January 22nd, 2013

[info]girlinacave in [info]reality_crisis

So what happened? (Sam/Fred log, cont in replies)

Fred didn’t pace. She didn’t even chew on her lip or scribble distractedly in one of her many notebooks. Sam wouldn’t just leave her. Sure, it happened, but he wouldn’t do that. Plus, when she last saw him, he was being whisked away by Cas. Things could be very bad, but he wouldn’t die without letting her know somehow. Maybe.

Instead of worrying too much over it, she decided to work on one of the smaller engines she’d found. She’d lugged, shoving it in a closet for when it was okay to pull out and work on. Taking things apart and putting them back together was calming, so that was what she did. It didn’t look as crazy as the other things she might do.

Her nose wrinkled as she wiped down one of the pieces. The build up was certainly not from a petroleum based fuel, and the ignition system...it was different. It wasn’t purely electrical, but it wasn’t what they were used to. The liquid burned like diesel, but it felt almost like gasoline. The parts of the engine were lighter than those in even the gasoline engines she knew back home. It didn’t make any sense at all.

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