December 28th, 2012

[info]andintheendfear in [info]reality_crisis

And in the end of fear....(Bruce)

Jonathan looked up as he landed, hard against the ground, groaning as he reached up to pull his mask over his head. He glanced around at the huts before him before cursing violently, laying back against the ground. Willing himself back to Gotham and not stuck in his hell again.

He finally sat up, stuffing the burlap into his pocket and switching his contacts for glasses before pushing off the ground and heading of to explore the place he had landed in, since this didn't look like the last village he had.

He hoped that he ran into someone like Beauty again...or someone with food. Food was good, Food got the person on his 'never kill' list.

[info]wayward_soldier in [info]reality_crisis

Brother-in-law, bromance-style (Aidan)

Sam had been uncertain about Dean's new friend. If he was being honest, it didn't have anything to do with Aidan himself and everything to do with the fact that this new guy had just popped up out of nowhere and was suddenly Dean's best friend, and supposedly had a thing for Fred too. It was difficult to shake the feeling of being Single White Femaled, though Sam supposed that he was probably just being extra-sensitive about the whole thing.

He hadn't wanted to take that resentment out on the guy in question because Aidan did seem like a decent guy. So instead he'd just kept his distance.

But after Aidan had had their back with the library demon and he'd kept them safe while Sam and Dean were both having an age reversal experience, Sam couldn't help but like the guy. At the very least, he wanted to thank him and try to extend the olive branch.

That was how he came to the door for Apartment 702. He took a moment and gathered up his nerves before knocking on the door. He had lunch in hand for the two of them, hoping that Aidan hadn't eaten yet.