeonar is a dangerous place, to be sure, which houses more than mere prisoners within its walls. It is here that those Warden Mages turned over to the Chantry by Igraine have been sent. It is here that the group must travel and find a way to break into, and out of, the notorious prison in order to free them.

inevitably something will be drawn across the veil )

Oct. 3rd, 2013


A lady in need is guilty indeed

Who: Ser Urban and Jill Sorrel
When: 9:38 Molioris 23
Where: A bandit camp, somewhere in the woods, somewhere in Ferelden.
Rating: T
Summary: Jill has been captured by bandits again. It's quite possible that when Ser Urban's rescue operation is over, she will decide she preferred the bandits after all...


Aug. 30th, 2012


Quest 2 Group 2: Magical Machinations

Who: Joran Backstrom, Signy of Dagna, Einarr Gulbrand, Genikon Zealas, Kore Asena, Imenry Barras, Noah Durand, Garrett Edgewalker, Kallian Endris, Cormac Murrough, Ariadne Notaras, Pavak Sethi, Jill Sorrel, Seda Utheriel
When: 15 Matrinalis
Where: Ostagar
Rating: M
Summary: The Warden-Commander has assembled the team that he wants to deal with the renegade bloodmage once and for all... before anyone else finds out.

There were not many who were willing to visit this blighted land. )

Aug. 12th, 2012


Thread: A Little Solitude

Who: Imenry Barras, Jill Sorrel
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine (The Baths)
When: Morning, 5 Matrinalis
Rating: T
Summary: Two women seeking solace in their morning bath instead find one another. This could be a recipe for disaster.

It was a day that called for a hot soak )

May. 11th, 2012


Thread: Of Beginnings, endings, and the in between (Open)

Who: Alistair, Joran Backstrom, Jill Sorrel, Garrett Edgewalker, Eligia Milagros
When: 23 Solis, late afternoon, 9:45 Dragon
Where: Vigil's Keep
Rating: E. If language gets strong, will edit
Summary: A Warden arrives from the Anderfels. He has no idea what he's getting into.

He still couldn't get over how green it all was. )

Feb. 26th, 2012


Thread: Just Another Night Watch

Who: Declan Gallagher, Jill Sorrel
Where: At Camp
When: 10 Solis, Night Time
Rating: E
Summary: On watch together one night, Declan and Jill get to talking, and knowing Jill, probably about strange things.

Most nights on watch were uneventful )

Feb. 20th, 2012


"...as useful to a friar as a broom-stick to a witch, or a wand to a conjuror."

Who: Eligia Milagros and Jill Sorrel
When: Morning of the 19th of Ferventis
Where: Castle Cousland, Highever
What: Eligia wants to meet the Teyrn of Highever, Jill Sorrel wants to make sure the horses have water and food. Clearly they can help each other out?

Oct. 6th, 2011


To part is to die a little

Who: Lillie Tharelle, Jill Sorrel
When: The night before the groups part ways
Where: Camp, Lillie's tent
Rating: T
Summary: Jill is about to part ways with her dearest friend and travelling companion, although she doesn't want to.
Read more... )

Sep. 29th, 2011


Backscene: The days of our youth are the days of our glory

Who: Garrett Edgewalker, Jill Sorrel
When: Autumn 9:42
Where: River Dane, the seat of Bann Luka Ledaal
Rating: T
Summary: Jill has delivered an urgent message to the bann of River Dane and all she is hoping for is a hot meal and some rest. Let's see how that goes...

Aug. 15th, 2011


"A Lady red—amid the hill, Her annual secret keeps!"

Who: Salma, Azabeth Kordura, Jill Sorrel.
When: 10th solis
Where: The camp
Rating: T, this is Az and Jill after all, who knows.
What: Salma is suspiciously happy and Jill grows suspicious.

Jul. 27th, 2011


Quest One: Chantry, Chantry, Where's Your Templar?

Who: Declan Gallagher, Roran Aghas, Lee Wyland, Loic Arkaitz, Ariadne Notaras, Kore Asena, Jill Sorrel, Azabeth Kordura, Kallian Endris
Where: Foothills, Two hours South off the road between South Reach and Lothering
When 11 Solis, Mid-morning
Summary: After breaking camp in the morning, the group is setting South following the trail of the missing Templars or anything otherwise suspicious.
Rating: T

Off the road into nowhere and not one sign of a Templar )

Jul. 18th, 2011


Who: Dask, Jill, and the poor timing of one Dar Prethan.
Where: Highever; Werring's Maps
When: Backdated, before Dar leaves Highever for good. With people like Jill and Dask, why would she ever want to leave?
Summary: Jill and Dask are having a lover's quarrel friendly spat. Poor Dar just wants a map.
Rating: PG- Inevitable swearing.

It wasn't Salma's fault that Jill was impossible, now was it? )


Who: Tagrin Burkhard and Jill Sorrell
Where: Virgil's Keep courtyard
When: 5 Solis, noonish
Summary: Tagrin's preparations include a nice long bath and tending to his armor and axe. Jill just happens to drop by.
Rating: E for now

He still didn't smell like roses though )

Jun. 7th, 2011


Thread: The Third Night of Feasting

Who: Anyone.
When: 3rd Solis, 9:45
Where: Vigil's Keep
Rating: T/M
Summary: Another day, another feast.

And on the third night, everyone got drunk. Again. )

Jun. 1st, 2011


Tournament: Archery Contest, Round Three

Who: Hilda Aelricsdottr, Linn Flannghaile (NPC), Ser Bridget Pryce (NPC Knight), Arja Serik, Jill Sorrel, Sydni Tethviel and open to spectators
When: 3 Solis, 9 am
Where: Tournament grounds, Vigil’s Keep
Rating: PG
Summary: The final round of the archery competition is underway. On this day archers from all across Thedas will compete, with one being declared the winner.

even he knew how the strength and direction of the wind could influence a shot )

Please note that for this round the modifiers used to adjust dice rolls has changed as the difficulty of the competition has increased. Using the D20 die found here players will modify their result with a +7 if archery is not their primary weapon/skill and -3 if archery is. The closer to 0 the roll is, the closer to the bulls-eye, with 20 being a miss.

May. 9th, 2011


Tournament: Archery Contest, Round Two

Who: Hilda Aelricsdottr, Linn Flannghaile (NPC), Ser Bridget Pryce (NPC Knight), Arja Serik, Jill Sorrel, Sydni Tethviel and open to spectators
When: 2 Solis, 9 am
Where: Tournament grounds, Vigil’s Keep
Rating: PG
Summary: The second round of the archery competition brings talented archers from all of Thedas to compete. After the first exciting and compelling round, all competitors will gather to aim at a further distance and challenge their skills.

today’s round has the targets at an impressive distance of seventy-five yards! )

Please note that for this round the modifiers used to adjust dice rolls has changed as the difficulty of the competition has increased. Using the D20 die found here players will modify their result with a +6 if archery is not their primary weapon/skill and -4 if archery is. The closer to 0 the roll is, the closer to the bulls-eye, with 20 being a miss.

Apr. 20th, 2011


"The manner of giving is worth more than the gift."

Who: Conlan Delaine, Jill Sorrel
When: 25th Ferventis
Where: Conlan's room
Rating: PG
Summary: Jill owes Conlan a debt of honour and also a shirt. While the first is harder to repay to a man that never takes you seriously, the second ought to be more simply remedied. Or maybe that is not the case...

Could one just march over to Conlan Delaine, Grey Warden and sarcasm-deliverer-extraordinary, and give him a gift? )

Apr. 16th, 2011


Tournament: Archery Contest, Round One

Who: Hilda Aelricsdottr, Linn Flannghaile (NPC), Ser Bridget Pryce (NPC Knight), Arja Serik, Jill Sorrel, Sydni Tethviel and open to spectators
When: 1 Solis 11 am
Where: Tournament grounds, Vigil’s Keep
Rating: PG
Summary: The first round of the archery competition brings talented archers from all of Thedas to compete. The betters have played a lot of money on Ser Bridget, a knight to the queen, who is famed for her skills in archery. (Rules and information can be found here.)

The next event in this exciting tournament is the first round of archery! )

Apr. 13th, 2011


sticks and stones

Who: Brighton Dask, Jill Sorrel
When: 7 Matrinalis, 9:42 Dragon
Where: Highever; Werring's Maps
Rating: PG
Summary: Jill is angry, and Dask doesn't get paid enough to patiently deal with irate redheads. It's safe to say that Jill and Dask do not get along.


Lady in the water

Who: Calithil Galanodel, Jill Sorrel
When: 28th Ferventis
Where: The Amaranthine Harbour
Rating: G
Summary: Jill can't swim, Cal can't see people drown (hopefully) and after that...well, anything could happen.

I'm sorry, it's just it's such a pretty boat — ship )

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