August 2008

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June 24th, 2008

[info]tickingheart in [info]regulation

Owl to Seren Fawcett )

Highly warded Owl to Morag MacDougal )

Even more heavily warded owl to Graham Pritchard )

[info]lloergan in [info]regulation

Who: Seren Fawcett & Rabbit Tuor
What: Seren's being a good friend and visiting her poor, crispy friend
Where: Rabbit's room in St. Mungo's
When: Mid-morning, Tuesday 24th June
Rating: PG?
Status: Open;Complete

How did she end up so involved with Unspeakable business when she wasn't even one of them? She wasn't that involved, truth be told, but she was a fair bit more involved than she thought anyone outside that cursed department really had any reason to be. Any day now she expected some dodgy man to show up and obliviate her. She'd be one of those repeat performances, even. She'd get obliviated then end up dragged back in again somehow because she had a mate in their ranks, Everrett may also join their ranks and a third one was being stalked by books she owned. Despite not wanting to be involved in Mysteries affairs Seren had owled Pritchard to offer to heal him one last time. She wouldn't have bothered, honestly, if Rabbit hadn't asked her to. She was perfectly content to let him suffer if he was being that stubborn, or so she told herself.

After that favour was done she'd gathered more food than even Rabbit could likely eat. Mentally she made the excuses of not knowing what he'd want and him being possibly charred and definitely an electrical conduit. Surely that qualified him for an abundance of food. She had fruit salad and scrambled eggs and a cheese omlette and toast and orange juice and has browns and french toast and strawberries and bacon and sausage. It was before noon and therefore breakfast food time anyway, right? She'd also brought whipped cream in honour of his ever so witty journal entry the other day.

Seren had on what amounted to a rubber catsuit under her robes. People didn't just touch other people's hands and she figured it wasn't that much trouble anyway so why not? The rubber was the lime green of healer robes though the robes she wore were a green-blue like the sea. Basket of food in hand, she knocked on Rabbit's open door and poked her head in. "Aye, love, you awake? Alive? Electrocuting anyone? Running about starkers?"

[info]lloergan in [info]regulation

Warded Owl to Graham Pritchard, Scotland )

[info]mockbadlad in [info]regulation

Warded owl to Astoria Greengrass )

[info]lloergan in [info]regulation

Who: Graham Pritchard & Seren Fawcett
Where: The hotel in Altnaharra, Scotland
When: Evening, Tuesday 24th June
What: Trying to make Pritch's arm resemble actual flesh again
Rating: Pg-13
Status: Closed;Complete

"Imminent danger" were the words Seren thought about when she read over Pritchard's owl again for the name of the town and saw the words "If you're willing to risk it." She shoved that to the side, though, because the mule of a man had put off having an arm so burnt it was blackened healed for at least about twenty-four hours now. She'd complained to herself and to Pique in Welsh as she packed up everything she had that she may or may not need. Stupid, stubborn man. She took a little bit of comfort in the fact he'd be going through pain as a result of his stupidity.

Seren left Pique guarding the Eddas. She'd taken it upon herself to lay on, sit on, or chew on them at all times to keep them under control whenever they were in the house which was most of the time but not all of the time. At least, Seren had thought she'd left Pique there. After finding out where the hotel in Altnaharra was Seren apparated there. She had scrubs on under her robes in case it was simply easier to work that way. After all, Seren didn't know the extent of what she was dealing with yet.

At the desk she'd asked what room Graham Pritchard was in. She'd gotten a very strange look from the old man who'd informed her a Mister Cosmo Knott was their only lodger currently. Cosmo Knott? Sounded like something daft Rabbit would think up. She apologised, claimed she'd had a long day and her mind was on someone else and assured him he was, indeed, there looking for...Cosmo. After receiving something bordering on a glare from the old women she'd thought had been dozing in a chair Seren made her way up the stairs and knocked on the door to room fifteen.