Posts Tagged: 'movies'

Jul. 20th, 2018



William Daniels has voiced KITT again!

From his Facebook page and Twitter feed:

Spent a day in the studio as KITT once again for the new @melissamccarthy movie "Super Intelligence". I missed that little car. They were a delight to work with...but you'll have to wait till 2019 to see it :)

"I missed that little car." the cutest Knight Rider sentence ever. :D

Dec. 14th, 2012



The places KR will turn up.

In lighter news...

KRO: There's a brief nod to the Knight Rider theme in the movie, Ted in the form of a ringtone. (If you have a good eye, you'll see that they mispelled Stu Phillips' name in the credits.)

That movie really doesn't look like my kind of thing, so I'll pass. But it's something to look out for if you do plan to check it out. ;)