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Mar. 15th, 2012


Being Out of the Way (Fred/Castiel)

Castiel sat on a stool a ways from the witch and wizard’s tent, hugging his knees slightly He had started out standing, as was his usual way, but he had gotten fatigued very quickly and so borrowed the stool. It was almost a natural progression leading him to holding himself in a way he never had before, but which he suddenly found reassuring and secure, staring at the ground as he tried to work through the situation he found himself in.

Sam was in a coma, and even though he could get through the seals warding off angels it made no difference. He wouldn’t be able to heal the boy even if he did have his powers back. It was all incredibly frustrating, so he’d retreated. He wasn’t welcome at Sam’s side, and he and Dean had separated almost immediately after leaving the tent, so he’d come here to find a quiet corner to be alone, where he could work out the emotions that were storming inside of him like a hurricane. He’d never felt them this strongly before, and could only attribute it to the fact that his powers and very essence were no longer angelic. Somehow whatever the thing was in the woods had turned him into a human, and he was experiencing emotions at human strength.

He was starting to understand why they struggled so much with their feelings, and why the higher ranking angels were so paranoid about any in their charge starting to show too much affinity for them. This was miserable and slightly paralytic, and it clouded his mind with guilt from Dean’s disappointment and Sam’s suffering.

---- )

Mar. 13th, 2012


It's time to play the stubborn game! (Dinah, Castiel, Zatanna, John, Sam?)

The damn ROUSes were either smarter than they looked, or they were being directed. Eventually the trio were standing outside the forest. He was actually considering going back in, but thought better of it at the moment when he saw the snouts peeking from the edge of the forest, as if to remind them that the woods were not so sweet and innocently empty. Eventually the trio had to give up on the forest, and Dean could finally go see his brother. Maybe beat some sense into him before he did something stupid.

"We'll come back. We won't just leave him in there." Dean had told Dinah, promising that they'd return for the Superkid. He didn't want her to stay behind, or try to go into the forest alone. She might have had her curse lifted, but who knew what the fairy would do to Dinah on another trip. He didn't like the idea that she could be surrounded by those overgrown rats either.

Taking the lead, Dean got them back to Jackson's camp. He had been this way before with Sam walking Fred back. He honestly didn't think he'd be coming back to get his brother this way. Maybe coming back for the blowout the Fred chick had invited Sam to, if it could really be considered a blowout, but not to keep his brother from committing one extremely stupid acct, no matter how much the Sasquatch thought it was for the good of everyone involved. Dean honestly wondered if Sam could handle what was on the other side of the wall. Dean had a hard enough time with his own hellacious experience, and he'd been dealing with demons only, not two archangels, even though one was fallen.

"Okay, Cas. Where is he?" He looked to the angel to take them where they needed to go.

Mar. 8th, 2012


Out of the forest (Dinah, open to Castiel and Clark)

The fairy watched as Dinah went down, giving the woman a soft pat on the head. She turned slowly around to look at the tree she'd been paying so much attention to. Her hands on her hips, she stood there as if she were waiting.


The tree's leaves rustled, and the fairy sighed, shaking her head.

"Yes, always in a rush to save the day. Stick your nose in when all you have to do is be there. She solved her problem. Somewhat." The fairy pouted, but sometimes a step in the right direction was really the biggest. The tree's leaves rustled so that it seemed they'd come right off. A few did.

"You know if you keep that up, you may not have any hair left?" The fairy chided softly. The tree went still rather quickly, or as still as a tree got when it was done rustling its leaves. "What he's done will be done. What's she's done is done. What they do, you cannot change." Perhaps the fairy's true curse was yet to come for the one called Dean Winchester.

"Enjoy your evening, toy soldier." She giggled and giving the tree a little wave before skipping off into the forest. It was mere moments later that...

"Son of a bitch." Dean ached, and he couldn't help squirming as he reached down the side of his leg. He growled as he finally got to that itch that had been bothering him; he was damn glad to find that his hand wasn't covered in bugs or anything else. He did notice that he had to brush a bit of moss off himself here and there. "Stupid fairy."

His moment of freedom was quickly cut by the prone Dinah. He was glad to see she was no longer in the hoop skirt and glass slippers, somewhat glad. He had liked the look on her in that weird role playing way. He stepped forward, put his hand under her head and softly lifted her a little.

"Dinah, baby, you okay?" He lightly brushed her hair back and maybe patted her cheek. "Com'on, wake up."

Feb. 27th, 2012


Making the Two Halves Whole (Fred and eventually John)

Dean was a tree.

A tree.

Sam was pretty sure this was one of the weirdest things they'd ever faced.

He hated leaving his brother behind in the forest, but the fairy had been pretty clear about what needed to be done to fix things. Sam supposed that at least now he wouldn't have to argue with Dean about whether or not to let Constantine help him with the wall.

He was nervous, and there was a small part of him that hoped to see Fred before he ventured down a course that could lead to insanity or death. But there was yet another part of him that thought it wouldn't be fair to her, and there was really no time to waste.

So he only halfway kept an eye out for the brainy female when he wandered into Jackson's camp set-up. He'd checked in with one of the perimeter guards and gotten clearance to go in and general directions toward where he might find Constantine, and now he was on his way.

He was nervous, of course. But this at least had more of a chance of success than the plan to take control from Lucifer and jump into the pit. At least with this, he wasn't guaranteed either a lifetime of being Lucifer's meat suit or eternal torment. There was at least a small chance of coming out of this on the other side okay. That was... something, he supposed.


Beyond the Walls (Open)

Castiel staggered slightly. The jump through time with the Winchesters had taken more than strength than he'd exerted in... centuries. After the brothers set him up in the hotel room he'd rolled onto his side, coughing up a bit more blood before he fell into a long sleep.

Sometime later he woke, and felt... empty. Without truly understanding why, he knew the Winchesters were gone. Somewhen else. The outcast angel pulled himself up and off the cheap bed, touching his face and feeling the dried blood there. He was feeling better, but still not nearly powerful enough to bring all three of them back. They must have gotten home some other way.

One more jump. Castiel stood and put a hand against the wall to steady himself, closing his eyes and willing himself back to the boys. It was... less than instantaneous, and even as he started the blink-of-an-eye journey he knew he'd overdone it. His insides felt like they were ripping to shreds, searing like holy fire pouring down his throat and exploding around the heart of his vessel.

And then it was cool again. )

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