Apr. 25th, 2008


"Mist Walker," FFXII, Judges, theme #21 - prison

Title: Mist Walker
Author: Laylah
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing Characters: the Judges Magister
Rating: PG for violence?
Theme: #21 - prison ...or, in this case, prison break. ^^
A/N: Mostly, this is about team combat and how fscking awesome it is. Gambits, quickenings, the whole lot.

Mist Walker )

Apr. 1st, 2008


"As Royals" (Final Fantasy XII, Vayne/Larsa, theme 23: Arabia)

Title: As Royals
Author: Arianne
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing: Vayne/Larsa
Rating: R
Warnings: shota, see pairing.
Words: ~850
Theme: 23. Arabia
Summary: He is told Persia has known the tradition for centuries, but in their hosts' households the assumptions are near constant, and the desirous gazes often enough for Vayne to encourage such display.
A/N: It's still March somewhere, yeah? I'm surprised this didn't turn out longer, with how well Vayne goes with medieval Arabia.

Read more... )

Jan. 3rd, 2008


"Rookie," FFXII, Judges, theme 01: crossover

Title: Rookie
Author: Laylah
Fandom:Final Fantasy XII (crossover with VII)
Pairing: no pairings; Drace, Gabranth, Bergan.
Rating: PG-13 for language ^^
Theme: crossover
Summary: When one of the Turks winds up in the hospital, the others show up to check on him.

Rookie )

Dec. 2nd, 2007


Gallows Tree (FFXII AU, Vayne, Gregoroth)

Title: Gallows Tree
Author/Artist: [info]puella_nerdii
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairings: None.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death, spoilers
Theme: Cosplay 8. Wild West
Notes: Late. *thwap*

Gallows Tree )

Dec. 1st, 2007


Final Fantasy XII, House Solidor, "From the New World," theme #32: explorers

Title: From the New World
Author: Arianne
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing: none, but possibly implied Vayne/Larsa, Basch/Larsa
Rating: PG
Warnings: see pairing?
Theme: 32. Explorers
A/N: Accompanying music is the first movement of Antonin Dvorak's 9th Symphony. Vayne's theme starts at 1:58, the twins' at 3:03, Larsa's at 4:12.

5 April 1692: To my dear brother... )

Sep. 18th, 2007


"Archadia Princess High, Volume 5" (Final Fantasy XII, Drace/Gabranth/Ashe, theme #35: high school)

Title: Archadia Princess High, Volume 5: Triangulation
Author: Laylah
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing: Gabranth->Drace, Drace/Ashe, Gabranth/Ashe
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: HENTAI power dynamics -- kink and exploitation
Theme: #35 high school
Author's note: So, high school. Sort of. In that hentai manga way. Volumes 1-4 don't exist and probably never will, but I like to think you're not missing too much of the plot, if you know what I mean, by just having this part. ^_~

Archadia Princess High, Volume 5 )

January 2010




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