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Jul. 21st, 2015


Thread : Blood In The Water

Who: Cormac Murrough, Imenry Barras
When: 26 Matrinalis, Early Morning
Where: Amaranthine
Rating: T for Violence
Summary: An early morning fishing-trip and camaraderie is ruined by the arrival of smugglers, and Imenry’s inability to ask questions first, strike later.

Decisions, decisions... )

Jul. 9th, 2015


Drawing Out The Poisons

Who: Kallian Endris and Genikon Zealas
When: 3 Frumentum, 9:45
Where: Campsite outside Aeonar
Rating: T for medical ick?
Summary: Genikon's been poisoned, oh no! And Kallian is determined to heal him up properly.

The taste of your blood... )

Nov. 11th, 2014


A Want for Wellness

Who: Pavak Sethi, Seda Utheriel
When: 15 Matrinalis, 9:45
Where: The Road
Rating: T
Summary: Seda still wasn’t sure she could say quite what had happened in the tunnels or within the Fade. As shaken as it had all made her feel her eyes were still drawn to Pavak, needing to be sure that he was alright.

it was the sort of care she no longer held for herself )

Nov. 5th, 2014


Thread: A Different Kind of Rescue

Who: Declan Gallagher, Black Matthew, Seda Utheriel, TBA
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: 23 Matrinalis, 9:45
Summary: Declan is worried about Az and Lalin and their absence from the Keep. Seda knows where they are. Now he just needs a little more help to get them out of whatever trouble they've gotten into.

Do you have a moment? )

Nov. 2nd, 2014


In the Dark of the Night

Who: Brennan Wulfe, Eileen Wyland
When: 15 Matrinalis, 9:45
Where: On the road to Vigil’s Keep
Rating: M
Summary: Brennan and Lee “talk” about the fall of Kinloch Hold.

the deep dark before dawn’s first light seems eternal )

Oct. 28th, 2014


Urban is at it again...

Who: Commander-of-the-Grey Alistair and Knight Lieutenant Ser Urban
When: Immediately following the First Templar Meeting
Where: Alistair's office, Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
Rating: Right there with a Procedural Drama
Summary: Ser Urban confronts Alistair about harboring a Blood Mage

This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded. )

Oct. 23rd, 2014


You Lure More Flies With Honey

Who: Declan Gallagher, Caius Dukas
Where: The Keep
When: Shortly before leaving for missions
Rating: Probably T or M (for Caius mouth)
Summary: Declan tries to explain... diplomacy?

Do you even know how to be diplomatic? )

Oct. 22nd, 2014


Who: Lucressia and Lillie
When: Parvulis
Where: Vigil's Keep
Rating: TBA
Summary: It's been a long few months.

they didn't know what they didn't know )

Oct. 9th, 2014


Threads: Interviewing the Mages

Who: Ser Ingrid Kief and any mages willing enough to talk to her
When: 9:45, a few days after the Templar meeting
Where: Vigil's Keep, assorted locations
What: Ingrid is interviewing mages! Circle Mages, known apostates, suspected apostates
Rating:: Probably no worse than PG

Just the facts, please )

Sep. 24th, 2014


(no mages were harmed in the making of this thread)

Who: Urban and Rhone
When: Parvulis, 9:45. Hours after the Lee thread.
Where: Vigil's Keep, Barracks
What: Ser Urban needs an update. No, not about the apostates.
Rating: PG

People spent too much time hanging onto their words, hiding in their pauses and waiting for permission. )

Sep. 9th, 2014


Thread: I'll Be Watching You

Who: Signy of Dagna & Eland (NPC)
When: 20 Matrinalis
Where: On the road back to Vigil's Keep
Summary: Eland has answers, if they can be pried from his disordered mind
Rating: M

There is a pleasure in being mad which none but a madman knows. )

Aug. 28th, 2014


Walking in Starlight

Who: Genikon, Kallian
When: Early Parvulis, well after sunset
Where: Vigil's Keep courtyard
Summary: Kallian is walking back to her quarters after dark... Shouldn't she have a protective escort, just in case?
Rating: Probably G. Dorky elves

Look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes... )

Aug. 26th, 2014


Who: Ser Urban and Templars
When: 6 Parvulis 9:45
Where: Vigil's Keep, Kitchen (again)
What: Change of plans
Rating: PG

... )

Aug. 13th, 2014


Thread: Warrior Queen

Who: Imenry Barras, Einarr Gulbrand
Where: Vigil's Keep Training Grounds
When: Early Morning, 3 Parvulis, 9:45
Rating: T
Summary: I don't know, Einarr likes badass ladies. Im is totally a badass lady. There's probably going to be sparring, or other warrior things.

I like swords )

Jul. 30th, 2014


Of Wolves And Wardrobes

Who: Garrett, Kallian
When: Matrinalis
Where: Vigil's Keep
Summary: So some other male is sniffing around Garrett's packsister, eh?
Rating: PG

a promise made between the tameless and the one with the tool )

Jul. 24th, 2014


Who: Lalin, Seda
When: Matrinalis 9:45
Where: Denerim
Summary: There is blood on Lalin's hands she doesn't want to explain. Will Seda notice?
Rating: T+

... )


Who: Seda Utheriel & Corporal Urban
When: 9:39 Ferventis 9
Where: Imperial Highway
Rating: Violence ensues
Summary: Sometimes, we work for bad people... and sometimes there are worse people.

Maker, the sun was just unrelenting )

Jul. 23rd, 2014


Who: Dar and Noah.
When: 9:45, Matrinalis
Where: Vigil's Keep, Gates.
Rating: Unrated.
Summary: Meeting each other.

Jul. 17th, 2014


Who: Templars Urban, Kief, Marrok, Arkaitz, Laughley, Moore,
When: 9:45, Matrinalis
Where: Vigil's Keep, Kitchen
Rating: Unrated
Summary: Introduction, Updates, Orders, Rooming, Training, Schedules, Discussion, Adjournment

There are some rumors... and I wish they weren't so true. )


When the Self Cannot Be Trusted

Who: Eileen Wyland, Rhone Marrok
When: Parvulis, 9:45
Where: Vigil’s Keep
Rating: T
Summary: One of these days Lee was not going to be able to force herself awake. When that happened, and it would soon if the rate she was drifting off was any indicator, she wanted to make sure there was some fail-safe in place. She could not trust herself now. Not to resist what may be waiting for her in the dark nor the desire to seek such things out on her own. Not anymore.

to guard me through the night, and wake me in the morning's light )

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