all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017




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Posts Tagged: 'lalita+singh'

Jun. 17th, 2016



Scared to look at peers when they peer back

Who: Torrie Reed and Lita Singh
Where: UMCB
What: Torrie was looking for her brother and found Lita. They do some mutual bitching.
When: 6/6/19, afternoon

It's weird how we fear that
It's weird how we wear masks
It appears that we fear our own tears more than tear gas )

May. 18th, 2016



Who: Savannah and Lita
Where: Savannah’s office at the LBJ
What: a girl’s night to forget about stupid boys
When: May 6, 2019, after curfew.

Don't blame yourself
‘Cause you tried as hard as hell
With the hand that you were dealt

Don't blame
Get on your feet, enough poor me
If you got time to bitch and whine,
well there's still time to try again... )

Apr. 18th, 2016



Well, I got the call soon as the day hit night

Who: Nathaniel Posey, Pete Whelan, Lita Singh
Where: UMCB; 2nd floor cafeteria
What: A reunion, some information, etc, etc.
When: 4/2/19, just after 4:15PM

As soon as the headlights lit up the Westside.
I stopped the car and came outside
Cause I know that tone.
I remember the first time
we wished upon parallel lines.
Waiting for a friend to call and say they're still alive.  )

Apr. 5th, 2016



What's Right For Me Ain't For You

Who: Lita Singh and Nick Choi.
Where: Nick’s office, the LBJ.
What: Lita and Nick navigate the choppy seas of friendship by returning an ancient relic to its proper owner.
When: March 7, 2019, early afternoon.

I'm not trying to forget you
I just like to be alone
come and give me the space I need
and you may and you may and you may find
that we’re alright )

Apr. 2nd, 2016



Yesterday is gone and you will be OK

Who: Torrie Reed, Solomon Reed, Lalita Singh
Where: UMCB
What: Getting stitched up, with an added conversation that might be long overdue.
When: 3/10/19, around 7PM

Place your past into a book, burn the pages
Let 'em cook oh
Yesterday is dead and gone and so today
Place your past into a book, burn the pages. )

Feb. 29th, 2016



Who: Pete & Bea / Bea & Lita
Where: UMCB
What: Talks of how everyone deserves healthcare and getting to know her new squad.
When: February, 2, morning/afternoon

part one: pete & bea )

part two: bea & lita )

Feb. 5th, 2016



Who: The esteemed medical professionals, Dr. Peter Whelan and Dr. Lalita Singh
When: The evening of 1/7/18
Where: The UMCB
What: Conspiracies and overall sexiness.

words and gifs )

Jan. 5th, 2016



Who: Lita and Sarge
Where: The infirmary, La Quinta
When: (Backdated) 1/1/19, 1:15 p.m.
What: Lita visits her newest patient, Sarge, in La Quinta. Messages are relayed and words are exchanged.

When the whites of your eyes come through
You will see something new
With your body and mind restored
It'll be good to see you back home

When the life in your eyes wants black
Things return
You've come back
With your body and mind restored
It's good to see you once more )

Jan. 4th, 2016



Who: Lita and James
Where: The infirmary, La Quinta
When: (Backdated) 12/10/18, 6:15 a.m.
What: A doctor and her prisoner patient

Even though my mind is hazy an' my thoughts they might be narrow
Where you been don't bother me or bring me down in sorrow
It don't even matter, where you're wakin' up tomorrow
Darlin', you just on my mind

When you wake up in the mornin', baby, look inside your mirror
You know I won't be next to you, you know I won't be near
I'd just be curious to know if you can see yourself as clear
As someone who has had you on her mind )

Dec. 30th, 2015



Who: Nina Clarke, esq. & Lalita Singh, M.D.
Where: The UMCB
When: Backdated to the afternoon of December 7, before the snowfall starts!
What: A lawyer's looking for a doctor.

Read more... )

Dec. 15th, 2015



The Policy of Truth

Who: Lita Singh and Demi Rafferty
Where: Demi and Isaac's apartment, the Capitol
What: Just two friends delivering messages, discovering loyalties, and finding out they share more than a sense of humor.
When: 12/5/18, later afternoon.

Hide what you have to hide
And tell what you have to tell
You'll see your problems multiplied
If you continually decide
To faithfully pursue
The policy of truth

Never again
Is what you swore
The time before )

Nov. 25th, 2015



a very lbj thanksgiving

Who: all of lbj + guests
Where: LBJ
What: Thanksgiving meal!
When: November 9, 2pm - curfew (or later if guests are staying over)

thanksgiving~ )

Nov. 6th, 2015



The Weight of the Load

WHO: Lita and Savannah
WHERE: Lita’s apartment at the UMCB
WHAT: Lita is awakened by an unexpected (but always welcome) visitor
WHEN: November 3, early morning

When fear and doubts
Start calling you out
Well, I'll help you out
With the weight of the load )

Nov. 2nd, 2015



all of this could have been yours

Who: Lalita Singh and Rodeo Hawkins, with appearances by Adelaide Hawkins and Sarge Terrell
Where: Chapel triage tent, Rodeo's trailer
What: Lita takes her last patient of the day and Rodeo attempts to make up for some of his lies.
When: Late on October 10 - November 1, 2018

all of the pain that you put on my name,
all of my doubt and all of my shame.
all of my guilt, my denial and fear,
all of my hatred and all of my tears.
all of the times that i couldn't go home,
all of the times that i froze all alone.
all of the sadness, all of the lies,
all of the shadows that blackened my eyes.
all of the servants who cheated, who stole,
all of the colors from the depths of my soul.
all of the dreams that you made nightmares,
all of the silence and deafening stares.

all of this would have been,
all of this could have been yours.
all of this should have been,
all of this could have been yours. )

Oct. 30th, 2015




Who: Dog Park Residents & Outsider Volunteers
Where: The Dog Park
What: The attack & the aftermath.
When: October 10, 2018

i try to keep the others strong,
we won't last out here very long.
how many lives have our boys gave?
have we built our shallow grave?

oh, i can't see the light.
is it day or has darkness come?
like men my brothers fight.
oh, when will this be done?
will we see the sun? )

Oct. 29th, 2015



Look Out Sunshine, Here's the Punchline...

Who: Lita Singh, Demi Rafferty, and Isaac Callahan
Where: Demi and Isaac's Apartment
When: 10/9/18, 2:30 p.m.
What: After several un-returned texts and phone calls, Lita braves the Capitol to check in on her friend/patient, Demi. She finally meets the famous Isaac but at a most inopportune time

Well look out, Sunshine, here I come
You've got yesterday's hero in last nights clothes
You're a game old boy judging by the way you walk
Well, there's no use telling me to leave
I've seen a half a dozen ghosts but I don't believe... )

Oct. 28th, 2015



Who: Olivia Jensen and Dr. Lita Singh
Where: The UMCB -- an examination room and then Lita's apartment
When: Backdated to 10/8/15, 5:11PM
What: All the unhappy patients go to Dr. Singh.

I like to keep my issues drawn
But it's always darkest before the dawn )

Oct. 8th, 2015



they tell me of a home where my friends have gone

Who: OPEN to all Dog Park residents & friends
Where: The Dog Park
What: Ain't no party like a Dog Park party.
When: From dusk till dawn on October 3-4, 2018

o they tell me of a home far beyond the skies,
o they tell me of a home far away.
o they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise,
o they tell me of an unclouded day. )

Oct. 1st, 2015



Who: Savannah Posey and Lita Singh
Where: LBJ / Oval Office
What: being there for your best friend, through thick and thin
When: September 10, 7:25pm

I'm so close to you baby
But I'm so far away
There's a silence between us
And there's so much to say
You're my strength, you're my weakness
You're my faith, you're my doubt
We gotta meet in the middle

To work this thing out )

Sep. 30th, 2015



What If I Lose It All?

Who: Lita Singh and Mort Leander
Where: UMCB, Lita's now patrolmen-free apartment
What: After Lita's really rough day, she's feeling like garbage and nursing a wicked hangover. Enter Mort, with sage words of wisdom, a sympathetic ear, and instant cocoa packets.
When: Backdated to September 8th, morning

Oh, sister I will help you out!
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do )