Daily Scans
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Below are the 12 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
10:19 am [mysteryfan]
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Batman Year Three: Jason and Tim and Grief and Pictures

Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: robin/red hood/jason todd, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, creator: george perez, creator: jim aparo, creator: john beatty, creator: marv wolfman, creator: mike decarlo, creator: pat broderick, publisher: dc comics, title: batman
03:28 am [superfan1]
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Ollie baby-sitting! ( Cops and robbers too boring )
Tags: char: green arrow/oliver queen, creator: jim aparo, creator: kevin dooley, publisher: dc comics, title: green arrow
10:52 am [mysteryfan]
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Batman Takes Out the Trash

By request for dustbunny105, A Superhero and some kids. Also, the Geneva Convention, Turkey!
tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, title: brave and the bold, creator: jim aparo, creator: robert kanigher, publisher: dc, era: bronze age
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, creator: jim aparo, creator: robert kanigher, era: bronze age, publisher: dc comics, title: the brave and the bold
05:07 pm [mysteryfan]
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Bruce and Dick and Batman and Robin

Posting this as a follow up to the first part, here (http://asylums.insanejournal.com/scans_daily/941798.html) to show the progression of Bruce and Dick's relationship. How it started, and how much it meant to each of them by the time Dick went away to college.
Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: dick giordano, creator: frank robbins, creator: jim aparo, creator: len wein, creator: neal adams, title: batman, title: untold legends of the batman
07:22 pm [mysteryfan]
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Robin's Oath

Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: bob kane, creator: jerry robinson, creator: jim aparo, creator: len wein, era: bronze age, era: golden age, publisher: dc comics, title: detective comics, title: untold legends of the batman
04:36 pm [arbre_rieur]
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The man the power ring picked before Hal We all know that Hal Jordan was chosen to become Green Lantern because the power ring found him to be most worthy of all the inhabitants of Earth. In this story from Action Comics Weekly, however, we meet the other ten individuals who the ring considered before settling on Jordan, including the one who was deemed worthier than Jordan and chosen ahead of him. (Guy Gardner and John Stewart were two of ten, obviously.)

Tags: char: green lantern/hal jordan, creator: carmine infantino, creator: curt swan, creator: elliot s! maggin, creator: gil kane, creator: jim aparo, creator: jim mooney, creator: steve ditko, title: action comics weekly
09:28 pm [ar_feiniel_]
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"To the Father I Never Knew..." [Tim Angst] In Batman 480 Jack Drake was out of his coma and leaving the hospital. Tim struggled between his life as Jack Drake's Son and Robin.
Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, creator: alan grant, creator: jim aparo, publisher: dc comics, title: batman
05:53 pm [runespoor7]
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Women in Dumpsters: Batman and Jason as Robin Batman #414, #421, #422; 7 scans from each issue, plus the cover.
These three issues form a bigger story arc. The basic plot is such: there's been a series of killings of young women in Gotham, and Batman is searching the murderer. There are a few headdesky plot points, but don't let that drive you away: it's a very good story. #422 especially is wonderfully constructed, but the rest is nonetheless interesting on its own.
I'm posting it because it's an arc than ran during Jason's period as Robin, and though Jason only appears in #422, the story deals with some themes that are inherently linked to his character. Emotional involvement, anger issues, the difference between what is “just” and what is legal, attitude toward women-as-victims, all of which are expanded upon. My comments regarding how the action relates to Jason's character are in italics.
Batman #422 is Jason's last appearance before Garzonas, in Batman #424.
( 7 scans from Batman 414 + cover )
( 7 scans from Batman 421 + cover )
( 7 scans from Batman 422 + cover )
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: jim gordon, char: robin/red hood/jason todd, creator: dick giordano, creator: jim aparo, creator: jim starlin, creator: mark bright, publisher: dc comics, title: batman
09:16 am [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |
Batman vs. ninjas!

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, creator: christopher priest/james owsley, creator: jim aparo, publisher: dc comics, theme: ninjas
12:39 pm [starwolf_oakley]
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The Golem of Gotham Batman threatens an old man. Ah, good times.

Some context after the cut. Batman is fighting a clay man that isn't Clayface.
( Magic clay person that doesn't have a magic lasso. )
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, creator: jim aparo, creator: peter milligan, title: detective comics
09:12 pm [mysteryfan]
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Batman and Robin: Odd Games. Alternate Title: Role Reversal Can Be Fun!

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: jim aparo, creator: len wein, title: untold legends of the batman
05:55 pm [mysteryfan]
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Would you like to see Wonder Girl and Wally West Beat Up Batman?
 ETA: A forgotten phone usage panel. A very special private phone. ( And so you shall... )
Tags: char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: speedy/red arrow/roy harper, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, creator: bob haney, creator: jim aparo, era: bronze age, in-joke: crack