[info]svartalfur in [info]sshp_prophet

SS/HP Prophet for October 4 - 8

One Shots
[x] asnowyowl: Taint [NC-17]
[x] calanor: King of the Twilight [R]
[x] darkladyvamp: Watching from afar [PG]
[x] drachenmina: Harvest Gifts [G]
[x] randomlysane: Sexual Healing [NC-17]
[x] rons_pigwidgeon: sur le sol fertile [R]
[x] yesiam: Inheritance Unbound [PG]

Completed Chapter Fic
[x] dracos_slut12: Submission (4/5) and (5/5) [M+] Harry/Snape/Lucius

Drabbles And Ficlets
[x] alisanne: Pumpkin Fix [PG]
[x] alisanne: Subtlety [G]
[x] bluestocking79: Authorial Intent [PG]
[x] sweetmelodykiss: Love's reflection [NC-17]

Art And Icons
[x] lamenting_quill: Your Flaws Are My Fortress [PG-13] Worksafe
[x] veridian_dair: Harry, They Are Doing It Again! [PG-13] Worksafe

[x] Severus Sighs: is a new Yahoo group open for discussion on any and all Snarry related topics.
[x] drapery_snarco: is a new comm for a Snape/Harry/Draco fest.
[x] la_musa_de_lils: is looking for Snarries involving ghosts.
[x] misscinnamon: is looking for arranged marriage fics.
[x] seraphimmage: is looking for stories where Snape or Harry finds/rescues the other while they're in Animagus form.
[x] snarco_archive: has been updated.
[x] snarry_games: Champion Interview #22 - Redpiratemel
[x] snarry_games: Champion Interview #23 - Rosivan
[x] snarry_games: Champion Interview #24 - Chrysos
[x] spellcast_lj: recorded RaeWhit's story 'Last Train Running'. [G] gen

This Newsletter
[x] Send your Snape/Harry news to sshp.prophet@gmail.com!
