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Posts Tagged: 'video'

Jan. 10th, 2017



Catherine Hickland Appears In HBO documentary 'Bright Lights'.

Credit for this clip goes to (Sorry, this is the best I could do for a link.)

It's great to see her and others embrace their time on the show, and even to the point where someone wants a KITT for themselves. :)

Click here.

Check listings for airdates.

Sep. 9th, 2016



Knight Rider referenced in 'Stranger Things'.

I haven't seen any of the other sites mention this yet. Came across this video on YouTube because I really want to watch it.

If you don't know what Stranger Things is, it's an original series by Netflix. A boy mysteriously disappears from his home and it's up to his mother and three friends to find him. It takes place in the 1980's and the tone is part Stephen King, part Steven Spielberg. Supernatural meets science fiction. I was hoping for a Knight Rider reference, but I didn't think they'd make one almost right off the bat. (And if anyone can figure out what episode that is, that'd be great. Definitely S2, from the sounds.)

Stranger Things | The First 8 Minutes - Series Opener [HD] | Netflix

(You know, if they had been watching Knight Rider and not playing D&D, maybe none of this would've happened. j/k)

Video is the property of Netflix.

Feb. 26th, 2016



Review of Hot Wheels Elite 1:18 KITT & KARR.

Knight Rider KITT vs. KARR! Hot Wheels Elite 1:18 | Heavy MeTal Models

From 2014. Video credited to J.D. Kelly and Heavy MeTal Models.

I like the touches of the fold down back seat, and especially the touch of making KITT and KARR's CPU casings different.

Some things are a little fabricated, such as the cars having retro-rockets (which did look nice, though) and the location of the CPUs. The KITT model here still has the singular red square voice box. But they look nice overall.

I'm still waiting for the day when someone makes a KITT model with a three bar voice box and single monitor dashboard, as opposed to sticking to what he looked like at the beginning of the first season.

May. 1st, 2015



A.V. Club Interview With William Daniels.

Also with his wife, Bonnie Bartlett. These two really are great in interviews they have together. To be married to the same person for that long, I think you'd kind of have to get along that easily. ;)

Forgot to post this sooner. Credit to the lovely Vespurrs for the find.

William Daniels on 1776, Knight Rider, The Graduate, and Boy Meets World

Nov. 9th, 2014



Terrifying what you'll come across goofing off on YouTube.

Vintage 80's NBC 'Be There' Bumper, featuring Michael Knight's first driving test.

Wow. lol

Actually, I'm looking for the bumper that came on during the commercial breaks. It would have the shot that my icon is from, with the Knight Rider logo at the top, and the announcer would say, "Knight Rider will return after these messages."

If anyone knows where I can find that, I would love to see it again.

Oct. 12th, 2014



theAFICIONAUTO Takes A Look At Knight Rider.


Sep. 3rd, 2014



New DH/KITT/Knight Rider/Samsung commercial.

Samsung Smart Home commercial.

(Uh, Kitt can crash through that gate. lol)

So what do we think, gang? Any thoughts?

(There's also a speculative article you can read here.)

Dec. 3rd, 2011



Knight Rider spoof on Robot Chicken this Sunday.

Info and short clip at KRO.

Oct. 2nd, 2011



KnightCon 2011.

KnightCon is the annual Knight Rider fan event that takes place over in the U.K.

Returning guests this year included Rebecca Holden and K.I.T.T. designer, Michael Scheffe. David Hasselhoff made a brief appearance. And this was the first fan convention for Season 4 star, Peter Parros! (Several people have said he was a very nice guy to talk to, and he would perhaps like to come to more such events.) :)

Aside from KITT, there were also other famous cars in attendance, as well as many different sci-fi characters.

Sounds like a great time was had by all!

Click on the links below to find stories, photos, and videos.

Thread from KRO.

Thread from The Foundation.

Aug. 4th, 2011



Maybe it's just me, and I'm not one for change…

…but I don't care for the alterations they made to William Daniels' voice here.

TomTom commericial - KITT needs an update.

Hopefully this is just an ad for their GPS maps, and they aren't actually making changes to his voice for the download. (Edit: If it's real and not something a fan made.)

Give me deeper, older sounding Kitt any day.

Nov. 6th, 2009



Knight Rider parody from Supernatural.

From the episode 5x08: 'Changing Channels'.

Click here for the clip.


Apr. 25th, 2009



Friday news and an interview.

Sue and Mike from KRO have posted a two part exclusive interview with composer, Don Peake.

Part one.
Part two.

His music from the original series is still available for purchase:

In other news: (In case anyone hasn't heard.) On Monday, GM will announce that they're discontinuing their Pontiac line. Which is disheartening for many fans.

Let's hope GM makes it. And that maybe they can bring the brand back one day.

Apr. 19th, 2009



Look what I found on Smartbitchestrashybooks.

The burlesque act from America's Got Talent. (NSFW.)

I'm more amused that this was randomly posted on one of my favorite book sites. XD
Tags: ,

Feb. 13th, 2009



Strangest KR fan video EVER?

Thanks to Jedityger at the Foundation for the find.

Just a warning. There's a couple scenes with fake blood. So if you're someone who can't take the slightest sight of blood, (or hokey fan-made slasher movies), don't click.

What the…?

Um, I could have done without the young cheerleaders, thanks. XD I did like how they changed the white car into Kitt. The lightning was a nice little touch.

Devon: "You seem to be looking rather -- 'scruffy' this morning."

Dec. 24th, 2008



Funny KR fan video: The Twelve Pains of Christmas.

Made by Knight Racer.

Click here.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Dec. 20th, 2008



Interview with KR composer Stu Phillips, Part One.

Courtesy of Sue and Knight Rider Online.

Mr. Phillips, along with KR creator Glen Larson, composed the iconic theme, as well as thirteen episodes of the original series. Sue was lucky enough to sit down with him.

You can check out the first part of the interview, along with some photos, here.

(Warning to fellow dial up users: The video is nearly seventeen minutes long. So it will take a while to load.)

Part Two coming soon!

Sep. 8th, 2008



Videos from Saugus.

Courtesy of Sue. (Who lost a lot of sleep in getting these up and ready for us fans.) The site works the same as YouTube, though slightly slower if you're like me and still have dial-up. Just hover over the video and click on the play button in the lower left hand corner.

Part one.

Part two. You have to hear Mr. Martinez's story about two girls he and someone else who worked on the show encountered during the first season. Those girls really wanted that KR jacket. O.o

Part three.

Part four.

Of course a BIG thanks to those who put this event together. To Sue, Michael, and everyone for sharing their photos and videos with those of us who couldn't attend. And to Mr. Glen Larson, Stu Phillips, Michael Scheffe, and Ron Martinez for attending the event, and taking the time out to share their experiences and interact with the fans.

Quite a busy time for our little fandom, huh? :D