Oct. 21st, 2008


[Final Fantasy VII] "Rebellion" World tour: Theme 39. owner/slave

Title: Rebellion
Author: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Shinra/Sephiroth
Rating: PG
Warnings: President Shinra's embroidered padding.
Theme: 39. owner/slave
Notes: I'm terribly late with this, and I'm sorry. Real life has been extremely demanding this semester... and the High School fic I started to write last year still won't near completion >_>;; To be true, none of the kinks listed on the kink list hit any of my buttons... so the best I could do was grab one of them and twist it.

The dog bites back )

Jun. 28th, 2008


[Final Fantasy VII] "Are we there yet?" World tour: Theme 28. alien planet

Title: Are we there yet?
Author: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: None really.
Rating: T
Warnings: Panty shot... though accidental.
Theme: 28. alien planet
Notes: I was undecided between 27 (desert island) and 28 (alien planet), but in the end went for a desert planet. :D

We wanna go home. )

Apr. 5th, 2008


[Final Fantasy VII] "Apocalyptica" Society: Theme 19. post-apocalyptic

Title: Apocalyptica
Author: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: If someone really tried to read between the lines, they would find hints of my Cloud/Tifa and Zack/Aeris bias. This wasn't written with romance in mind, though.
Rating: T
Warnings: Stream of consciousness and a severe lack of beta-reading. Also, minor character warning.
Theme: 19. post-apocalyptic
Notes: I'M LATE LATE LATE WITH THIS FIC!! Which is why I hurried through it today like one hurries to the cool shade of a kiosk when barefoot at the beach under a smoldering sun. The first part has been finished since november or december - and sat on the back of my hard drive while I struggled through writer's block till yesterday. I don't think it's in perfect reading condition - the tenses had me confused at parts - but I couldn't wait to get it out of me and up for scrutinity. As for the story itself - I couldn't insert all the elements I wanted, and some things had to be left open for interpretation for fear of inserting too much explaining in the narration... but overall I really like this universe. My biggest regret is not finding a good hook to insert the "Nibelung" epithet.

This 'verse was inspired by the question: if Meteor actually hit the planet, was that convoluted plan of Sephiroth's really going to work the way he expected it to? Was the planet just going to let him suck its powers? Was the rest of humanity - and our heroes - just going to roll over and die overnight? So, for starters, I answered no to all these questions, and that would be the background to this half-dead but stubbornly struggling world...

Dec. 20th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VII] "Herder in the Night" Myth and Folklore: Theme 44. fairy tales

Title: Herder in the night
Author: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: None
Rating: T
Warnings: Much whipping and character death... but he gets better.
Theme: 44 - Fairy Tales
Notes: Based on a popular brazilian folk tale about a young black slave who took care of the horses of an asshole master. I tried to keep most elements of the tale intact, only doing the transposition of characters as they seemed to fit in my warped little mind (like Virgin Mary = Ifalna). I also tried to maintain the relative "anonimity" of the characters, who are never named in the original (not even the main character); I had to name Cloud, though, because I had to set the pattern somewhere... and Bugenhagen because it's just impossible to figure it's him otherwise. I figure the other characters will be obvious to the readers by context and the setting itself, but if not, do tell! I'm not completely against editing a finished fic, even though it's my policy not to tinker if they've cooled off for too long, no matter how bad they seem in hindsight.

Sep. 29th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VII] Art - "Here there be angst!" Theme #9: Pirates

Title: Here there be angst!
Author/Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: Gen
Theme: #9: Pirates
Author's Note: Used stock texture from the awesome guys at Resurgere. I tried using a more cartoonish style, but that intent got lost somewhere during the inking :/ You can see it pretty well in Zack, Tifa and Cid, the first ones I inked. Also, I don't know how Red climbed over there...

And now for something completely different! )

Aug. 30th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VII] "Shame and Regret" - Theme #3: Canon What-if

Title: Shame and regret
Author/Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Gen, but could be Cloti if you squint and bend your head sideways
Rating: PG-13 for teen angst
Warnings: None
Theme: #3 - canon what-if
Tifa discovers the unpleasant side of Nibelheim.

January 2010




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