February 26th, 2013

[info]alongcameawidow in [info]reality_crisis

Intel-gathering (Enigma)

Natasha had found out quite about New Troy from both the meeting with Eric and from Clark showing her around. She still hadn't decided how she felt about the information that had been revealed. Not that her personal feelings mattered in regards to this situation. Worse than that, she had yet to decide whether or not it required action. And if so, what that action might be.

For the first time in as long as she could remember, she didn't have orders or directives. She didn't have superiors. It should have felt like freedom. Instead, she felt trapped and lost.

Those emotions, along with the memories of the absolutely addictive, mind-blowing sex that she'd had a glimpse of-were all conspiring to drive her to understand more. It was possible that she wouldn't stop until she'd uncovered every last bit of information that was required to truly understand this world and the people in it. Or until that search for knowledge killed her.

She wasn't avoiding her roommate, per se. But she did set out on her own this time. She'd heard rumors about Sanctuary and she thought it was worth looking into the colony. Maybe she thought that the journey out there would give her the chance to clear her mind or maybe she was just retreating into herself even more in light of recent events and the nature of this world.

Her reasons didn't matter in the end. What mattered was that she made her way in the direction of the small settlement on the edge of the forest that was said to be enchanted. She was seeking knowledge that could only be discovered inside the confines of the settlement that claimed to be a Sanctuary.