March 23rd, 2009

[info]karanguni in [info]roads_diverged

Claims & silly admin postings!

Hello, good people of [info]roads_diverged! This here is K, and I'm the new ninja-type helping out with the running of this comm! (Read: I'm the one being terribly late at life, the universe and everything. *g*)

Here's a few updates on what's been up the last few months!

Claims: completed!

As [info]laylah updated a while back, we have three amazing people (thank you, [info]cleflink, for the correction!) who've finished up their claims; congratulations!

[info]ivoryandhorn completed a mixed bag of fics for an original, The City Adel: Ivahn/Pevi!

[info]ciceqi, with mad skills, finished two mixed bags: one Final Fantasy VII: Sephiroth/Zack/Cloud and the other Vagrant Story: Ashley/Sydney!

And I finished up my own Final Fantasy VII: Tseng fic mixed bag. :D

Claims: in good stead!

Challenge rules state that everyone should be posting at least a little something every 3 months! :D The good and excellent poster who falls into the green zone are:

[info]roruna, who last updated earlier this month in March.


[info]jessara40k is one-off from finishing her Final Fantasy VII: Cloud/Sephiroth fic mixed bag!


I know that there's been a bit of burn-out going on in IJ fandom, especially with the madhouse combination of [info]kinkfest and [info]areyougame and, lord knows, [info]yuletide over the past quarter. NO FEAR, I am here to highlight your names and mine in red sharpie! [edit: only I would not know that I've finished my own claim. *facepalm*]

[info]logistika_nyx, [info]elanor_pam, [info]tainted4life, [info]badpenny, [info]jlsigman, [info]kanjoku, [info]ani_mama, [info]mithrigil, [info]madamhydra, [info]lindenleaves, [info]arianne, [info]appleqb and [info]strawberry_smut last updated in a range of dates between March (guiltyface) and December 2008. DDDDDDDD:

If your name is on that list, PLEASE DO SIGN UP HERE FOR:

  • A bunch of cookies
  • Some hugs
  • A dose of inspiration

Want a new set of themes? Want to change your claim to or from a mixed bag? I'm up for cooking up a new bunch of themes & prompts so that everyone has some fresh ideas to continue on from. :D Leave me a jab in the comments, and if you guys are agreeable, I'll get them out in the week!

Claims: over the hill?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that anyone who hasn't updated in the last year is probably not really interesting in maintaining a claim any more. D: I'll be pruning those dead claims and posting a new list tomorrow.

BUT MAYBE I AM DELUSIONAL AND WRONG! If your name is not on the two lists above but you still want to finish up, leave a comment here within a week and I'll re-add you to the claimant list!

Once again, a thousand apologies for not keeping up with you guys! New claims are ON THE WAY if you want them, so rev your engines (or oil them slowly with a clean cloth, or go on foot): two roads diverged in a yellow, I took the one less taken, and that landed me with a boatload of fic. :D

January 2010



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