Daily Scans
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
09:00 pm [3goodtimes]
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First post to a soon-to-be moved community... hope I didn't break any rules!

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: batzarro, char: bizarro, char: deathstroke/slade wilson, char: green arrow/connor hawke, char: green arrow/oliver queen, char: impulse/kid flash/bart allen, char: martian manhunter/j'onn j'onzz, char: nightwing/lor-zod/chris kent, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, char: speedy/mia dearden, char: superboy/kon-el/conner kent, char: superman/clark kent, creator: ed mcguinness, creator: jeph loeb, creator: judd winick, creator: kurt busiek, creator: rick leonardi, creator: scott mcdaniel, publisher: dc comics, title: green arrow
03:28 am [superfan1]
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Ollie baby-sitting! ( Cops and robbers too boring )
Tags: char: green arrow/oliver queen, creator: jim aparo, creator: kevin dooley, publisher: dc comics, title: green arrow
10:41 pm [runespoor7]
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Request: Jason-Mia interaction Context: Red Hood has teamed up with a local villain to distract Green Arrow and a visiting Batman, and has kidnapped Speedy. Due to scan limits, I can't post the pure gold that is Bruce and Ollie's dialogue as they follow.
title: green arrow, char: speedy/mia dearden, char: robin/red hood/jason todd, creator: judd winick
Tags: char: robin/red hood/jason todd, char: speedy/mia dearden, creator: judd winick, publisher: dc comics, title: green arrow
12:02 am [kingrockwell]
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It's Not About The Answers: Behind The Mask Of Vic Sage, pt 8 A Martial Arts Week special!
 O'Neil: Vic the Seeker (pt 4) The Great Fables Crossover! (sorry Vertigo fans, not that one)
In 1988, Denny O'Neil set off to tell a great martial arts epic, and close the book on the O-Sensei, the old master introduced in Kung-Fu Fighter, responsible for teaching Richard Dragon, Bronze Tiger and Lady Shiva. While I prolly should've held this one off until after I'd posted the arc from Question v1 16-18, where Vic and Ollie first met, well, who's fault was it starting Martial Arts Week now? But though this crossover takes place in titles starring Batman, Green Arrow and The Question,
Current Music: Jimi Hendrix ~ "Crosstown Traffic" Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: green arrow/oliver queen, char: lady shiva/sandra woosan, char: o-sensei, char: question/vic sage, char: richard dragon, char: tot/aristotle rodor, creator: dennis o'neil, creator: denys cowan, creator: klaus janson, creator: rick magyar, creator: tim dzon, creator: tom artis, creator: tony dezuniga, genre: crossover, publisher: dc comics, series: it's not about the answers, series: martial arts week, title: detective comics, title: green arrow, title: the question
09:37 am [kagome654]
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It's a guy thing Someone asked for Connor Hawke scans a while back, and while I'd like to post the JLA stuff with the most likable fellow to go by the name 'Green Arrow' I haven't been able to dig it out yet. I'm disorganized. I did find something during my rummaging that I thought was worth posting though.
I think almost everyone knows how Ollie died (OMG, SPOILER!?), refusing to let Superman rip his arm off he perished when a plane exploded (well, there was a little more to it than that, but whatever). The heroes all mourn in their own ways until Guy asks something that really should have come up sooner...
Green Arrow v2 #101
Current Music: Raggle Taggle Gypsy-Celtic Thunder Tags: char: black canary/dinah lance, char: green arrow/connor hawke, char: green arrow/oliver queen, creator: chuck dixon, title: green arrow
10:04 pm [uadlika]
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It's My Birthday* and I Can Post if I Want to *Note it is not actually my birthday. It is in June but I won't be around.
The current series of Green Arrow/Black Canary leaves much to be desired, so I went looking for Ollie and Dinah in happier times, and there is a lot of it from the Grell run (and yes, unhappy times and torture and Ollie being a big man-child as he can be). I'm posting here some scans of some of one of my favorite features of the Grell run, that is, the clear passage of time as marked by Ollie's birthdays.
There are 10 scans, from Longbow Hunters #1, Green Arrow #10, #21, #51, and #63. The Longbow Hunters is in trade, alas the others are not.

Happy Birthday all you June babies!
Tags: char: black canary/dinah lance, char: green arrow/oliver queen, creator: mike grell, publisher: dc comics, title: green arrow
08:27 am [drsevarius]
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An old letter from the Green Arrow letters page on Grell's treatment of women
Current Mood: depressed Tags: creator: mike grell, title: green arrow