Daily Scans
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Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
05:40 pm [sailorlibra]
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Six Scans from Superman/Batman 41 I know somebody has asked for the Starro cupcake scene before. Well, here you go, along with lots of other goodies.
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: lois lane, char: supergirl/kara zor-el, char: superman/clark kent, creator: alan burnett, creator: dustin nguyen, publisher: dc comics, title: superman/batman
07:29 pm [superfan1]
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Batman: Arkham Asylum: The Road to Arkham #1 ( One-shot )
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: joker, creator: alan burnett, creator: carlos d'anda, publisher: dc comics, title: batman: arkham asylum
01:34 am [jelly_ace]
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Batman Does Tartaros I was revisiting the Torment arc in Superman/Batman and discovered this little gem of a page in issue no. 41.
Current Mood: nerdy Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: bekka, char: orion, creator: alan burnett, creator: dustin nguyen, title: superman/batman
10:04 pm [zechs27]
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More Machine Than Man Part V The Grand Finale...
Tags: char: anti-monitor, char: cyborg superman/hank henshaw, char: green lantern/hal jordan, char: green lantern/john stewart, char: green lantern/warrior/guy gardner, char: sinestro, char: superboy-prime, char: superman/clark kent, creator: alan burnett, creator: dan jurgens, creator: ethan van sciver, creator: geoff johns, creator: ivan reis, creator: patrick blaine, event: sinestro corps war, group: manhunters, group: sinestro corps, publisher: dc comics, title: green lantern
06:08 pm [lipsofpoison]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/22968449/47029) [Link] |
DCU Holiday Special As requested by ladymirth, scans from last years DC Holiday Special.

In A Day Without Sirens, there are posters up advertising a day without guns, knives, etc. Despite Jim Gordon's complete disbelief, there are 24 hours without a single 911 call and a downtrodden Jim is much cheerier when he meets Batman, who seems quite happy himself.
( 2 scans under the cut )
In It's a Wonderful Night, Dick runs into trouble while trying to hand deliver a special present for Tim. He then discovers Tim with Owen Mercer at a showing of 'It's A Wonderful Life'.
( 2 scans under the cut )
In The Night Before Christmas, the Teen Titans take a christmas break and go hang out. Tim is a bit emo and he and Cassie reflect at Rockerfeller Centre.
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In Party Animal, John Stewart (Green Lantern) and Roy Harper (Red Arrow), are late for the Christmas party, which even Batman is attending. They bring Shaggy Man along to give S.T.A.R labs a break, who gets spooked by the singing. Let's face it, you would too. It all ends with a good partying.
( 3 scans under the cut )
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: blue beetle/jaime reyes, char: bombshell/amy allen, char: captain boomerang/owen mercer, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: green arrow/oliver queen, char: green lantern/john stewart, char: jim gordon, char: red devil/eddie bloomberg, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, char: shaggy man, char: speedy/red arrow/roy harper, char: supergirl/kara zor-el, char: superman/clark kent, char: traci 13, char: vixen/mari jiwe mccabe, char: wonder girl/cassie sandsmark, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: alan burnett, creator: art baltazar, creator: joe kelly, creator: kevin maguire, theme: holidays