Daily Scans
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Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
06:37 pm [pyrotwilight]
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Black Cat brings us...the Batgirl Corps!
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: flamebird/bette kane, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, char: spoiler/robin/batgirl/steph brown, title: gotham underground
10:23 am [ladytimedramon]
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One Perfect Moment: Beast Boy While I've commented several times, this is my first official post in the new journal. I apologize if the tags aren't correct. I tried.
I've always loved this piece from the 3rd issue of the Beast Boy mini-series. To me, it defines what DC was trying to do with Beast Boy at the time... show that he's not the little kid of the team anymore who doesn't need "big brother Nightwing" to bail him out.
Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, TPTB decided to regress Gar to his 80's personality and have totally screwed him over for the last 2 years or so.
BTW, more of my Beast Boy scans (and the original artwork, which I acquired from the inker Chris Ivy) are at www.garfieldlogan.com
Current Mood: relaxed Tags: char: beast boy/changeling/gar logan, char: flamebird/bette kane, char: matt logan, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: ben raab, creator: geoff johns, creator: justiniano, series: one perfect moment week
03:44 pm [04nbod]
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Random Supergirl Scans
Current Mood: bored Tags: char: aqualad/tempest/garth, char: flamebird/bette kane, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: mon-el/lar gand, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: speedy/red arrow/roy harper, char: supergirl/kara zor-el, char: superman/clark kent, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, group: doom patrol, group: teen titans, publisher: dc comics
12:20 am [espanolbot]
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Casstoon Reaction: The Network plus Batgirl On-Going Cover ( Strip behind cut )
Tags: char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: flamebird/bette kane, char: huntress/helena bertinelli, char: spoiler/robin/batgirl/steph brown, medium: webcomic, title: casstoons
11:12 pm [icon_uk]
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Another golden oldie... some Andy Price Batverse sketch cards! Andy Price is an artist whose style I've loved since I first saw this image;
( NSFW (but not PURE porn) )
Andy has a genuine, if delightfully irreverent, love of the DC characters, in all their assorted styles and era's and can seemingly reproduce all of them.
Luckily he does a lot of work with sketchcards, for the DC Legacy series, and the new Batman Archives set from Rittenhouse and so there have been many nice examples of his work to be had, e-bay being a big help there!
So just bear in mind as you go through these, ALL of them are by the same artist....
( Bat-centric fun below ) There are a LOT of images under here. Even if most of them are relatively small, dial up be warned.
As they have been released by DC for sale, I think it satisfies the need for a published piece of art, but I'll add one in if any mod thinks it's required.
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: catwoman/selina kyle, char: flamebird/bette kane, char: flash/barry allen, char: joker, char: penguin/oswald cobblepot, char: reverse flash/hunter zolomon, char: riddler/edward nigma, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: two-face/harvey dent