August 2008

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April 24th, 2008

[info]ex_owl38 in [info]regulation

The heater's warm but fills the room with a potpourri of dust and gas fumes.

Who: Mila Macnair, Zach Smith, and Clare Smith
Where: Zach's house
When: Monday night, April 21
What: Mila, Zach and Clare get ready to go to the opera. Mila dances. Zach waxes poetic.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; complete

Chiaroscuro. It was the word that came to mind when he saw her face, the delicate balance of light, a contrast between that which was illuminated and that which remained forever hidden. )

[info]ex_myth87 in [info]regulation

Who: The Desmarais. All of them.
What: Great-granddaddy Dreu comes by with his new mate during a game of Scrabble.
Where: Mayfair, London
When: 24th April
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; Complete

part one )

[info]ex_myth87 in [info]regulation

Who: The Desmarais. All of them.
What: Great-granddaddy Dreu comes by with his new mate during a game of Scrabble.
Where: Mayfair, London
When: 24th April
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; Complete

part two )

[info]ex_myth87 in [info]regulation

Who: The Desmarais. All of them.
What: Great-granddaddy Dreu comes by with his new mate during a game of Scrabble.
Where: Mayfair, London
When: 24th April
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; Complete

part three )

[info]ex_myth87 in [info]regulation

Who: The Desmarais. All of them.
What: Great-granddaddy Dreu comes by with his new mate during a game of Scrabble.
Where: Mayfair, London
When: 24th April
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; Complete

part four )

[info]ex_myth87 in [info]regulation

Who: The Desmarais. All of them.
What: Great-granddaddy Dreu comes by with his new mate during a game of Scrabble.
Where: Mayfair, London
When: 24th April
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; Complete

part five )

[info]dragoncatcher in [info]regulation


Who: Charlie and Lo
What: An overdue not-date
When: Wednesday after work (Backdated because I suck)
Where: Starting at a pub outside London and then the open road
Warnings: TBD, but Charlie has a mouth on him.
Status: Closed, incomplete

It had been a long day at work and by the time the day was officially done, Charlie was more than ready to hit the open road. His bike was in the conservatory, much to the annoyance of Ibo, and at five o'clock sharp, he dragged it out to the street and set off toward the pub where he'd agreed to meet Lo.

Perhaps half an hour and a flagrant disregard of unimportant Muggle laws like speed limits later, he roared up to the parking lot of the Cock and Bull, an unpretentious looking pub in one of the London suburbs. There were a number of cars in the lot, but it wasn't far from the end of the Tube line and he expected that was how Lo would arrive. Unless she'd run.

As he kicked the stand out, Charlie looked around for Lo.

[info]stopthepresses in [info]regulation

Who: Astoria Greengrass and Viktor Krum
What: An interview
When: 2 PM Thursday, 24 April
Where: Bulgarian Embassy
Warnings: None expected
Status: Closed, incomplete.

Astoria arrived at the Bulgarian Embassy on Thursday a bit before quarter of two. She was dressed fashionably and smartly, although not as richly as she had been in the years when she'd been a student at Durmstrang. Her capacious handbag, which had far more space inside than out, contained close to six feet of parchment and several Quick-Quotes Quills. There was also another copy of the list of questions she'd sent Viktor Krum earlier in the week and several feet of Ministry pronouncements on the Triwizard issue.

She was greeted at once and shown to a parlour, where she made herself comfortable while waiting for Viktor.