July 2012




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Feb. 24th, 2012


Who: Finn, Kurt (in Brittany), Carole&Burt (NPCs)
Where: Hudmel abode
When: February 23rd, evening
Warnings: Finn is an idiot
Notes: TBA

Grilled cheeeese )


An Announcement

Who: All the people
When: Friday February 24, noon
Where: All of Lima and surrounding areas
What: Someone has an announcement.

Please try to stay calm and take this time to be with your families. )

Feb. 23rd, 2012


Narrative: Melody's Funeral

Who: Melody, her family
When: Thursday, February 23
Where: The local funeral home
What: Melody shows up at her own funeral

So, they didn't know about that freak who'd killed her. Maybe that was why Melody was still here and hadn't gone into the light or whatever. )


Narative: Blaine snaps

Who: Blaine
When: February 23
Where: Where town becomes woods.
What: Blaine loses it.
Warnings: Violence anger grief

It Runs In The Family )


Dave goes to the future...in Ireland!

Who: Dave, the Costigan family, technically Eoin
What: Funerals are even more painful when they're for the young
Where: Ireland
When: August 30th, 2012
Warnings: off-screen character death, alcoholism, tears, farts, and TBA
Notes: Immediately after Dave leaves the Bethra apartment

Somewhere that's green... )

Feb. 22nd, 2012


Narrative: Day Two Post-Abduction

Who: Puck, Sam, Dr. Monroe (NPC), other NPCs
When: February 22
Where: ???
What: Puck starts "therapy"

Spending the whole morning "meditating" was exhausting. And not in the good way. )


Narrative: Rachel vs. the Power Grid

Who: Rachel, Hiram Berry (NPC)
Where: Lima Memorial Hospital
When: 2/24, afternoon
What: Rachel finally sees her Daddy. She reacts strongly.
Warning: Emotional instability, Rachel's(and Erin's) affinity for the dramatic, general melancholy

What she didn't expect was the sudden, painful tightening in her chest as she made her way to Leroy's room. )


Text to Blaine-Azimio

Who: Blaine and Azimio
When: February 19, 2012
Where: Wherever the hell they are
What: A warning
Warnings: Reference to murder, thread, Azimio and Blaine

You have (1) message. )


Thread - Landing is the hard part

Who: Brittany (in Pollux) and Pollux (in Tina)
When: Monday, Feb 20th (backdated)
Where: The Quarry, and beyond?
What: Brittany tries this teleportation thing, getting home from Seattle, Pollux tries to explain the finer details.
Warnings: TBA

It wasn't that Seattle of was boring. Well, it kind of was. )


Who: Puck Versus Ian
When: Tuesday Feb 21, Afternoonish (Backdated)
Where: The Quarry
Warnings: Puck, language, violence, creepiness.
What: Ian makes sure there isn't anymore fire...

Text 'Mike' to Puck via disposable cell phone. )

He lay in wait... )

Feb. 21st, 2012


Narrative: Puck meets the Mysterious Man

Who: Puck, the mysterious man, Jugs-the-nurse (NPCs)
When: Tuesday Feb 21, evening
Where: ???
Warnings: kidnapping, language, Puck
What: Puck wakes up in a strange place.

Is this Jewish Heaven? )


Thread: Puck Bunks at Rachel's

Who: Rachel, Puck
When: Monday, 2/21 (backdated)
Where: The Berry Place
What: Puck stays with Rachel for the night. Rachel figures a few things out.

It was like living in a tomb )


Thread: Dave goes to the future again again

Who: Dave, Deb, Bethan
What: Dave goes to the future, visits Bethan and Deb, is confused because lesbians
Where: The future
When: February 21, 2017
Warnings: TBA
Notes: The official pairing name for Bethan/Deb is 'Bethra' and you cannot change my mind neener neener.



Thread: Dave puts a ring on it

Who: Cas, Dave, presumably at least one dead person
What: Dave is mooning, Cas is mourning
Where: The park after Cas has gotten his hands on it
When: Feb. 21st
Warnings: Schmoop, dead plants, TBA
Notes: After Dave's post

Maaaaaarry meeee )

Feb. 20th, 2012


Thread: Tea for Two

Date: February 20, Monday
Characters: Castor and Jaime
Location: Jaime's house
Castor brings Jaime tea and tries to cheer him up.

Feb. 19th, 2012


Narative: Blaine's grief

Who: Blaine in Faith's body
When: Friday Feb 19, evening
Where: Hiding in an empty class room.
What: Blaine Deals with a new body and the death of his family.
Warnings: flashbacks of violence, death, grief, guilt, suicide idealization

As your teardrops were falling I forgot to say )

Feb. 18th, 2012


Thread: Puck burns down the library

Who: Puck, Ian, and Jadyn (also OPEN to more)
When: Saturday, February 18, afternoon
Where: Lima Public Library
Warnings: Random citizen death, language
What: Puck was just looking for a place to be quiet for a few damn minutes. He didn't mean for things to go so wrong.

It still hadn't sunk in yet. Puck's ma was dead. )


Thread: OMG missing Man-Mountain?

Who: Castor and Pollux and Tina
What: Cas cannot find Dave and Pol comes running in a corset. Tina in a boy drops in.
Where: Bat-Cave
When: Feb 17th, 2012
Warnings: TBA

The dog is freaking out )

Feb. 17th, 2012


Thread: A Storm Hits Lima!

Who: The Population of Lima Ohio and surrounding areas
When: Friday, February 17th, 3 pm
Where: Various locations around Lima and beyond
Warnings: Character deaths, Language, TBD
What: A storm, even worse than the one the previous summer, rips trough Lima, changing everything.

Off with a BANG! )

Feb. 15th, 2012


Log: Tina and Blaine

WHO: Tina and Blaine
WHEN: Feb 15th; evening
WHERE: The country club
WHAT: Tina and Blaine hang out at the "Children's table."

sitting with children from a few of Ohio's elite families, talking about trust funds and future college and law school plans )

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