Jan. 30th, 2010


Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth/Cloud; Theme 44 Fairy Tales "Sephiroth a Jenova Part 3 - Complete"

Title: Sephiroth a Jenova
Author: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: FFVII
Pairings: past Hojo/Sephiroth, future Cloud/Sephiroth
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Huge consent issues
Theme: 44. fairy tales

Sephiroth’s hands clenched in response to the pain washing over him and he shut his eyes against the flood of memories washing through his mind. It was worse than any other pain he could remember, more than physical, as if something was grasping and twisting his very soul. )

Aug. 4th, 2009


Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth/Cloud; Theme 44 Fairy Tales "Sephiroth a Jenova Part 1"

Title: Sephiroth a Jenova
Author: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: FFVII
Pairings: Hojo/Sephiroth, future Cloud/Sephiroth
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Huge consent issues
Theme: 44. fairy tales

“Sephiroth a Jenova, lower your hair.” The idea of actually climbing up someone’s hair was rather disturbing, so Cloud distracted himself by musing on that name. )

Jun. 23rd, 2009


[FIC] Kingdom Hearts: Prince Roxas and the Ebony Castle

Title: Prince Roxas and the Ebony Castle
Author/Artist: Tyger
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Pairing: Axel/Roxas
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1 780 words
Theme: [Axel & Roxas, mixed bag] #44 - fairy tales

Once upon a time, Prince Roxas was sent to seek his fortune, and save a princess. Any princess. )

Dec. 9th, 2008


just another marriage made in heaven, [baccano!, ladd/lua]

Title: Just Another Marriage Made In Heaven
Author: logistika_nyx
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairings/Characters: Ladd/Lua, Claire, Luck, Isaac, Miria
Rating/Warnings: M
Based on some old north Italian fables mushed together.  Ended up much more like a strange moral fable than a fairy tale, but I just had to roll with it.
Theme: Myth and Folklore #44: Fairy Tales



Mar. 31st, 2008


[Gundam Wing] (Heero, Duo) "Death and the Thief of Hearts" Myth and Folklore: Theme 44: Fairy Tales

Title: Death and the Thief of Hearts
Author: [info]appleqb
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Heero/Duo (pretty harmless)
Rating: G maybe PG
Warnings: Lots of talk of Death... and er, people dying but no main charaters and nothing graphic. Heavily inspired by Kingdom Hearts, Howl's Moving Castle, and Harry Potter *cough* (feel free to ask if you dare.) Oh yeah, and intentional Purple Prose (it's a Fairy Tale, I kinda had to ^_^;) I tried not to get too carried away.
Theme: Fairy Tales

Death and the Thief of Hearts )

Dec. 20th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VII] "Herder in the Night" Myth and Folklore: Theme 44. fairy tales

Title: Herder in the night
Author: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: None
Rating: T
Warnings: Much whipping and character death... but he gets better.
Theme: 44 - Fairy Tales
Notes: Based on a popular brazilian folk tale about a young black slave who took care of the horses of an asshole master. I tried to keep most elements of the tale intact, only doing the transposition of characters as they seemed to fit in my warped little mind (like Virgin Mary = Ifalna). I also tried to maintain the relative "anonimity" of the characters, who are never named in the original (not even the main character); I had to name Cloud, though, because I had to set the pattern somewhere... and Bugenhagen because it's just impossible to figure it's him otherwise. I figure the other characters will be obvious to the readers by context and the setting itself, but if not, do tell! I'm not completely against editing a finished fic, even though it's my policy not to tinker if they've cooled off for too long, no matter how bad they seem in hindsight.

January 2010




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