July 20th, 2013

[info]godisintherain in [info]reality_crisis

Home (Aidan)

The distance between the hospital and the Chosen building wasn't short, but that suited Evey's purposes completely.

As she and Aidan walked, Evey sorted through the things she wanted to say to him, categorized them neatly, and then ordered them by importance. She'd fallen quiet while she did this, not only because she was thinking, not only because the conversation was something she didn't want to have on the street, but also because... she enjoyed the companionable silence. There was something to it, something to knowing that one didn't have to fill the spaces between meaningful conversation with easy fluff just to be comfortable with each other.

But every so often, she did turn her head and look at him. It felt like an age since she'd seen him like this -- whole and healthy and very much her next door neighbor. She was wearing a faint smile that wouldn't go away, even though there was nothing obvious that would make her smile, nothing obvious to her. When they reached their floor, she fished in her pocket for her keys and unlocked the door.

"If I invite you in, you're not going to yell at me again afterward, are you?" she said, giving him a wry look.

[info]i_bringdeath in [info]reality_crisis

The Dark Avenger....(Leeloo)

The darkness was still.

Not a sound seemed to touch Eric's ears as he sat upon the wall that surrounded die Festung. In the days since the Earthquake that had cracked the very wall he was perching upon, Eric had dealt with much. Netvore's, monsters, beasts...trying to keep anything that meant harm out of the city and now....now there was finally a moment of peace.

He was a killer by nature. Before it was mostly humans. The killer of killers, they called him. Now he killed anything that even looked at the walls of the city the wrong way. He didn't do it for Belia, nor for the people that lived on the other side of the wall. He did it because maybe, just maybe he felt like redemption was the only way to be free of this awful existence.

The few people that Eric had contact with were tolerable, though he hadnt had a chance to really get to know anyone. It was probably safer that way, but even the loneliest of beings longed for contact. Eric wasnt sure that the killer in him could tolerate much contact for long, but the human part still lingered. It yearned for something more than passing conversation and a well-placed joke. He had the bird, that crow...the one that saved him...if you could call this being saved.

Eric remained silent as he sat, watching the line of trees for any sign of movement. He had replenished the ammunition in the guns at his hip, and the sword on his back glinted with light when he moved.

The crow flew over the city to watch the perimeter. Eric could see the length of wall, and yet he wasnt satisfied. He hated that bird. He wished sometimes that it would've just left him to rot in his grave instead of calling him back to the world where he didn't really belong. Without Shelly he was nothing. He meant nothing. And he burned for her.

Could he dream, Eric supposed he would've dreamed of her. She haunted his very being, calling him home though his mission was far from over. He had to get back, and biding his time was getting tedious.

But all he could do was sit. And wait.

[info]i_purr in [info]reality_crisis

Alone, alone...(Open)

Selina didn't quite understand what was going on. The atmosphere in the Sanctuary seemed to have shifted a little after the Earthquake. Of course there hadnt been much damage to the area, for which Selina was grateful. She felt safe in the Sanctuary, safe with Jonathan to keep her company.

Despite his shift in mood.

She wasnt complaining exactly it just wasnt something she was used to seeing when it came to the Doctor. Crane was usually the type to toy and gas, but he seemed different lately. It was nice, but it made Selina uneasy. She didn't care too much for that. She felt a little bit helpless, as well, like she didn't have a solid foundation to stand on when it came to things in her current life.

She had yet to exercise her skills, not seeing any opportunity. Sam had mentioned Belia holding on to books, things that might prove valuable but Selina was done with die Festung for the moment. Returning seemed pointless.

Instead the cat-burglar found herself sitting just outside the Sanctuary, back propped against the large base of a tree. Her legs were drawn up against her chest and her arms were curled around her lower limbs, holding them gently. It was a position she found familiar. It was comforting despite the memories of her past it recalled. Often she sat that way when she was young, in the facility she'd been sent to after she'd run away from her foster parents house and she felt lonely. Abandoned.

Not that Selina minded being alone, she worked better when she only had herself and her skills to rely on, but that didn't mean she didn't want companionship. Even a friend other than Jonathan would do. She had grown to like Jonathan in their time together since her arrival, but she hadnt really had the opportunity to branch out further than Dinah and Bruce Wayne. Her list of people she could count on was short and she didn't care much for that. Sure, she wasnt exactly reliable when it came to picking a side (whichever benefited her most was often the one she chose) but out here in a world where she was unfamiliar, a friendly face was almost a reason to celebrate.

She sighed, and listened, hoping nothing dangerous dared to cross her path. Her bullwhip was tied around her waist, and a gun was sitting on the grass at her side in case she needed it. She had hated guns before, but here...oh, here she was fighting more than a circus clown or a Dark Knight. Here it was kill or be killed. No mercy. Only pain.

[info]iamthatgood in [info]reality_crisis

Recovering (Mag)

Carlos woke up to bustle of nurses poking and prodding him with needles and trying to get him to take some sort of herbal brew. He didn't have much chance to ask about Peter or anyone else in between the care. And by the time the bustle around his room stopped, he had already fallen back asleep. He woke hours later, feeling a little groggy and with no doctor or nurse in sight.

He didn't like staying still for long. Especially when he was needed. He especially hated not knowing how Evey or Peter were doing. He also couldn't help but wonder how Mag was and where she was.

He stared up at the ceiling and concentrated, trying to will his aching body to start moving. Slowly, he sat up and started to get out of bed. He wasn't sure where he would start looking for the people that he wanted to check up on, but the hospital did seem like a good place to start.