Posts Tagged: 'funny'

Jul. 16th, 2015



KITT skits and Baywatch pathos: 'Hoff The Record'.

(Apologies for not reporting on this show earlier. My dad passed away recently, so things have been busy and hectic.)

Kitt skits and Baywatch pathos: have you been watching Hoff the Record?

Sadly, we don't get this channel. Maybe more clips will show up on YouTube. Sounds like it's getting better praise than the short-lived A&E reality show.

Jul. 6th, 2015



Anyone going grocery shopping in Zurich anytime soon?

Might want to be on the lookout for this.

(One reason, of many reasons, why I love Smartbitches is because the chief admin releases her inner KR fan on occasion.) :D Love the comments as well.

Feb. 13th, 2015



NBC Classics shows Michael Knight some love this Valentine's Day.

Knight Rider - Ladies' Man | NBC Classics

Now hold on, NBC Classics. ... What are you trying to say? lol

There's other Knight Rider videos there, too. I just don't have time to look at them right now.

Nov. 9th, 2014



Terrifying what you'll come across goofing off on YouTube.

Vintage 80's NBC 'Be There' Bumper, featuring Michael Knight's first driving test.

Wow. lol

Actually, I'm looking for the bumper that came on during the commercial breaks. It would have the shot that my icon is from, with the Knight Rider logo at the top, and the announcer would say, "Knight Rider will return after these messages."

If anyone knows where I can find that, I would love to see it again.

Sep. 3rd, 2014



New DH/KITT/Knight Rider/Samsung commercial.

Samsung Smart Home commercial.

(Uh, Kitt can crash through that gate. lol)

So what do we think, gang? Any thoughts?

(There's also a speculative article you can read here.)

Jan. 10th, 2013



Oh so appropriate macro.


Dec. 14th, 2012



The places KR will turn up.

In lighter news...

KRO: There's a brief nod to the Knight Rider theme in the movie, Ted in the form of a ringtone. (If you have a good eye, you'll see that they mispelled Stu Phillips' name in the credits.)

That movie really doesn't look like my kind of thing, so I'll pass. But it's something to look out for if you do plan to check it out. ;)

Mar. 14th, 2012



KR/KR08 parody to re-air on Robot Chicken this Sunday.

On Cartoon Network at 10:00 PM EST. (Check your local listings.)

Knight Rider-related or not? I feel it's the funniest, most epic sketch Robot Chicken has ever done. And I've seen nearly episode. It's worth staying up for. XD

Dec. 3rd, 2011



Knight Rider spoof on Robot Chicken this Sunday.

Info and short clip at KRO.