Nov. 13th, 2014


Quest 3 Group 1: Don Your Mask, Enter The Game

Who: Emil Asmundr, Einarr Gulbrand, Declan Gallagher, Kore Asena, Caius Dukas, Ingrid Kief, Rhone Marrok, Black Matthew, Eligia Milagros, Ariadne Notaras, Lucressia Peron, Janeya Rahim, Lillie Tharelle, Ser Urban, Eileen Wyland, Various NPCs
Where: Val Royeaux, Orlesian Empire
When: Starting 20 Parvulis, 9:45
Summary: The Wardens need answers, so they have sent people of their own to find them. Those in the Chantry outside of Orlais also have concerns, but seek more information before making the next move. To both these ends, a group has been sent to Val Royeaux from Amaranthine. The Wardens and Templars are tasked with their own missions while their companions are out to seek additional information. And hopefully not start a war in the process.

val royeaux, the shining capital of orlais )

Nov. 1st, 2014


missing lyrium

Who: Erik and Rhone, Mélisande Herbreteau (NPC)
When: 9:34, Early Spring
Where: Small settlement outside of Montsimmard.
Rating: M-- Language and Violence
Summary: Two dwarven caravans have been attacked on the road to Montsimmard, their cargo stolen. Templars care a lot about the missing lyrium. Erik cares about money.
~~~~~~Time Warp~~~~~~ )

Sep. 24th, 2014


(no mages were harmed in the making of this thread)

Who: Urban and Rhone
When: Parvulis, 9:45. Hours after the Lee thread.
Where: Vigil's Keep, Barracks
What: Ser Urban needs an update. No, not about the apostates.
Rating: PG

People spent too much time hanging onto their words, hiding in their pauses and waiting for permission. )

Aug. 26th, 2014


Who: Ser Urban and Templars
When: 6 Parvulis 9:45
Where: Vigil's Keep, Kitchen (again)
What: Change of plans
Rating: PG

... )

Jul. 17th, 2014


Who: Templars Urban, Kief, Marrok, Arkaitz, Laughley, Moore,
When: 9:45, Matrinalis
Where: Vigil's Keep, Kitchen
Rating: Unrated
Summary: Introduction, Updates, Orders, Rooming, Training, Schedules, Discussion, Adjournment

There are some rumors... and I wish they weren't so true. )


When the Self Cannot Be Trusted

Who: Eileen Wyland, Rhone Marrok
When: Parvulis, 9:45
Where: Vigil’s Keep
Rating: T
Summary: One of these days Lee was not going to be able to force herself awake. When that happened, and it would soon if the rate she was drifting off was any indicator, she wanted to make sure there was some fail-safe in place. She could not trust herself now. Not to resist what may be waiting for her in the dark nor the desire to seek such things out on her own. Not anymore.

to guard me through the night, and wake me in the morning's light )

Jul. 15th, 2014


Thread: Who said I needed help?

Who: Kore Asena and Rhone Marrok
When: 26 Matrinalis 9:45
Where: Vigil's Keep
Rating: K
Summary: Kore needs some help, but isn't going to ask for any.

One stair, two stair, three stair... )

Jul. 13th, 2014


Dragons don't just flutter out of the sky.

Who: Lillie and Rhone
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: 9:45, Matrinalis (shortly after the group's return from Kinloch Hold)
Summary: Bad news travels fast.

Maybe it was the dragon that seemed far fetched. )

Jul. 12th, 2014


Thread: Save the Elves

Who: Janeya Rahim, Rhone Marrok
Where: Val Royeaux, Chantry
When: 16 Umbralis, 9:42
Rating: M (Violence and Adult Themes)
Summary: Elves are being abused (what else is new) and none of the guards care (what a shocker), so Jana goes elsewhere for help!

The suffering of elves was so often overlooked )

Jul. 27th, 2011


Quest One: Missed a Spot

Who: Black Matthew, Conlan Delaine, Einarr Gulbrand, Kael Undvore, Lalin Adain, Lillie Tharelle, Lucressia Peron, Pavak Sethi, Rhone Marrok, Tagrin Burkhard
When: 12 Solis, 9:45
Where: Bannorn, North of Lothering in the village of Norloth
Rating: E
Summary: Fearing that Darkspawn may be plaguing a small farming village in the heart of the bannorn, the Warden Commander has sent a number of Wardens and their companions to investigate the matter on the Queen’s request.

he knew darkspawn but that didn’t mean he wanted to face them on his own )

Jul. 18th, 2011


Who: Rhone Marrok, and The Love of Rhone's Life Revered Mother Helen (NPC)
Where: Amaranthine Chantry
When: 6 Solis, in early morning following the Joining
Summary: After days of waiting for an audience with Amaranthine's Revered Mother, Rhone is finally granted one. After the Revered Mother's conversation with the Warden Commander, she might have a proposal in mind.
Rating: Uncharacteristically Low. Rhone hasn't sworn at a Revered Mother since he was 16.

With Amaranthine caught in that tender transition between the sleepless finally finding rest and the sleeping finally stirring, Andraste's upturned palms and chiseled chin were marked only by Rhone's flickering gaze and the first rays of the sun. )

Jun. 7th, 2011


Thread: The Third Night of Feasting

Who: Anyone.
When: 3rd Solis, 9:45
Where: Vigil's Keep
Rating: T/M
Summary: Another day, another feast.

And on the third night, everyone got drunk. Again. )

Jun. 1st, 2011


Tournament: Combat, Round Three

Who: Open to all, Combatants, Alistair Theirin (NPC)
When: 3 Solis, 9:45
Where: Vigils Keep Arena
Summary: The tournament continues
Rating: T

The excitement of the crowd was infectious )

May. 13th, 2011


Thread: A Comedy of Errors

Who: Lillie, Rhone. Mentions of Sydni Tethviel and Fiona Mulrooney (NPC).
Where: Vigil’s Keep Arena
When: 2 Solis, 9:45
Summary: A Templar and an apostitute spectate a match between two Warden hopefuls.
Rating: Light R for crude drunken barbarian men, swearing, and hilarious bawdy imagery.

Apr. 3rd, 2011


Thread: Celebration on Tap

Who: Open to All
Where: The Taphouse, a tavern in Amaranthine
When: 28 Ferventis, 9:45 (Evening)
Summary: The city is alive with celebration. In the week leading up to the the tournament at Vigil's Keep, such rowdy nights at the local taverns are not uncommon. Stop in for a pint, join the celebration!
Rating: E/PG (Subject to change)

Order a drink, join in the song and make yourself at home )