August 13th, 2009



KITT makes another Top Ten list of Greatest TV Cars.


He came in last at #10. (Boo!) But at least the comments are positive.

10. 1982 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am from “Knight Rider”

"You knew it was coming. It's impossible to compile a list of great TV cars without including the Knight Industries Two Thousand (KITT). The talking, smarter-than-the-Hoff Firebird Trans Am was the embodiment of all we thought possible in the '80s — at least as far as sentient transportation was concerned. With an arsenal of crime-fighting technology on board and a super-cool "Turbo Boost" option, the car could vault over obstacles, drive through a hail of bullets and generally thwart the bad guys at every turn. While it doesn't stack up well against the competition on our list, the fact that the car's scanning, red LED light still makes it into the aftermarket is proof positive that KITT left an indelible mark on car fans everywhere."

Click here for the slide show.