August 2008



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Jun. 16th, 2008


Note left on Charlie's door around 4 pm )

Jun. 13th, 2008


Who: Anthony, Fred, Nicholas, Pen, Malcolm, and OPEN to anyone and everyone.
What: Birthday shenanigans and Malcolm in a thong.
Where: Anthony's house in Brighton
When: Friday the 13th (oooh!) Evening
Rating: TBA
Status: Open;Incomplete

The house didn't really look like it was ready for a party but Anthony preferred to keep things subdued. The windows were thrown open, letting in the warm night air and letting out the faint sounds of music playing on the downstairs stereo. The kitchen was fully stocked with finger food, liquor, mixers, and ice. Anthony sat in the living room awaiting his guests. He'd already had his run and showered so there was little else to do but wait.


Who: Fred Holden & Ben Dunstan
What: Lap theft and likely oddness
Where: Ben's Office
When: Afternoon, Friday, 13th June
Rating: PG-13 (because they do tend to swear)
Status: Open;Complete

Fred wasn't quite back to herself yet despite having spent the entire night either with Ford or sandwiched between him and Trent with Finn nearby. She was, however, considerably better than she was after leaving Charlie's office yesterday. By tomorrow she'd be back in fine form, she was sure. Until then she wanted to pester everyone she knew she could, and by "could" she meant who wouldn't just kick her out or mind. The natural preference was, of course, Ben. She'd neglected his lap entirely the day before and several other days in the past week. This was horrible and could not continue. It was a travesty of lap dwelling! What kind of cat allows such a thing to pass?

She had a couple maybe execution orders but nothing definite for today. She was sure she'd be up to her ears in carnage for the next few days. Until then there was nothing else to do. She had been wandering around barefoot, but she was back to her usual attire of barely there skirt and cut off tank. One day she might care about the shortness of her skirt but today was clearly not the day as she crept into Ben's office silently, crawled over his desk, because it was really the shortest path, and deposited herself directly in his lap, feet on his thigh with her legs drawn up. She was as close to a ball as one could get without going into the fetal position. "Hey there, love." Fred grinned and planted a kiss on Ben's cheek.

Jun. 12th, 2008


Who: Fred Holden & Charlie Weasley
What: Well there's the small matter of Charlie now being her boss and disclosures she has to make which she really, really doesn't want to make
Where: Charlie's shiny new office
When: Thursday morning. 12th June
Rating: PG-ish? (she does have a tendency to swear)
Status: Closed;Complete

Generally if someone were to describe Fred the possible selection of appropriate terms was vast depending upon perception and experience. Under no circumstance, however, would someone consider her to be awkward. Obnoxious, maybe. Annoying, probably. Hyper, definitely. Annoyingly cheerful, yes quite. Oddly touchy, yep usually. Overly talkative, unfortunately so. But awkward? Unheard of. Thursday morning brought with it a whole host of awkward for her.

She didn't enjoy having the conversation where she explained she was a lycanthrope but not in the way anyone thought of them being. It wasn't something she'd had to discuss many times during her life at all. In fact, she could probably count those instances on one hand even if she included the fact that she was present while Trent had scribbled it into her journal to Malcolm. Keeping a secret so close to you made it hard to part with even when you were certain nothing bad would come of it. She'd considered for all of a second and a half just telling him she was a lycanthrope and letting him assume. Unfortunately she didn't believe Charlie was even half as thick as Mal assumed he was. He'd had a family friend who was one of the sick ones, the only ones wizards knew about. There was no way he was going to believe Fred, queen of endless energy, was a werewolf.

The whole prospect of the conversation to come, harmless as it was likely to be, had her wanting to crawl up a tree and hide until the day was over. Unfortunately the full moon was on Wednesday which meant she'd be out of commission by late Monday afternoon and not back until the following Sunday. The time constraint meant she couldn't hide in a tree. She did hide in her clothes, as witnessed by the fact she was wearing something that could actually be considered clothing even in more conservative circles. Her circle skirt swirled around her ankles as she walked, brushing along the ground. Her tank top was actually not cut off at her ribs like they usually were and came down to meet the skirt at her hips. For Fred she was positively overdressed. Unable to sleep well, she'd taken the time to charm the clothing so it wouldn't trap her body heat. It was tedious work, which is why she never bothered with it unless she had to. At least she wouldn't overheat while hoping the earth would open and swallow her whole. With a deep breathe and a straightening of her spine Fred knocked on Charlie's door. God, she hated this part.

Jun. 11th, 2008


Owl to Charlie )


Who: The kittens (Fred, Trent and Ford)
What: Lap stealing and Trent's lack of quickness
Where: The kitty cottage, Stapleford Abbotts
When: Tuesday evening, 10 June
Rating: PG
Status: Narrative;Complete
Notes: This is mostly Ruth's fault as I was talking to her when the initial thought struck me and then she encouraged me to actually write a narrative just to use it.

Like a Dwarf? )

Jun. 9th, 2008


Who: Fred Holden & Finn McGill
What: Pouncing/hijacking
Where: Scamander Park grounds
When: Early afternoon, Monday 9th June
Rating: PG (platonic cuddling, kissing and pillow-like behaviour only)
Status: Closed;Complete

Without anyone in charge of the department Fred had an overwhelming amount of free time. She was scheduled to be there so she was but she'd finished every scrap of paperwork, even the most minuscule of forms, last Thursday. At this point she was considering draft that proposal for lap dwelling just for the amusement of it. Restless even on the best of days, Fred had taken to pacing, wandering, bugging Ben endlessly and generally being a nuisance to those who wouldn't mind and weren't terribly busy.

She was on another round of the second floor when she spied just what she needed out the window. Finn was outside doing rounds, or possibly also wandering restlessly. Fred grinned instantly. The lycanthrope took off down the hall and jumped over the stairs to the landing rather than bothering to walk down them. Once she'd gotten outside she crept along silently. She knew she could take Finn by surprise but she had to be very careful to pull it off, and that started by remaining downwind of the werewolf and paying attention to wind shifts. The fact that Fred was wearing a skirt a bit too short to be considered anything near decent was not a factor in her plans whatsoever.

Fred ran through the building, using it as a short cut rather than going around it, so that she could crouch down right around a corner Finn would be approaching soon. Listening closely, Fred timed it so that just as Finn began to round the corner Fred leapt up, pouncing Finn and knocking her to the ground. A triumphant grin flashed on her face. "I win! So mine."

Jun. 8th, 2008


Who: Fred Holden & Pen Borage
What: They need to buy Anthony a birthday present, of course
Where: The Dirty Slag (wizarding sex shop in Knockturn Alley)
When: 10 pm, Sunday 8th June
Rating: R for sex-related stuff
Status: Closed; Incomplete

"See, that just seems like a bad idea to me," Fred remarked as she picked up a potion labelled Wiggle Your Wand Lotion. When Pen had suggested they should get Anthony a birthday present Fred had pointed out that Mal in a g-string should have been more than satisfactory. Then again, any excuse to give the Healer something horribly inappropriate she was game for. She hadn't actually told Pen where she was taking them, just sort of took her hand and led the way as if they were going to the ice cream shop. Only anything creamy was definitely not ice cream in this place. It was at least cleaner than the last time she'd been in at which time there had been questionable fluids in areas on the floor. "You dip your wand in this stuff and it turns it into a vibrator. Why can't you just have a bloody vibrator? Sure, wand's convenient, always got it with you and all, but why? I mean, really, why would you want to shove something like a wand which ends up all over the place and definitely not clean into any orifice? Also...bit thin, innit?" Fred pulled out her wand and peered at it. "No, I'm definitely not being a size queen here, that girth ain't satisfying anyone anyhow." She clucked her tongue and set the bottle back on the shelf.

Jun. 1st, 2008


Who: Open to all Witches and Wizards
What: A death at the garden party and the search for the killer
When: Friday the 30th of May, 2008, Sunset until very late
Where: Vaisey Manor and Estate
Rating: TBD
Status: Open; incomplete

There were so many reasons to kill a Malfoy it was hard to quite grasp where to begin. There were so many people who wished him ill or worse that pinpointing who had done it would be nearly impossible. Etienne resented his existence. His fall from grace had given the other blonde infamy in England. Etienne's ego did not appreciate that people seemed to think he was Draco when all they saw was the blonde hair and pale skin. More so, he took quite a personal insult to the fact that whenever the man appeared the mood of his Louis and Bianca took a nosedive. He could not bear to see them sad anymore this evening or ever. It meant leaving their side, but he'd promised to return. The Frenchman hadn't told them where he was getting off to, only that he had something to do. The less they knew the better.

From room to room Etienne went searching through the rooms of the Vaisey manor that were accessible for something useful. Poisoning a person could be done so easily, but it was difficult to make it look less malevolent than it was. He'd found several potions in the bathrooms, things that were utterly safe so long as they were not mixed. Mixed, however, they were lethal. Perfection.

Etienne found a glass of red wine and poured the potions into it, careful to be sure the colour and scents didn't change. When he couldn't stop that from happening he layered a glamour over it to turn it back to the correct colour of red wine. The scent was trickier but Etienne managed it. He'd waved down someone who was clearly staff and told her he wanted to send a drink to a specific person but he didn't want them to know who from. She assumed it was a romantic gesture and he encouraged the belief. "The attractive blonde over there," he pointed right at Draco Malfoy, though referring to him as attractive actually pained Etienne.

Unfortunately for Etienne the girl didn't even notice Draco. The one time he wanted Draco to be more visible than himself and it failed because of the close proximity to Gilderoy Lockhart, of all people. The girl was an avid fan, ecstatic that he was there. She took the glass from Etienne as she promised not to tell him who it was from and set off on her course toward Lockhart. Etienne cast a small memory charm on her to erase his voice and face from her memory before she got too far away and then made his way through the crowd, discarding the cloak as he went, back to the Bode siblings.

May. 30th, 2008


Who: Open to all Witches and Wizards
What: A garden party celebrating post-Mathwall times and trying to unite everyone
When: Friday the 30th of May, 2008, 11:30 a.m. until rather late
Where: Vaisey Manor and Estate
Rating: TBD
Status: Open; incomplete

Vaisey Manor and Estate was flourishing in life. Tall trees dotted the lawn, there was a rich walled in garden with a maze beyond, and an open field off to one side clear to the night sky. The house itself was fitting of its surroundings--old brick and dark woods that could have given it an almost sinister appearance if not for the bright lights shining in almost every window.

The rich, plush furniture that normally adorned Vaisey Manor was now transfigured and stored out of the way, upstairs. Wards were put around the upstairs to keep guests out, and only close friends and those accompanying said friends would find a break from the party up there. Wards had also been places in and around the house--anti-theft measures and safety precautions. After Mathwall, nothing seemed too extreme and so he had a number of experts come in and make sure to provide wards that would stay solidly in place. If anything were to happen, the entire house could be locked down if necessary.

Every room, as well as the expansive grounds, were filled with white chairs around round tables covered in sand-coloured silken fabric. In the middle was a single tower sandcastle, a little window carved through it, and an intricate design of summer flowers etches up the sides. Gradually, the etches flowers flowed into the real flowers that separated the base from the tablecloth, almost giving the appearance of it being one whole piece. The flowers were mixes of bright oranges and yellows, purples and pinks, Asiatic lilies and Dutch tulips, irises and chrysanthemums.

Royal lilies, sunflowers, Gerbera daisies, gladiolus, Dendrobium orchids, and hibiscus flowers in similar bright shades seemed to be everywhere--filling tall vases inside, covering lattice work and bushes outside, in garlands in trees. Everything seemed to be about the summer and joy and the richness of life.

Trays floated through the crowds due to house elf magic, providing an offering of finger sandwiches, appetizers, and champagne as well as red and white wines. Whenever a tray emptied, it would quickly be refilled, any dirty dishes left behind would instantly disappear, and messes were gone so quickly it was almost as though they never happened.

May. 26th, 2008


Fruit Basket Apparated onto Fred Holden's Desk )

May. 24th, 2008


Who: Anthony Goldstein and OPEN
Where: Revenge (a gay club in Brighton)
When: Friday night
What: ???
Rating: TBD
Status: Open; in progress

Anthony sipped his dirty martini as he gazed out of the large plate glass windows. The Brighton pier shined peacefully in the distance which juxtaposed with the loud and thumping music inside of the club. It wasn't his first visit to the place but it was the first time he'd seen it so busy. Both floors seemed to be packed with wall to wall people and now that he wasn't dancing the crowd was beginning to make Anthony feel claustrophobic. He smiled as he rubbed the ice cold glass against his sweaty forehead but quickly turned around when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

May. 23rd, 2008


Who: Fred Holden & Finn McGill
What: Plotting Wolfgirl to get a real life, one that stays put
Where: The Cat Bungalow (i.e. Fred's house)
When: 5ish pm Friday, 23rd May
Rating: PG likely
Status: Closed; Complete

The of being a witch was never lost when it came to quitting time. There was something to be said for being able to pop home from the workplace instantly instead of having to suffer through rush hour traffic like Ford had to. She had locked up her office for the night with the intention that she'd be back the next day. She was a Monday through Friday kind of girl normally but when the moon cycle cropped up she put in extra time to make up for the absence. She wasn't even exactly required to do it but she just always had and Quent seemed alright with the overtime as long as she kept it reasonable.

She sauntered through the door to her house practically bouncing with energy. She needed to go running something awful but she knew she'd promised Trent she'd wait for him and he may or may not be running late tonight at work tonight. She pouted to herself but called out cheerfully, "Honeys, I'm home!" Dropping her keys in a basket near the door she wandered into the kitchen to rifle for food. "Are there any honeys home?" Maybe Finn had taken off and both of the boys weren't there yet. Man, that was disappointing.

May. 21st, 2008


Who: Fred Holden, Finn McGill, Trent Smith, Ford Williams
What: Wolfgirl meets Catgirl (And catboys)
Where: Epping Forest
When: Full Moon, early hours of Wednesday, 21st May until just after dawn
Rating: PG
Status: Closed; Complete

Fred both loved and loathed the actual night of the full moon )

May. 15th, 2008


Warded owl to Quentin Trimble )

May. 13th, 2008


Who: Fred Hold & Everrett Mac
What: A friendly chat and a protective streak
Where: Scamander Park and Beyond!
When: Evening, 13th May
Rating: PG, maybe PG-13
Status: Closed; Incomplete

Fred had five. Five measly days until she could run around on four legs. That's it. It made her a bit anxious and caused her to eat even more often than she already did which only drew more odd looks from people. She always had beef jerky or something else meat-like to chew on but today it was reaching enormously non-stop proportions. This all meant she seriously needed a distraction.

She'd been considering pouncing on Ben, literally, as she hung out just outside of the doors to the building. When a meek head of blonde hair with black glasses popped out of the door, though, her plan completely switched. Ben would be expecting a pouncing with the way she'd been bouncing around all day and there were other things that should be tended to.

With her mind made up Fred sidled up to Everrett in an instant, arm draping companionably around his shoulders. He wasn't much taller than her to begin with but his poor posture made the height difference seem even less. "Hey, Everrett, my bestest best friend who never knew I realised he existed at all, how are you?" Her words came out in a quick, but graceful tumble from her lips which immediately thereafter turned up into a smile.

May. 3rd, 2008


Left on Fred's desk at lunchtime )

Apr. 23rd, 2008


Who: Fred Holden & Chris Warrington
What: Fred comes in to do paperwork post-moon, Chris has legal issues, foreplay ensues
Where: Fred's Office, Scamander Park
When: Mid-afternoon, 23rd April
Rating: PG-13 for Fred's mouth
Status: Closed; Complete

And we certainly can't have anything unprofessional going on in this office... )

Apr. 18th, 2008


Office Memo to Quentin Trimble )

Apr. 14th, 2008


Who: Lo, Aurel, Maisie, and Fred.
What: Getting people foods.
When: Evening, 14 April
Where: Belgravia, London

“GIDDYUP!” The little girl cried as they bounded down the street, her legs wrapped tightly around the man’s neck so she could keep her arms free to wave through the air like some sort of bird. “You’re not neighing, Aurel!” She added a few minutes later, and Lo laughed at the deep pout that quickly overtook her face before it formed back into a wide grin, the street lit up by peals of her shrieks and laughter.

“Barrruuuuuu- neeiiighhh!” Aurel called out, his arms holding her so he could bend back, causing her to scream out happily again. Maisie’s hands covered his face for a moment to hold on before she let go again a second later to clap excitedly.

After a few more minutes of high pitched laughter, she quieted, the large smile remaining as people stared at them. Maisie waved. “Again, again!” She pleaded, but Aurel only laughed.

“How about after we go shopping, Mouse?”

Lo nodded, “Yeah, Maisie, he can gallop all the way back home. And then we can play dress-up. I found those ballet costumes of mine for us.”

“You did?” She asked excitedly as Aurel swooped her off his shoulders and to the ground, keeping her hand in his.

She nodded, “Yup – and Aurel’s gonna wear the Ice Princess dress!”

“…I’m going to what?”

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