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Posts Tagged: 'maizie+wolfe'

Oct. 4th, 2015



Who: Olivia Jensen & Maizie Wolfe, with a notable guest appearance from Savannah Posey.
Where: The LBJ; where else?
When: Backdated to September 8 & 9 and October 1.
What: Navigating the changing dynamics of a friendship through familial rift-mending, scouting runs, supermoons, text message break-ups, unresolved emotions from June, and shootouts.

Be a mess with me, okay? )

Sep. 26th, 2015



Who: Ezra and Maizie
Where: same window as before
What: guitars, gifts, and the possibility of meeting face-to-face
When: 9/9/18, around 6:30PM

Sunshine / On my window / Makes me happy / Like I should be )

Sep. 22nd, 2015



Who: Savannah and Maizie
Where: Savannah's office
What: mending fences and actually communicating
When: 9/8, early afternoon

Read more... )

Sep. 17th, 2015




Who: Nadia, Nate and all the guests.
Why: Birthday things
When: September 6th, Friday 3:30 to
Where: Here )

Sep. 16th, 2015



Who: Liv and Maizie
Where: LBJ, the Oval Office
What: Liv's a little freaked out and Maizie's a little hurt, but they work it out
When: 9/6/18, right after Liv's interview goes live

When everything is wrong I'll come talk to you, you make things alright when I'm feeling blue )

Sep. 14th, 2015



Who: Jadyn and Maizie
Where: Day's office, the LBJ
What: a surprise visit, catching up
When: 9/5, early afternoon

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Sep. 4th, 2015



Who: Savannah and Maizie
Where: the LBJ Oval Office
What: fallout from Maizie and Liv's celebration
When: mid-morning, September 2nd

The only thing wrong is you stealin’ a bottle of your daddy’s liquor. )

Sep. 2nd, 2015



and if you need a friend i'll help you stitch up your wounds

Who: Olivia Jensen & Maizie Wolfe
When: Evening of September 1
Where: The roof of the LBJ Library
What: A birthday celebration, a little bit of heart-to-heart, and some rebellion set after these texts
Warning: Underage drinking

hold on tight this ride is a wild one )

Aug. 15th, 2015



Who: Ezra and Maizie
Where: the LBJ
What: stolen conversation through an open window
When: Saturday the 15th

Took my spot at the window, looked at the road/Dots and dashes of traffic like a message in code )



Who: Savannah and Maizie
Where: the LBJ
What: dog walking and general angst
When: Friday the 14th, evening

We are X-rays of something broken. )

Aug. 9th, 2015



Who: Olivia Jensen and Maizie Wolfe
When: Tonight, after these texts and Savannah's announcement
Where: Maizie's corner of the Oval Office; LBJ Library
What: Olivia tries to be there for Maizie

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Jul. 31st, 2015



Who: Isaac and Maizie
Where: the LBJ
What: exchanging books
When: Friday (today)

Time is priceless, but it’s Free. You can't own it, you can use it. You can spend it. But you can't keep it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back. )

Jul. 23rd, 2015



Who: Nadia and Maizie
What: first time meeting
Where: the LBJ
When: slightly backdated to yesterday (Wednesday)

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Jul. 20th, 2015



WHO: Josh Castillo, Olivia Jensen, and Maizie Wolfe
WHAT: Olivia and Maizie give Josh a tour of the LBJ, and Maizie watches them for any indication of romantic feelings towards each other
WHEN: Backdated to July 16

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Jul. 16th, 2015



WHO: The LBJ Crew and Hellhounds!
WHERE: Dog Park
WHAT: Jadyn, Savannah, and Maizie are visiting Gray. Maybe they'll get to meet some Dog Park residents along the way.
WHEN: Backdated to Wednesday afternoon on July 15th at 1:00 PM.

keeping it civil or at least trying to )

Jun. 24th, 2015



Who: Savannah and Maizie
Where: the LBJ, Savannah's Office
What: Maizie comes seeking help, conversation happens
When: this afternoon

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