all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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April 11th, 2017



Who: Max Mendelson, Sasha Whittaker, Marina Scherbatskaya and Vic Scherbatsky.
Where: Max's new house, the Greenbelt District.
What: Sasha helps Max with some move-in things and the brothers talk about adulting, growing up, and moving away. Meanwhile, Marina and Vic conspire to put their boys to the test to see if they're really ready to be on their own.
When: (Backdated) 4/2/2020, after dark.

There are few things pure in this world anymore,
And home is one of the few.
We'd have a drink outside,
Maybe run and hide if we saw a couple men in blue.

To me it's so damn easy to see
That true people are the people at home.
Well, I've been away but now I'm back today,
And there ain't a place I'd rather go.  )



Who: Luc Flores and Ria Otieno.
Where: The UMCB.
What: Luc needs a physical in order to be accepted to the zombie hunting program and Ria volunteers to perform the task. While Luc justifies signing up for the program, Ria contemplates if she should help with finding a cure on top of all the rest of her responsibilities.
When: (Backdated) 3/7/2020, afternoon.

Ain't in no hurry
Be a fool now to worry
About all those things I can't change
And the time that I borrow
Can wait 'til tomorrow
'Cause I ain't in no hurry
Ain't in no hurry
Ain't in no hurry today )



Who: Bishop Coldiron and Jane Rusten.
Where: Capitol Building, Capitol District.
What: Bishop helps Jane make a decision she's been struggling with. Amazingly, she lets him.
When: (Backdated) 4/2/2020, morning.

And now the tables turn, it's over
And with my fingers burned I start anew
And now I've come back down, I'm older
I look for something else to hold on to )



Who: Lita Singh and Nick Choi.
Where: Lita's house.
What: Questions are asked and declarations are made.
When: (Backdated) Lita's birthday, 4/2/2020, night.

It took us a while
With every breath a new day
With love on the line
We've had our share of mistakes
But all your flaws and scars are mine

And just like that
All I breathe
All I feel
You are all for me
I'm still falling for you )



Who: Nick Choi and Olivia Jensen
Where: Minnesota
What: Nick and Olivia seek out their respective families and search for closure.
When: April 4th - 5th, 2020.

Only if you promise you won't try and argue why I should see their side )



Who: Kitty Gilmore and Zach Montgomery
Where: Their home
What: Kitty broaches the subject of college out of state with Zach.
When: [slight forward date] April 5th, 2020.

Once you're accepted and decide where you want to go, we can work on the rest )



Who: Bishop Coldiron and Cherry Chan
Where: Their respective homes
What: Bishop and Cherry catch up over the phone.
When: April 4th, 2020

Hey, darlin'. Got time to talk? )



Who: Leo Russo and Torrie Reed
Where: Nocturne.
What: Leo shows up at Torrie’s music venue to reconnect.
When: [backdated] April 3rd, 2020

I was fucking things up long before I set foot in Austin )



Who: Leo Russo and Marc Russo
Where: Leo’s bedroom at the sober living community.
What: Leo and Marc continue to mend the broken bridge between them.
When: April 5th, 2020

As uncertain as everything was now, at least they had come out with it still at each other's side )