February 14th, 2013

[info]i_wasblind in [info]reality_crisis

Door for one more....(Narrative)

Mag had given it a good amount of thought over the week previous, and despite enjoying the anticpation of that soft scratching at her door, the time had come to install one for the canine. She wasn't always at her apartment to let him in, and she didn't want him to feel as if she were turning him away nor was she able to bear the thought of him waiting in the hallway or out in the cold because he had no other place to go.

So, Mag mustered up the courage to finally approach Belia and inquire if it was possible for a dog door to be installed on to her own front door, so that her canine friend could come and go as he pleased, with or without Mag having to be at home.

She went to the place that was a bit familiar to her, where she had gone the first time after meeting Carlos, and despite not having met Belia on her first trip, she was able to meet with the woman this time, who granted her the request.

Now, after having the small flap installed on the door, one just the right size to accomodate her new furry friend, Mag felt satisfied. She had helped this dog, and would treat it the way it deserved, starting with giving it a place to be. She enjoyed it's company a great deal, and so having the capability of seeing the dog when it decided to come around was thrilling.

She hoped that the next time her furry friend came around, he would appreciate the entry way she had created just for it.