August 2008

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May 26th, 2008

[info]ex_distance160 in [info]regulation

Fruit Basket Apparated onto Fred Holden's Desk )

[info]lloergan in [info]regulation

Who: Seren Fawcett, Ben Dunstan
What: Seren needs little splodies
Where: Ben's lab
When: Monday, early afternoon
Rating: PG?
Status: Open;Incomplete

Seren's thinky parts were not happy. They were starting to go numb, she was sure. Perhaps that was just her hands, actually. Between the saw and the ice pick and the chisel they weren't the happiest with her. The one bright spot on her day was the fact that her arms were free of Lobster Boy Bob's bloodstains. The apothecary truly was a sort of haven. Nevertheless, she'd spent hours peeling Bob's skin off, which had reattached itself over night, and trying to crack that interior exoskeleton of his. Technically an exoskeleton was outside. His was inside but it was only inside his skin, it was outside of everything else. It was a good enough term.

With a sigh she gave up hope of solving this on her own and decided other help would be required for enlistment. The redhead left her lab and wove through the corridors to another lab. The moment her eyes laid on the man she needed her ceaseless Welsh muttering stopped and her eyes lit up. "Ben, I need an explosion. A tiny explosion. Something I could shove down a throat or just under a ribcage. Can you make something that small?" She didn't consider that this might not actually be enough of an explanation for most sane people who lived outside of her head.

[info]solightlythrown in [info]regulation

Who: Daria Kis and Susan Bones
What: An encounter on the streets of London. Better summary to follow.
Where: Streets of wizarding London
When: 26th May, early evening
Rating: TBR
Status: Open; incomplete

It was fast approaching tea time. Or so Susan gathered from the sudden emptiness of the streets and the way that what appeared to be half the street had poured into the nearby restaurants and cafes, splitting up accordingly. Susan eyed them all, trying to decide between paying extra for nicer food, or staying true to the side of her that begrudged paying any money by heading into the fast food restaurant packed with teenagers. It was an unbelievably tough decision.

Sighing, she reached into her bag and took out a packet of cigarettes, tucking one between her teeth before she struck up a match. Taking a deep draw of the cigarette, Susan began to walk down the street, still eyeing the fast food restaurant rather warily.

[info]forgottenson in [info]regulation

Invitation Sent to Every Witch and Wizard

Invitation Sent to every Witch and Wizard )