Feb. 9th, 2020



WHO: Richie Tozier, Dan Torrance
WHAT: Checking for evil space stuff.
WHERE: Dan’s House.
WHEN: Sunday, Feb. 9th

The kids want to be so hard, but in my dreams, we're still screaming and running through the yard. )

Feb. 7th, 2020



WHO: Peter Parker & Harry Osborn
WHAT: Getting a handle on things.
WHERE: Harry's place
WHEN: Feb 7th, afternoon
RATING: T for teenage shenanigans

Sometimes I wonder why my stress is stressing me )

Feb. 8th, 2020



WHO: Leia Organa & Galen Marek
WHAT: Door Adventures: Dungeons & Dragons
WHERE: Ye Olde Medieval Kingdom.
WHEN: 7th of February.
RATING: F for Fantasy

Today? It was something beautiful, hopefully warm and meadowy? Something you’d see on a postcard )

Feb. 6th, 2020



WHO: Richie and Beverly
WHAT: A chat about things and stuff
WHERE: Van Dyne’s
WHEN: Thursday, Feb 6

Where is my mind? )



WHO: Nyx Ulric and John Constantine.
WHAT: Nyx has been drinking more, and John happens to be there.
WHERE: The Spider-Web.
WHEN: Thursday Afternoon.

At the rate he was drinking though, he was going to have to actually go through the doors and bring Peter more booze. )

Feb. 3rd, 2020


WHO: Dan Torrance and Gwen Stacy
WHAT: Getting to know you, getting to know all about you
WHERE: Van Dyne's
WHEN: Monday

When someone needs a makeover I simply have to takeover )

Feb. 1st, 2020



WHO: Tony Stark and Nebula
WHAT: An adventure through the doors.
WHERE: It might be an alien planet.
WHEN: Saturday, Feb 1

Good job not killing anyone. )



WHO: Loki and Thor
WHAT: The Tethering is over.
WHERE: Fjord.
WHEN: This second, right now. Whoaa

I got my fingers laced together and I made a little prison and I'm locking up everyone that ever laid a finger on me. )



WHO: Stan and Bev
WHAT: They're doing some plotting.
WHERE: Through the doors.
WHEN: Today

I'll follow you )



WHO: Dan Torrance and Richie Tozier
WHAT: A comprehensive tour of Starklandia and beyond.
WHERE: COFFEE, to start
WHEN: Noon, when they agreed upon.

I joined the club and it's all on. There are fights for being my best friend. )



WHO: St. John Allerdyce and Beverly Marsh.
WHAT: John learns Kitty is gone.
WHERE: Kitty's and John's house, and around town.
WHEN: February 1st - Morning.
RATING: I'm not crying, you're crying.

The great tethering of January had come and gone, )

Jan. 31st, 2020



Who: Leia Organa & Galen Marek
What: An important, but highly awkward talk
Where: Leia's home.
When: Backdated. Not so long after this

It was literally terrible. )

Jan. 26th, 2020



WHO: Everyone who wants to drown their sorrows or something
WHAT: Getting drunk about it
WHERE: The Spider-Web
WHEN: Today

I've got this feelin' down deep in my soul that I just can't lose )

Jan. 27th, 2020



Private To Tony Stark

Text to Tony Stark. )

Jan. 24th, 2020



WHO: Harry Osborn and Diego Hargreeves
WHAT: Tether buddies!!
WHERE: Harry's place
WHEN: First day of the plot

He wasn't always that observant )



WHO: Peter & Galen
WHAT: The worst first impression ever
WHERE: Galen's House
WHEN: Plot week
RATING: T for teenage swearing




WHO: Steve & Nyx (Stevie Nyx?)
WHAT: Tether me bro
WHERE: Nyx's House
WHEN: Plot week
RATING: T for teenage swearing

Just like the white-winged dove sings a song, sounds like she's singing... )



WHO: Leia Organa & Jim Hopper
WHAT: Tethering plot hijinks!
WHERE: Hopper’s home.
WHEN: During the plot week.

Leia sat up suddenly, darting gaze taking in her surroundings, her bewilderment complete as she practically leapt out of bed. )

Jan. 22nd, 2020



WHO: Clint Barton, Eddie Kaspbrak
WHAT: BZUH. Tethering.
WHERE: Loser’s House
WHEN: First day of plot.

This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife! )

Jan. 20th, 2020



Who: Stan and Octane
What: The tethering has begun
When: Morning of the 20th
Where: The kitchen

Rip Stan )