Apr. 25th, 2009


[The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "TO MR. IVAHN CHANDLERSOHN" Theme #17: high society

Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: Original - The City Adel
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn (uh, more like Pevi --> Ivahn in this one?)
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Theme: Society #17: high society
Notes: ~1400 words. Written not long after I'd read The Coquette for school, while the style was still earwormy. This isn't a completely faithful reproduction of the writing style of the time, just...my mental impression of it.
Summary: Just a note between friends.

Perhaps the best I can do is only to endeavor to explain, and hope that you will look favorably upon my words and desperate exhortations, even if only by the obligation of our past friendship. )

Jan. 24th, 2009


[The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "But The Past Ain’t Through With You" Theme #12: gangsters

Title: But The Past Ain’t Through With You
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: Original – The City Adel
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn
Rating: PG
Warnings: swearing, light m/m
Theme: Cosplay #12: gangsters
Notes: ~2500 words. It took me four tries to hit an angle on Pevi-and-Ivahn-are-gangsters that really appealed, but I think I’m finally happy with how it came out.
Summary: Leaving’s never as easy as you think.

The newspaper rustled as Pevi tossed it on the coffee table, front page prominent: beneath the loud headline was a smudgy photo of what was undeniably Ivahn’s father, looking like he was heading out for a evening stroll and being led away in handcuffs. )

Oct. 20th, 2008


[The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "How to Save a Life" Theme #3: canon what-if

Title: How to Save a Life
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: The City Adel (Original)
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence, m/m
Words: 1259
Theme: Meta #3: canon what-if
Notes: I wrote this for another prompt, but I figured this one fit more. It's sort of an AU of an AU, specifically the one I wrote for the supernatural creatures prompt. What if I'd gone a more traditional vampire/werewolf route?
Summary: Over seven hundred years he’d had, assuredly seven hundred more than he’d deserved.

Her foot hit a piece of wood from the shattered pews and sent it skittering into the shadows like a spooked mouse. )

Aug. 5th, 2008


[The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "Only the Ocean Knows" Theme #42: tentacles

Title: Only the Ocean Knows
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: The City Adel (Original)
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: m/m, s/s (for squidman/sharkman *cough*), xeno, questionable biology
Words: 1514
Theme: Kink #42 -- tentacles
(1) I...I can't believe I actually wrote this.
(2) Please let me know if the warnings/rating are off--I'm doing the best I can but I'm not sure how good that actually is.
(3) Some background, because it will never get anywhere else--the sharks are a relatively more settled, tribal people. The squids are sort of wandering gypsy folk.
Summary: For never was there a tale of more woe...

...than that of Sharkiet, and his Squideo. )

Jul. 11th, 2008


[The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "Post-Mission Protocol" Theme #14: military

Title: Post-Mission Protocol
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: Original -- The City Adel
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: m/m, light swearing
Words: ~4000
Theme: #14 - military
Summary: It's been a long day, and it gets even longer when he flies back in.
(1) This has some terminology in common with another Roads Diverged piece I did (the very first, in fact, which is oddly fitting). However, the universes are entirely separate and not compatible or very similar.
(2) I think the guys came out older in this piece than I usually write them. I get the sense they're in their late twenties, rather than the early twenties/late teens that I usually envision them.

Once upon a time, back when the project had just begun making its first attempts to run on its own two feet, all twenty of the mecha had been identical. )

Jun. 24th, 2008


[The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "Something There That Wasn't There Before" Theme #25: big city

Title: Something There That Wasn't There Before
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: The City Adel (/Kingdom Hearts; post-KH II)
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn (& Axel/Roxas)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: m/m
Length: 18,600
Theme: #25 - big city
Summary: I'd travel to the ends of the worlds to save you.
Author's Note: I don't want to say too much in case I end up flailing and begging for forgiveness, but I will say that I mess with canon a bit. And that when my eye landed on the big city prompt I was instantly pinged for this setting.

Each part links out to my journal. All titles are indeed lines from Disney songs. Not telling which ones, though. ;)

Part I: Our Trio's Down to Two

Part II: When You Wish Upon A Star

Part III: Glowing Dim as an Ember

Part IV: 'Tween Pavement and Stars

Part V: Let's Get Down to Business

Part VI: Like Painting a Masterpiece (It's a Work of Heart)

May. 14th, 2008


[Original: The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "Internet Famous" Theme #35: high school

Title: Internet Famous
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: The City Adel
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: very mild m/m
Length: ~2000
Theme: #35 - high school
Author's Note: This is almost nothing like any of my other ideas for this prompt. Which just goes to show you that inspiration hits at weird times with the weirdest things.

...it’s not like they’re sticking hands down each other’s pants or stripping or anything. )

Apr. 7th, 2008


[Original: The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "I Was A Teenage AAAGH!" Theme #48: supernatural creatures

Title: I Was A Teenage AAAGH!
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: The City Adel
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn, of course.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: some swearing
Length: 500x2
Theme: #48 - supernatural creatures
Author's Note: I...don't know if what I was trying worked. I'm not sure what I was trying. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.

I don't know and I don't want to find out! )

Mar. 15th, 2008


[Original: The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "Snowscape" Theme #41: anthropomorphic/furry

Title: Snowscape
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: The City Adel
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn, of course.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A lot of swearing. Very, very light m/m
Length: 1272
Theme: #41 - anthropomorphic/furry
Author's Note: It's sorta set in a world I've been poking at cautiously, hence: the Jacks and Jills. I'll explain if anyone feels particularly interested, but otherwise I'm going to just leave it at that. Suffice to say Ivahn used to be a Jack, but now is not, and Pevi must live with the aftermath. ...Also, I didn't get a chance to actually mention this, but Pevi is a dog.

If he’d been thinking clearly he’d have realized that the fact he’d actually sat down to read a book of his own free will was a klaxon that things were Not Well. )

Feb. 18th, 2008


[Original: The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "Magic Mayhem" Theme #2: I play one on TV

Title: Magic Mayhem
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: The City Adel
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn in a roundabout sort of way
Rating: PG
Warnings: mentions of m/m
Length: 1939 words
Theme: #2 - I play one on TV
Summary: As April 15 and Starlight Orden’s debut draws ever closer, Magician visits the set of Starlight Orden to have a chat with Andrea about what’s to come from this adaptation of Darkens’ masterpiece.

BONUS INTERVIEW with Adrian Travers and Anthony Monaghan, the leading men of Starlight Orden. )

Sep. 21st, 2007


[Original: The City Adel] Elfin-verse] (Pevi/Ivahn) "Between You and Me" Theme #19: Post-Apocalyptic

Title: Between You and Me
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: The City Adel
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn
Rating: R
Warnings: m/m
Length: 10,162 words
Theme: #19 - post-apocalyptic
Summary: And on certain days--on certain days, well, there're other reasons that he can put up with the exhausting most days and the shitty some days and the guilt-laden other days.
Author's Notes: I had so much fun with this piece. Enormous props to my beta, starriheavens on LJ [info]starriheavens, for her detailed crit of this monster. :D

Between You and Me )

January 2010




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