February 20th, 2013

[info]i_wasblind in [info]reality_crisis

Losing sight..(Narrative)

Mag had been working through a few things in the broken city she now called her home. The adjustment to her new life hadn't been easy but finally she was beginning to welcome the sun and the things that her day brought, despite any homesickness she might've still felt. She missed the stage more than anything. She missed the lights, the marquee and the people that came to hear her sing. But that part of her life was over now, and she had to accept it for what it was. Being bound to the stage by blood wasn't something she wanted. She had a good life here, and she wasn't about to regret anything she had done here or before she came. Those things had transformed her into the person she was, and still was becoming.

Mag found herself outside that day, the usual routine of making herself useful. She hadnt seen her canine friend anywhere, nor had she seen Carlos for a few days but that wasn't particularly uncommon and she wasn't about to go hunting for either the canine or the man. They would find her when they were ready. She did miss them both when they were out of sight, but they would find her when they were ready.

It had only taken a few moments of asking around to find that one of her usual dining haunts needed help cleaning up, and she volunteered without hesitation. She had been taking her time stacking plates together, and had yet to pick them up from the table when something unusual happened. Her eyesight went completely black, and her body froze as the initial reaction, causing her to look more like a statue than an actual human to anyone that would walk past and notice her.

As her vision darkened and her brown eyes held a dull, lifeless look to anyone that noticed she had changed, her vision finally began to clear though it was still extremely hazy. Instantly, she had a headache. What she didn't notice was the way her eyes seemed to flicker. The blue that usually swirled in them that caused her to be able to project images was malfunctioning. With that, the pupil itself was heavily dilated and the cloud within it had expanded, which caused her vision to be very hazy. Her blindness was trying to re-surface as her eyes could no longer withstand the atmosphere of this world.

Her eyes rolled in their sockets, trying to combat the haze, causing her instantly to be frightened. Why couldn't she see? She couldn't quite make out where she was, and she thrust her left hand outwardly to try and steady herself. She did catch a glimpse of something on her finger, squinting desperately as she lifted her hand close to her face, able to make out the outline of a ring. A ring? Was she married? Was she still with Carlos? Was there someone else? Why was this happening? That ring hadnt been there before and now she was confused as well as frightened.

"Is anyone there?" She called, sticking her hand back out into the empty air, trying to listen for any kind of a response. Slowly she shuffled forward, trying to make out the blur of the things around her. She didn't notice the tears that slowly cascaded down her face, a silent response to what she was experiencing.

After what seemed to be a lifetime of confusion, the equivalent of only fifteen minutes, Mag closed her eyes. Her ears captured familiar sounds of the establishment she was in to begin with, and once her eyes had opened again she was staring down at the stack of plates that she had been looking at when her vision had blackened. She lifted her hand up, looking at it, seeing it free of jewelry of any kind.

"What? What happend?" She breathed, confused.

"Mag, are you alright? You're crying." One of the women in the cafe asked of her, and she hadnt noticed the tears before. Offering the woman a smile, she nodded, "I'm fine, thank you." With that, Mag scooped up the plates and carried the stack to the kitchen, mind racing.

She had to find Carlos and tell him what happened. Maybe he would know what to do.