Dec. 25th, 2008


it's only natural [baccano!, ladd/lua]

Title: It's Only Natural
Author: logistika_nyx
Fandom: Baccano!
Characters/Pairings: Ladd/Lua, Graham, Dune
Ratings/Warnings: M
Other: for roads_diverged claim, Theme # 48 - Supernatural Creatures.


...but the true tale had never been told to anyone: the poor desperate banker kept not-so-little Lua locked up not because he was jealous, and especially not because he wanted to protect Lua, but because he desperately wanted to protect everyone else in the town.  )


Dec. 9th, 2008


just another marriage made in heaven, [baccano!, ladd/lua]

Title: Just Another Marriage Made In Heaven
Author: logistika_nyx
Fandom: Baccano!
Pairings/Characters: Ladd/Lua, Claire, Luck, Isaac, Miria
Rating/Warnings: M
Based on some old north Italian fables mushed together.  Ended up much more like a strange moral fable than a fairy tale, but I just had to roll with it.
Theme: Myth and Folklore #44: Fairy Tales



Sep. 20th, 2008


Baccano!, Eve & the Gandors, "Of Mutual Benefit", and Theme #15: Society - Empire

Title: Of Mutual Benefit
Author: [info]badpenny
Fandom: Baccano!
Characters: Eve Genoard, Luck, Keith, and Berga Gandor
Rating: R-ish for mild language and a fade to black scene between Keith & Katherine.
Warnings: No real warnings outside the rating
Theme: #15. Society - Empire
Summary: The Genoard Family's power and influence is fading, but it may still have enough of both for Eve to negotiate an arrangement with the Gandors.

Of Mutual Benefit )

Aug. 30th, 2008


Baccano!, Keith Gandor, "Point Man" Theme #14: Cosplay - Military

Title: Point Man

Author: [info]badpenny
Fandom: Baccano!

Characters: Keith

Rating: G

Warnings: None

Theme: #14. Cosplay - Military
Summary: Snippets from Keith's years at West Point.

Point Man )

Jul. 27th, 2008


Baccano!, Pairing, "Pulse" Theme #1: Meta - Crossover

Title: Pulse
Author: [info]badpenny
Fandom: Baccano!, Ergo Proxy

Characters: Luck, Claire

Warnings: Character death and resurrection
Theme: #1. Meta - Crossover
Summary: Luck travels to some odd places while his body repairs itself each time he dies. This journey may be a warning of a possible future.

Pulse )

January 2010




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