Daily Scans
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:[<< Previous 20 entries]
09:13 pm [deleonjh]
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Frank Miller Holy Terror parody In a way, Frank Miller has become a parody of himself so the label is almost superfluous.
Anyway, to you lucky few who have never heard of it, some years back Miller outlined his idea for a propaganda comic which was essentially Batman vs. Osama bin Laden, Holy Terror, Batman!. Yes, take a moment to goggle. You see what I meant about self-parody? It's not even fish in a barrel territory, it's more like the fish gutted itself, rolled around in lemon juice and butter then flopped into the frying pan. But dear god, when a guy sets himself up like this he's just begging the Internet to take a whack. I was going to save this parody for the new digs but I thought I'd say goodbye to 2.0 with my first ever post.
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, genre: parody
09:49 pm [cyberghostface]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/10141777/376381) [Link] |
Frank Miller does Charlie Brown
Tags: char: charlie brown, genre: parody
12:59 am [espanolbot]
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Casstoons Reaction to the Batgirl 6 cover, plus Black Lightning trailer ( One largish picture behind cut )
Tags: genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: batgirl, title: casstoons
01:46 am [espanolbot]
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Casstoons: Batgirl 3 Reaction ( Spoilers, I guess )
Tags: genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: casstoons
07:21 pm [espanolbot]
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Poorly Drawn Casstoon reaction, plus video ( Wonder Woman Spoilers ) ( How Terminator Should Have Ended )
Current Mood: Struggling with Photoshop Tags: genre: parody, medium: videos, medium: webcomic, title: casstoons
11:19 pm [espanolbot]
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Happy Webcomic News and Sad Webcomic News! ( In Happy News, )
( And in Sad News, )
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: scary go round, title: shortpacked!
08:06 pm [espanolbot]
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Semi-reaction to the new costume, plus huge Red Robin 4 Spoiler ( Behind cut )
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: casstoons, title: red robin
10:44 pm [selke]
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HijiNKS Ensue
Edited to add link: http://hijinksensue.com/
Current Mood: amused Current Music: Weeds, Season 2. Tags: genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: hijinks ensue
10:13 pm [icon_uk]
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Fun instant response to the Disney Marvel acquistion
Tags: char: donald duck, char: mickey mouse, creator: ray anthony height, genre: parody
05:03 pm [icon_uk]
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An old Star Wars post from SD 1.0 I've recently visited Paris, and as a warm up to posting some things I found there, I thought I'd repost this from the old SD for your enjoyment.

I found this in a bookstore the last time I visited Paris, and thought I'd share it with you.
I'm not patient or good enough to change the text in situ, so I'll put in as much of the text as seems appropriate after the fact, and apologise to any French speakers as I mangle their lovely language (And that's why Cypher is my favourite superhero!)
Written and drawn by Enrique V Vegas
Be warned this is not only not dial-up friendly, it's actively dial-up hostile!!
Tags: creator: enrique vegas, genre: parody, title: star wars
01:39 am [espanolbot]
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Another quick Casstoon reaction to Batgirl 1, plus Two Videos ( Possible Spoilers )
( Nostalgia Critic's review of 1990's Captain America movie )
( Linkara's review of Batman: Fortunate Son )
Tags: genre: parody, genre: reviews, medium: videos, medium: webcomic, title: casstoons
02:25 am [espanolbot]
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Quick Casstoon Reaction: Batgirl 1 and Suprising News Sorry for the gap folks who care, work got on top of me.
Here is a reaction to the first issue of this new series. Still working on the art though unfortunately.
( Spoilers and low grade art behind cut )
And in an unrelated matter, DC are apparently going to do a Batman Beyond miniseries. http://blog.newsarama.com/2009/08/24/batman-beyond-returns/
Whether it would be a DCAU series or a DCU one based on a "reimagined" Terry McGinnis, I don't know, but I look forward to it away.
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: batman beyond, title: casstoons
03:16 am [jlroberson]
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Two Parodic Views of John Byrne Both from E-MAN, but two different periods of the book.
Current Location: Seattle Current Mood: angry Current Music: The Fixx Tags: char: rog-2000, creator: joe staton, creator: john byrne, creator: nick cuti, genre: parody
11:43 am [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |
Superman's Watchmen parody

Tags: char: lex luthor, char: superman/clark kent, creator: dennis janke, creator: jerry ordway, genre: parody, publisher: dc comics, title: adventures of superman, title: watchmen
10:22 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |
Spongebob Squarepants/Fantastic Four parody
Tags: char: galactus, char: human torch/johnny storm, char: invisible woman/susan storm, char: mr. fantastic/reed richards, char: silver surfer/norrin radd, char: the thing/ben grimm, creator: jack kirby, creator: paul conrad, creator: stan lee, genre: parody, publisher: marvel comics, title: fantastic four, title: spongebob squarepants
11:59 am [salad_barbarian]
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The greatest crossover of this or any other time! Prepare to have your minds blown away by sheer awesome. Truly this is the crossover that will affect all of our worlds and leave nothing unchanged!
Note I'm not sure how to tag this since I'm not familiar with some of the characters or what comics they are from. So I'm going to do my best and hope the tag wrangles don't forsake me.
Current Location: in antici............pation Current Mood: accomplished Current Music: something suitably epic Tags: char: biff, char: dr. mcninja, char: wasp/janet van dyne, genre: crossover, genre: humor, genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: ctrl alt del, title: cyanide and happiness, title: least i could do, title: looking for group, title: penny arcade, title: pvp, title: questionable content, title: sinfest, title: something positive, title: the book of biff, title: xkcd
02:01 pm [foxhack]
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Gates-chan is so kawaii! Because there hasn't been enough brain-breaking in this community yet: Billionaires, by Takada Yuuki!
OK. So, a friend of mine posted a link to this particular comic back in February. This friend is... well, let's just say she shares several interests with slashers. Anyway. She urged everyone on her friends list to get this comic... so I did. And this is what I saw when I opened it.

Tags: genre: parody, in-joke: context is for the weak, in-joke: crack, medium: manga
01:25 am [espanolbot]
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Quick Casstoon for the past two weeks ( Spoilers, improving art as I go, etc. )
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: casstoons
12:04 am [espanolbot]
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Rapid Red Robin Reaction Rass... Casstoon ( Possible spoilers )
Tags: genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: casstoons, title: red robin
11:45 pm [espanolbot]
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Third Anniversary (and one day) Casstoon Spoilers for numerous things. ( Apologies for the Art )
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, genre: parody, medium: webcomic, title: casstoons
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