Daily Scans
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Below are the 8 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
09:57 am [kingrockwell]
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What really happened to Ambuh Bug: Year None #6?
Tags: creator: art baltazar, creator: franco, creator: keith giffen, publisher: dc comics, title: ambush bug
05:11 pm [superfan1]
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Tiny Teens # 21 ( Poor Alfred never been the same )
Tags: char: alfred pennyworth, char: aqualad/tempest/garth, char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: art baltazar, creator: franco, publisher: dc comics, title: tiny titans
09:26 pm [caeliluminar]
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Tiny Titans #20
Current Mood: amused Tags: char: aqualad/tempest/garth, char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: raven/rachel roth, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: art baltazar, title: tiny titans
07:56 pm [sun_soraya]
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Why Robin's utility belt is like the TARDIS... ... a lot more fits in there than you'd think looking from the outside. Does that count for the trunks, too? Maybe Batman and Doctor Who have the same manufacturer for their stuff after all. Another reason why I'm posting this scene from New Teen Titans #13 (1981) is the awesome African setting. Though I read NTT from the first issue on, this was the one that got me totally hooked back then.

Tags: char: cyborg/vic stone, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: robotman/cliff steele, creator: art baltazar, creator: franco, creator: george perez, creator: marv wolfman, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics, title: teen titans, title: tiny titans
10:38 pm [superfan1]
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Tiny Titans #18 ( Crisis of infinite puns )
Tags: char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: art baltazar, creator: franco, publisher: dc comics, title: tiny titans
06:08 pm [lipsofpoison]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/22968449/47029) [Link] |
DCU Holiday Special As requested by ladymirth, scans from last years DC Holiday Special.

In A Day Without Sirens, there are posters up advertising a day without guns, knives, etc. Despite Jim Gordon's complete disbelief, there are 24 hours without a single 911 call and a downtrodden Jim is much cheerier when he meets Batman, who seems quite happy himself.
( 2 scans under the cut )
In It's a Wonderful Night, Dick runs into trouble while trying to hand deliver a special present for Tim. He then discovers Tim with Owen Mercer at a showing of 'It's A Wonderful Life'.
( 2 scans under the cut )
In The Night Before Christmas, the Teen Titans take a christmas break and go hang out. Tim is a bit emo and he and Cassie reflect at Rockerfeller Centre.
( 2 scans under the cut )
In Party Animal, John Stewart (Green Lantern) and Roy Harper (Red Arrow), are late for the Christmas party, which even Batman is attending. They bring Shaggy Man along to give S.T.A.R labs a break, who gets spooked by the singing. Let's face it, you would too. It all ends with a good partying.
( 3 scans under the cut )
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: blue beetle/jaime reyes, char: bombshell/amy allen, char: captain boomerang/owen mercer, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: green arrow/oliver queen, char: green lantern/john stewart, char: jim gordon, char: red devil/eddie bloomberg, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, char: shaggy man, char: speedy/red arrow/roy harper, char: supergirl/kara zor-el, char: superman/clark kent, char: traci 13, char: vixen/mari jiwe mccabe, char: wonder girl/cassie sandsmark, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: alan burnett, creator: art baltazar, creator: joe kelly, creator: kevin maguire, theme: holidays
03:22 am [superfan1]
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Tiny Titans #17 ( Read more )
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: cyborg/vic stone, char: raven/rachel roth, char: red star/leonid kovar, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: starfire/koriand'r, creator: art baltazar, creator: franco, publisher: dc comics, title: tiny titans
10:09 am [scarletts_awry]
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One perfect moment - Robin and Raven (Tiny Titans) Maybe I'm bitter about a lot of things DC has done lately...
Or maybe it's just that Art Baltazar and the Tiny Titans are made of win.
Tags: char: raven/rachel roth, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: art baltazar, series: one perfect moment week, title: tiny titans