Mar. 24th, 2008


"The Master of the House" (Bijou, Jasper, theme #10: harem)

Title: The Master of the House
Author: [info]strawberry_smut
Fandom: Bijou
Pairing: Jasper/Everyone
Characters: Jasper, Cobalt, original characters
Media: Art and Writing
Rating: Not worksafe for topless girls. Repeat, NSFW.
Theme: #10: Harem

I could have kept on at this picture forever, but the text was a real biatch. So here you go... )

Mar. 15th, 2008


Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth/Cloud; Theme 10 - Harem "In the Harem of the Empress Part 2"

Title: In the Harem of the Empress Part 2 - Complete
Author: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Yuffie/Sephiroth, Sephiroth/Cloud
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied slavery, implied matriarchy, implied het, non-explicit violence and gore, light slash
Theme: 10 harem

“If you think he’s capable of handling weapons he should have them. Traditionally my favourite concubine and his servant should be armed, even if I don’t arm the rest of the harem.” Yuffie laughed then, a faint bitterness in her voice. “My other concubines couldn’t handle weapons, but my favourite needs to be able to defend himself, in case someone gets the idea she can use you as leverage against me, and because you’re a war prize you’d be entitled to your weapons anyway.” )

Feb. 2nd, 2008


Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth/Cloud; Theme 10 - Harem "In the Harem of the Empress Part 1"

Title: In the Harem of the Empress Part 1
Author: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Yuffie/Sephiroth
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied slavery, implied matriarchy, implied het
Theme: 10 harem
Notes: I meant this to be a one-shot, but I realised I wouldn't be able to fit it into one post anyway, so here's part 1. I will be putting the Sephiroth/Cloud bit in the second part, but I need to build up to it, for a change.

In the Harem of the Empress Part 1 )

January 2010




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