Apr. 5th, 2008


Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth/Cloud; Theme 26 - Small Town "Small Town Prejudicies"

Title: Small Town Prejudices - Complete
Author: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied victimisation, implied slavery, light slash
Theme: 26 Small Town

If he could do something about the authorities in this place he would, but all his contacts, at least the ones that had survived the whole ‘child soldier/living weapon’ scandal were military, and somehow he thought Cloud would have problems with him arranging for Nibelheim to be burned to the ground. )

Sep. 25th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VIII] Quistis Trepe "Blue" Theme #16: Cyberpunk

Title: Blue
Author/Artist: tripsoverhercats
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Character: Quistis
Rating: Gen (a little suggestive language)
Theme: Society #16 - Cyberpunk
Author's Note: A little short, but it sort of came out fast, a quick snapshot of the SeeDs and how they might exist in a dystopic cyberpunk world.

Blue )

Sep. 24th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VIII] Quistis Trepe "A New Chapter" Theme #01 Crossover

Title: A New Chapter
Author/Artist: Tripsoverhercats
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Character: Quistis
Rating: Gen
Warnings: Hmmm…. Endings of FFVIII and FFX
Theme: Meta #1 - Crossover
Notes: This is really a prologue that should lead into a larger fic, but I got to the end of the opening and realized… I don’t have a plot yet. *pokes the muses* And they’re not giving me one yet either. This should stand alright, sort of like a pilot episode.

A New Chapter )

Aug. 28th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VIII] Quistis Trepe "The Schoolmarm" Theme #8 Wild West

Title: The Schoolmarm
Author: Tripsoverhercats
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Character: Quistis Trepe
Rating: PG
Warnings: A little whip action?
Theme: Cosplay: 8 - Wild West

The Schoolmarm )

January 2010




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