Daily Scans
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Below are the 8 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
09:00 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/10660902/376622) [Link] |
Ms. Marvel #46

Tags: char: green goblin/norman osborn, char: moonstone/ms. marvel/karla sofen, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, creator: brian reed, creator: sana takeda, publisher: marvel comics, title: ms. marvel
02:09 pm [schmevil]
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War of the Marvels: Catherine Donovan, Carol Danvers, Karla Sofen and Ms. Marvel Scans from MM 42, 43, and 44.
Tags: char: green goblin/norman osborn, char: moonstone/ms. marvel/karla sofen, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, creator: brian reed, creator: sana takeda, publisher: marvel comics, title: ms. marvel
11:15 am [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |
Oh my god, it all makes sense now!
Tags: char: wolverine/akihiro/daken, creator: brian reed, creator: sana takeda, publisher: marvel comics, title: ms. marvel
01:45 am [ian_karkull]
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Carol Danver's greatest foes team up! (Spoilers for Ms. Marvel 42) Previously, in Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers went from randomly being a 4 person laser show (and also dead) to inexplicably being alive again. Naturally, this irritated Karla quite a bit and fighting ensues, until an old friend of Carol's suddenly appears...
Join me for an all-out, 3-way brawl in..
Current Mood: satisfied Current Music: Kaizers Orcherstra - Ond Sirkel Tags: char: moonstone/ms. marvel/karla sofen, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, creator: brian reed, creator: sana takeda, in-joke: carol vs. car, title: ms. marvel
10:48 pm [pyrotwilight]
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Ms. Marvel #41
Tags: char: deadpool/wade wilson, char: moonstone/ms. marvel/karla sofen, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: luke ross, creator: sana takeda, title: ms. marvel
08:28 pm [volksjager]
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More Bitchin' about Ms. Marvels costume ( or is it a uniform )

...and someone in the Marvel Universe actually wears a sports-bra.
EDIT: This just in an Italian Swimmer had her suit burst open at a swim meet. http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/36786150.html?style=mine
( Read more... )
Current Music: Zen hookers "a taste of sunshine" Tags: char: black widow/yelena belova, char: ghost, char: moonstone/ms. marvel/karla sofen, char: tigra/greer grant, creator: humberto ramos, creator: sana takeda, title: avengers the initiative, title: ms. marvel
04:21 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353884/376622) [Link] |
More Marvel solicts
Tags: char: green goblin/norman osborn, char: mary jane watson, char: moonstone/ms. marvel/karla sofen, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, char: nick fury, creator: adi granov, creator: francesco mattina, creator: j. scott campbell, creator: marko djurdjevic, creator: matteo de longis, creator: sana takeda, genre: solicitations, publisher: marvel comics, title: amazing spider-man, title: avengers the initiative, title: mighty avengers, title: ms. marvel, title: thunderbolts
06:53 pm [dorksidefiker]
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X-Men: Divided We Stand #1: Home From X-Men: Divided We Stand #1, I bring you the only story in the bunch that I find continues to stand up well: Nezheno's story, "Home". I find that this character has seriously grown on me.
8 scans (which should come in under the limit, since the issue is oversized), not particularly dial-up friendly.
Craig Kyle/Chris Yost/Sana Takeda
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http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/fullmetalcute/Iconable/New%20XMen/X-Men_Divided_We_Stand_010.jpg http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/fullmetalcute/Iconable/New%20XMen/X-Men_Divided_We_Stand_011.jpg http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/fullmetalcute/Iconable/New%20XMen/X-Men_Divided_We_Stand_012.jpg http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/fullmetalcute/Iconable/New%20XMen/X-Men_Divided_We_Stand_013.jpg http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/fullmetalcute/Iconable/New%20XMen/X-Men_Divided_We_Stand_014.jpg http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/fullmetalcute/Iconable/New%20XMen/X-Men_Divided_We_Stand_015.jpg http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/fullmetalcute/Iconable/New%20XMen/X-Men_Divided_We_Stand_016.jpg http://i617.photobucket.com/albums/tt255/fullmetalcute/Iconable/New%20XMen/X-Men_Divided_We_Stand_017.jpg
Tags: char: black panther/t'challa, char: gentle/nezhno abidemi, char: storm/ororo munroe, creator: chris yost, creator: craig kyle, creator: sana takeda, publisher: marvel comics