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Nov. 12th, 2010


Comunity Moving

This community has moved to DreamWidth.

Over the past year, participation here has been dwindling as people move to new homes in the journal-sphere. The DreamWidth AreYouGame community is still going strong. We have a wider range of prompts that represent more variety of gaming fandoms. Currently we are starting to wrap up the prompting session (last day for prompting is November 14) and will go into the claiming round. I invite all of you to come and participate there. Any prompts that were still in play here have been moved to the master list there.

As far as any fiction in this community, all fiction will stay posted at author discretion. If you are an author and you no longer wish for your fiction to be archived here, feel free to remove your work.

If you want to participate in AreYouGame on Dreamwidth but need an invite code, let me know and I will pass one your way.

Link: areyougame at dreamwidth

Sep. 28th, 2010


Countdown to Posting - The posting instructions

Posting begins Friday, October 1st at 12:00 AM EST!

Are you ready to post? Are you ready to read? ^_^

Here are your handy dandy posting instructions:

All art and fic over 100 words must be behind cut tags to prevent flist flooding. Any fic that includes explicit material (*cough*SEX!*cough*), character death, etc. must also be behind cut tags regardless of length to help those who don't want to get caught reading or viewing NSFW items. If your art includes icons, you may post one teaser icon with the rest being behind a cut. Any other art: a thumbnail will be an acceptable teaser as long as it doesn't include any bits that are NSFW.

Please use the follow format when posting:

[Subject Line]: Title of Fic/Art, Fandom (Pairing)


Word count:


The cut for the fiction or work of art. All art, with the exception of a small worksafe preview, must be behind a cut.

Please post your work to the community for archiving purposes, not just a link to your DW.

Please leave the tagging up to the mods unless you see a tag for your fandom and your name.

Recipients will remain anonymous unless they choose to out themselves.  ^_~

For those just here for the read:

Read and enjoy, but please be sure to drop a comment or two for all the hard work the authors put into their pieces. It is always nice to know when someone enjoys your work, therefore cookies are always accepted!

Claiming will remain open:

Claiming will remain open for all dates that haven't yet come to pass for those who haven't had a chance to get in on the action (or those masochists that just want MOAR!).

Have fun!

Sep. 22nd, 2010


Claiming is now open

Writers and Artists - Start your claiming!

To claim a prompt:

1. Copy and paste the prompts for which you want to write or create art into a comment to this post or either of the prompt posts. Please include the date and whether you are making a fic or art claim to help me promptly note your claim.

Example: September 28 – Devil May Cry, Nero/Dante: Longing – Where have you been?

2. Each prompt can be claimed a total of six times (three for fic and three for art).

3. You are welcome to claim your own prompts.

4. Collaborations are welcome.

Please be patient with me as I note your claims. Claiming will be on a first comment first noted basis which I will note as soon as possible.

Writers and artists – these prompts are supposed to be challenging and fun. Interpret the prompts as you will but please keep the main elements the requester submitted. All fiction must be at least 100 words. Art claims can be in the medium of the artist's choice - we will accept icons, wallpapers, fanvids, drawings, painting, etc.

Posting instructions will be available around September 28th, but please feel free to start brainstorming or writing/creating as soon as you have your prompt.

Begin claiming here: October 1-31

Sep. 20th, 2010


Prompt Sneak Peek

Here is a prompt list sneak peek for all you writers/artists thinking about claims. We've had quite a turnout for our first session!

Please check the list over and let me know if you see any mistakes or if I have missed any prompts.

Do not make claims to the list at this time. Claiming will begin 12:00 AM EST Tuesday, September 21st and will run until September 31st. If you still have a prompt to submit, don't worry, we are still taking them until 6:00 PM EST on the 21st right here!

And now, the list (it’s juicy!): Prompts: October 1-31


Prompt List: October 1-31

Sep. 7th, 2010


Prompting is open

Prompting is now open!

Leave your prompt requests in the comments following this format.

Please limit any crossovers to games only.

Again, your prompt requests will be collected and organized into a Master List. When the master list is up and free of error, we will have a claiming session where you will be able to claim the prompts for which you want to write or create art.

A sneak peek of the Master List will be posted September 20th for public viewing to make sure that there are no errors (however, prompt requests will still be taken until 6 PM EST on September 20th).

Claiming will begin at 12:00 AM EST September 21st and we will accept claims until the first day of posting (12:01 AM EST, October 1st) and for every day that has not passed.

Posting instructions will be posted around the end of the claiming session.

Comments to this post are screened. If your prompt ends up being claimed and written, I am leaving it up to you to out yourself as prompter if you'd like.


Aug. 31st, 2010


Quick note

Prompting for the next session will begin a little late. I am catching a flight (long flight is long) to Japan today and I won't have reliable computer access for at least a week. If I can sneak it in, I certainly will.

Take care everyone. I'll post again soon!

Aug. 6th, 2010


July '10 Fic and Art List

Mar. 6th, 2010


February 2010 Fic/Art Master List

I clearly forgot to post this last session, so here it is and backdated as to fit in with the round.

Aug. 6th, 2010


Retiring Prompt Free-For-All

As of this last [info]areyougame session, we have a LOT prompts to retire!

So, if you are looking for a challenge or just need something to keep you occupied during the next month, feel free to let these bunnies take up residence with you. No claiming necessary for the free-for-all, just take, create and post here sometime during the month of August.

Please follow the regular posting format for the free-for-all.

Aug. 1st, 2010


End session

Good round, everyone!

So what's next? Well, this week, I will be putting together the master list of everything that has been written and getting it posted up. Then, next week I will be posting retired prompts for a free-for-all that will continue through the rest of August.

In September, we begin prompting again for an October round.

If you can't wait until October, we just started posting over at areyougame on Dreamwidth. Of course, there are still prompts left! :) If you are already established there, I hope you are having a blast - I know I am. And if you aren't established, but want to be, let me know and I can probably get you an invite to the party.

Again, good work, everyone!

Jul. 31st, 2010


[Late July 23rd] In The Shadow of Death, I Will Forever Fear You (Silent Hill 4 - Walter/Eileen)

Title: In The Shadow of Death, I Will Forever Fear You
Fandom: Silent Hill 4
Pairings: Walter/Eileen and Henry/Eileen
Prompt: July 23 - Silent Hill 4, Walter/Eileen: possession - "And God said, thou must return to the wellspring of sin... "
Rating: R-ish
Genre/Warnings: Hurt/comfort, Dark!fic, Angst, Religious tones
Word Count: 817 (sans the quote at the beginning)
Summary: Eileen can never forget what Walter almost did to her.
A/N: Again, sorry for the late entry! I really got into this one. Put it off until the want to write this drove me crazy. I even researched bible verses for it (and I'm not all that religious). All verses come from the New International Bible (via

In the meantime, Walter Sullivan would revel in the sins of his victims. )

Jul. 28th, 2010


[Late July 20th] Is It Dark Out Where You Are? (Silent Hill movie - Cybil/Rose)

Title: Is It Dark Out Where You Are?
Fandom: Silent Hill (movie)
Pairing: Cybil/Rose
Prompt: July 20 - Silent Hill Movie, Cybil/Rose: comfort – Don’t let go of me
Rating: PG
Warnings: Femslash, angst, dark, minor movie spoiler, mild AU.
Word Count: 836
Summary: Rose wanders outside the church, wondering where her daughter is.
A/N: Sorry for the late fic! Just a little Cybil/Rose interaction where the mood is serious but light and not sweet but not completely angsty. xD I was going for depth, I think.

This isn't hell as described by the bible, but its definitely a plausible alternative for the real thing. )

Jul. 13th, 2010


On the Beach, Kingdom Hearts (Axel/Roxas/Sora)

Title: On the Beach
Author: [info]kunenk
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word count: 173
Prompt: Kingdom Hearts II, Axel/Roxas/Sora: fluff - this is our happy ending?
Summary: Playing around in the water.
A/N: Not quite as questioning as I'd wanted, but I hope it's enjoyable all the same.

The worst part was trying to get the sand off his feet afterwards. )

Jul. 8th, 2010


[KH: Sora, Sephiroth/Cloud] I Spy Something...Whut?

Title: I Spy Something...Whut?
Author/Artist: faicinn_rocais
Rating: T
Warnings: Sora being voyeuristic, implication of sex
Word count: 357
Prompt: July 8 - Kingdom Hearts, Sora + Sephiroth/Cloud: unintentional voyeurism - Is that physically possible?
Summary: All Sora had been doing was walking down the hall--perhaps he'd go to the kitchen, get something to drink. Then there had been sounds...curious sounds...
A/N: I hope this is done well--I haven't done anything with the KH games in a year or so.
This was the first thing that came to mind. I do hope the requester enjoys it. :3

…was that even comfortable? )


Fair Game [Final Fantasy VII/Final Fanasy XIII, Zack/Lightning, T]

Title: Fair Game

Author: Valk

Rating: T

Warnings: AU, Mild language

Word Count: 1000

Prompt: Crossover: Final Fantasy VII/Final Fantasy XIII, Zack & Lightning: making her smile

A/N: So, I stumbled across Zack/Lightning (Zatning, as I call them) and I fell in love with the idea of them. I found this prompt and couldn’t resist writing it. I hope you all enjoy and please leave feedback! This is my first time writing this pairing, so I’m wondering how it turned out.

*Note to the mod: I wasn't sure how to handle crossover tags, so I made do. If you want me to change it somehow, just let me know, okay?



Jul. 3rd, 2010


Tag, Okami (Kabegami, Gekigami)

Title: Tag
Author/Artist: [info]kunenk
Rating: G
Warnings: Nothing, really, I think.
Word count: 249
Prompt: Okami, Kabegami + Gekigami: play - put your burdens aside
Summary: Surprise tag!
A/N: Gekigami is fairly fond of her, I think.

Read more... )


Settling, Chrono Trigger (Marle, Chrono, Lucca)

Title: Settling
Author/Artist: [info]kunenk
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word count: 382
Prompt: Chrono Trigger, Crono & or / Marle & or / Lucca: aftermath - 'Trusting in the future without time travel'.
Summary: The morning after the Moonlight Parade.
A/N: Not quite the original idea I'd had for this, which I want to get back to sometime. Exciting! \o/

A gentleness of world )

Jun. 28th, 2010


Countdown: The Posting Instructions

Posting begins Thursday, July 1st at 12:00 AM EST!

Are you ready to post? Are you ready to read? ^_^

Here are your handy dandy posting instructions:

All art and fic over 100 words must be behind cut tags to prevent flist flooding. Any fic that includes explicit material (*cough*SEX!*cough*), character death, etc. must also be behind cut tags regardless of length to help those who don't want to get caught reading or viewing NSFW items. If your art includes icons, you may post a one teaser icon with the rest being behind a cut. Any other art: a thumbnail will be an acceptable teaser as long as it doesn't include any bits that are NSFW.

Please use the follow format when posting:

[Subject Line]: Title of Fic/Art, Fandom (Pairing)


Word count:


The cut for the fiction or work of art. All art, with the exception of a small worksafe preview, must be behind a cut.

Please post your work to the community for archiving purposes, not just a link to your IJ.

Please leave the tagging up to the mods unless you see a tag for your fandom and your name.

Recipients will remain anonymous unless they choose to out themselves.  ^_~

For those just here for the read:

Read and enjoy, but please be sure to drop a comment or two for all the hard work the authors put into their pieces.  It is always nice to know when someone enjoys your work, therefore cookies are always accepted!

Claiming will remain open:

Claiming will remain open for all dates that haven't yet come to pass for those who haven't had a chance to get in on the action (or those masochists that just want MOAR!).

Have fun!

Jun. 18th, 2010


Claiming is Open

Writers and Artists - Start your claiming!

Claiming is open early due to severe weather in the area. O__o;;;

To claim a prompt:

1. Copy and paste the prompts for which you want to write or create art into a comment to this post or either of the prompt posts. Please include the date and whether you are making a fic or art claim to help me promptly note your claim.

Example: July 28 – Devil May Cry, Nero/Dante: Longing – Where have you been?

2. Each prompt can be claimed a total of six times (three for fic and three for art).

3. You are welcome to claim your own prompts.

4. Collaborations are welcome.

Please be patient with me as I note your claims. Claiming will be on a first comment first noted basis which I will note as soon as possible.

Writers and artists – these prompts are supposed to be challenging and fun. Interpret the prompts as you will but please keep the main elements the requester submitted. All fiction must be at least 100 words. Art claims can be in the medium of the artist's choice - we will accept icons, wallpapers, fanvids, drawings, painting, etc.

Posting instructions will be available around June 28th, but please feel free to start brainstorming or writing/creating as soon as you have your prompt.

Begin claiming here:
July 1-15
July 16-28

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November 2010




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