June 23rd, 2013

[info]leeloominai in [info]reality_crisis

Divergence (Peter)

(5 hours after this)

Living with Peter in die Festung had changed her in small ways. One was in how she slept. When he first gave her his bed, she slept in it as if she were still in the sarcophagus where she'd waited for her 5,000-year awakening. Then, as the comfort of a mattress unwound her bit by bit, she ended up sprawling haphazardly across the expanse of the bed, frequently making a disaster of the pillows and blankets in the process. Finally, since the night she first coaxed him to stay with her, Leeloo slept curled up on her side, face against his chest. Sometimes she twined a leg between his, sometimes she draped an arm over his waist, but always, always anchored herself to him in some way. It was comforting, and it made her feel safe, and she never felt alone. This way, she also knew when the nightmares came. Although she didn't always succeed in waking him before the screaming, she could still be right there to catch him.

And so today, Leeloo woke with one arm curled on his chest, pillowing her head, with the other arm wrapped around his side. She was warm, if somewhat sore from sleeping on blanket-covered ground. Behind the hospital, she could hear the sounds of the cityborn milling through the makeshift camp at the front of the building. The sun had reached its zenith and was sinking on the other side of the roof. Shade stretched past the tent she'd made for them. Peter's chest rose and fell steadily.

Without knowing if he were awake or not, she very carefully began disentangling herself. She wouldn't leave until he was awake, but there was surely so much to do to help die Festung get back on its feet again. She wanted to begin.